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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. exactly!!! THIS is why we adore him, he is just sooooo dam well fine in every aspect, he even makes a cute chubbster and misery guts lmao what an excellent interview lol, I love it, even though he got asked a lot of the same old stuff, it was made different by the pics
  2. it would be difficult to find Mika a partner cos he is sooo tall but I think he would look sooo stunning in all those glitzy costumes gliding gracefully over the ice throwing women about over his shoulders *sigh* and that Arelene would just be a heap of drool on the floor when she sees how gawjus he is.
  3. OMG your both so right, Gata you made me realize that the way I feel about Mika HAS to be "like having a 3rd child" ( unfortunately I am too old for anything else lol), and having said that, then what Caz describes is exactly how you feel when you thinking about having another baby, you watch the first one growing up and it's all very exciting, and you wonder if you will ever have enough love for a 2nd one, and when it comes along you still love the first one the same, but you now find another love inside you for the 2nd one...and so it goes on for every child/album that comes along thereafter. Love is expanding and different for many things, parents/children/pets/friends/spouses/crushes.....and yeah even pop stars and albums. So yeah, just like we want to see our family do well, we want to see Mika do well, be well, be healthy, and happy, so maybe he feels like an extended extended family member to some of us, guess that is why we sometimes feel so fiercely protective of him. I think that is kinda cute of us, MIka fans are so cute love ya guys lol.
  4. eww throwing up is so horrible isn't it, but the feeling you NEED to throw up is just as bad cos you KNOW it's gonna happen you just want it to hurry up an be over with. But when it happens over and over it drains you of energy and when there is nothing left to come up, it don't half hurt you tummy muscles. The colour is probs the bile cos there is nothing left in your tum for it to chuck out. Hope your feeling better now.
  5. Doesn't it annoy you though how that M is such a scene stealer too, just cos it's huge and white and Mika stands on and sometimes pulls evil scary faces on it, it seems to think it's all centre stage n all that
  6. I don't understand how this one works I mean wth do you need to say what your fave radio station is for...DURRR I never listen to radios cos I always have my LICM album on pfft, and anyway I would have picked my local one but it's not on there anyway stoopy things. also, how many times can you vote and why can u only vote for mika in 1 section when he is up for 4 nominations I'm rather confused but sat re voting for about 40 times any way just in case it made a difference to the millions of people Simon has paid to sit with their fingers on LL's vote button
  7. she doesn't even write her own songs does she, (and her shy "I don't think I am a good singer" act was just that, an act cos she went to Italia Conti performing school in London so she will have KNOWN she had a great voice. (I reckon that was all just a publicity stunt to get the public on her side for more votes). So your right, she just has NOT earned the right to a Brit award yet, it really does look like it could be fixed and if SHE wins at all then we will know it is and that talent doesn't come into it, it's more to do with how much dosh your promoters/managers/etc etc can throw around to get their artist where they want them to be and bet they even pay off the big wigs pfft grumble grumble.
  8. yeah go Rak...we shall all go and call them all pooface cheaters so there!
  9. aww think we should help em don't you I cast my voteS http://www.mtv.co.uk/channel/mtvuk/home/09012008/395394/spanking_new_for_2008_your_choice
  10. Hmmm let me think... £90 for ticket, £120.00 for trains as its so late to book em now, £80.00 for a room plus meals and maybe tube or taxi's. So over 300 quid and a bollocking off my boss for taking even more time off work when I am already going to the Feb gigs, a telling off by my hubby for being so obsessive and a telling off from Vix for not taking or paying for her too. am I gonna do it.... YES!! NAAAAH lmao can't afford all that I am afraid, (can't say I wasn't tempted though cos I did a quick tot up of the costs lol)
  11. when and where though I'm already in London in feb for the mika gigs so going back again so soon might be a no no.
  12. is it still not announced yet, is it on tv or radio?
  13. well I guess it's gonna happen one day folks, just take this as a practice run :naughty:
  14. yeah it's not like she is better than Mika far from it, it's just cos of the x factor audience who lets face it, will forget all about her by the time next years contestants are on the scene. I hate how it all works these days but I guess Mika will know the score sucks too.
  15. neither do I cos that "oh I am so shy and don't know if I am a good enough singer" tripe was tripe cos she attended Itallia Conti in London so she will have known she could sing pfft.
  16. yeey wish he had beat leona though pffft.
  17. I adore Mika's laugh too that is why my phone giggles all the time at me and I get funny looks off people lol and why we gave him it in our little Mini Mika bear. I did hear a guy on tv once who laughed like him and I kept looking up at the tv every time this guy laughed thinking it was him.
  18. :naughty: oh what fun we had, it didn't really turn out bad, la la la if Mika saw THIS then he would run a mile from her http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0n8M7MJTQ8&NR=1 he maybe would prefer a bit of a camp Joseph http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMTe08ZFitI (ha ha yes it's the bee hiding in those disguises).
  19. I must admit I am a bit terrified of getting stranded at Brixton due to hanging about in the hope of a quick hello from Mika and I will be sooo tempted to hang about too and miss the last tube home, I have no idea yet where I am gonna be staying or where is best cos I have 5 nights and the gigs are Hammersmith Brixton and we go to see wicked at Victoria area I think too also our trains are fro kings cross so I am all confused about what area is best to get to and from late at night when you don't know the area at all.
  20. awww don't worry it might be just a wild and crazy fling...it's gotta happen sooner or later and as long as he isn't a tart about it then good luck to him
  21. Well the Leeds gig in May was wrong in a few places even on his my space and the competition thread so don't hold your breath and he better NOT have arranged another gig for then cos I have just booked up for our WICKED tix and I don't want to have to try to sell em on ebay just in the off chance I get to go to another Mika gig and if I DON'T go I will be soo hacked off if I hear how wonderful it was with a private party and holiday to Florida with Mika and all sorts of miraculous things.
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