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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. oh yes she does try googling Victoria Bilton or Vicky Bilton or Vix Bilton
  2. BABS.....Suzy says you run a DODGY establishment !!!
  3. Yes Babs I think we have talked about it, but it was good of you to throw in the red herring (or was it a haddock) so as not to have marauding our little village next time they meet up.:naughty: (BTW can you get her to stop calling you baby spanky to me) she cant seem to say your name right lol.
  4. How do you think I felt when she opened this present after Christmas dinner, she had been dying to know what was in the pkt her boss had given her, but we were laughing so loud as she read it, it was so so funny (was I a bit green? hell yeah lol). I was dying for her to post it on here, I think it was kind of her not to make you all suffer by revealing it was not entirely true . Lets hope the big curly one will see the funny sign and if we get to meet him maybe he will sign it for her. PS. what an excellent boss my daughter has for thinking of this lol (she is the principle of her stage school (Stagecoach Theatre Arts).:naughty:
  5. think monkeys...brass ones and you may get a clue, and our weather is so unpredictable who knows what it will do. It's always a bit warmer in Londond too than it is up t'north.
  6. I think his face looks too thin on this one, I prefer the first one.
  7. hmmm I don't think she is like Amy Winehouse at all she sounds just the same as Kate Nash to me, well on that song anyway, I only listened to that I must admit, so....as there is already a Kate Nash....then...she is same.
  8. :roftl::roftl:LMAO what a comment and that as your av too you naughty person I can just imagine if all the MFC give him home made chickens lmao do you think he would groan inside his sweet and grateful smile or do you think he would start a collection and think it great fun?
  9. I love casualty too ahh Charlie..... and Duffy there have been so many good characters, I also like Holby City but I do have to hide behind my hands when they get gory.
  10. Yeah it could be knew cos I hadn't heard him say he prefers London to Paris before, but yeah they do keep asking the same stuff (that must get soo tiresome, he should just get a tape and play his generic answer, that would shut em up) lol. Thank you for posting and of course the translation without I would not have understood a word.
  11. I was talking bout the crowd Rak, I know a guy from my work who went and when I asked if he had watched Mika he said "NO WAY" kinda thing, I told him I was disappointedly in him and that he didn't know what he had missed pfft as if he didn't go see Mika while he was at the festival.
  12. I think I voted 100 times cos I just copied the code into the big box and over and over every time it said done dunno if that works but I did try.
  13. yeey hes got his bumble bee socks on
  14. .....It was ok I was running late for work (as usual) but at least the boss wasn't in yet to catch me so nothing out of the ordinary until on my way home, was nearly home too when my car got rear ended at a roundabout (she thought I was going to go pfft). .....Well I've never been hit while I was driving before (in fact the only other time was in my other care when my hubby was driving and we got rear ended again), but I still got a huge shock and everything flew out of my bag and off the back seat n stoof, and I felt a bit dazed for a few moments till I realized where I was and what had happened and that the car was slowly rolling back, so I put the handbrake on quick and the other lady was getting out of her car. .....Well we swapped numbers and her car had lots more damage than mine as mines just got a dent in the boot that makes it harder to open. (pffft we had the lead nicked off our roof entrance too on new years eve). :badmood:Then to top the lot I got all angry and upset after trying for 2 weeks to amend my hotel booking for my London Mika gigs and it wont let me do it online, :throw:eventually I tried to ring them, and to cut a long story short I have rang them about 15 times in the last 3 days, I have spent about 3-4 hours either on the phone or on hold or trying to get through in the first place, it's bloody ridiculous, the only way I could get through was via the automated messages menu, then the transfer to customer services, then her boss cos she couldn't sort it, then his boss cos HE couldn't sort it, then HIS boss cos he couldn't sort it, then "Oh give us your number and we will ring you tomorrow and sort it when we have spoken to another boss". .....This has been the rigmarole every time I have tried to ring and it's finally made me loose it today, in fact I got sooo frustrated by it all I ended up in tears (yeah sad I know but it was soooooo bloody annoying). .....They said your gonna HAVE to cancel it then we will refund it..yeah right, did that tried to ring the number he gave me.....40 mins later when I got through via Lisa (their automated message thing AGAIN!!), HE HAD GONE HOME so I had to tell the tale to yet ANOTHER PERSON!! It's STILL not sorted, I have given them my number yet again told the tale to about 20 different people at their stupid call centre!! .....I now need to compose a letter of complaint and try not to swear, I was going to use them too to stay at Battersea cos I know some other MFCers are staying at the same place. My rant is over, sorry folks for being moany but my head and neck still hurt.
  15. well if any of us get vip we know who we can stay with at short notice then nice of you to offer :naughty:
  16. I agree, that is how I felt when I read this interview, and I am the same too, your left wondering, your inner voice gives you a little dig as if to say *ha ha, see they were right all along, your a weirdo/ugly/useless/ etc etc* whatever it is they chose to bully about. The self doubt can be well hidden but it is not so easy to totally get over it. But Mika has an awesome sense of humour and fun that is one of his most endearing qualities, but he probably felt a little uncomfortable in front of PM and maybe even wondered to himself if PM knew much about him at all. (now he knows how WE feel in front of him lol, well some of us). Also about the festivals, if I was Mika I wouldn't like doing them, cos aren't a lot of the bands and people who go to them sorta with the "in" crowd, and Mika is classed as uncool by a lot of people, they do have a kind of snobbery about it too and so maybe a lot of them wouldn't like to be "seen" going to watch him (they are of course fools, cos they have no idea what they are missing), but I guess Mika was used to that kind of reaction in the beginning but not so much now cos WE LOVE HIM lol but it could feel ratehr uncomfortable now. ps. I hate arena's I would hate to have to go to another one of those to see him (you may as well just stay and watch tv cos that is all you see. Anyway thank you for posting it.
  17. woo and yeeey go MIKA I can't wait for the day those ppl who snigger at me at work or say Mika is sh*t etc etc I can't wait till they eat their words and you mark MY words that day is approaching fast... it's so annoying that they diss him and have only heard one song or maybe cos they are into diff type of music doesn't make him sh*t (though I guess I think the same of rap ).
  18. ha ha just look for BIG HAIR (if you can manage to see it over the big fake jumblies of some attention seeker that is.
  19. YOU CANT BE SO NAMBY PAMBY about it mikafish the great giver of jars of chicken to night, IT WAS CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN
  20. no but my son has a few times and he says they are totally awesome, he loves em...I love em my very freak out fave is "PLUG IN BABY" (woah that intro...get in!!!), I loves Bliss, UNINTENDED!!!wahoo get in (bows). sing for absolution, super massive black holes, starlight (woo hoo), New born (bows), Knights of cydonia, blackout (woo hoo), ENDLESSLY!!! wahooo (bows), Soldier's Poem. Gosh I forgot how many of theirs songs I love cos all I have listened to mostly since he bounded into my senses is MIKA!!! Mika looks well chuffed to meeting him on this great pic, where is it from? PS where did he say he liked them?
  21. 5p...5p!!!!! don't you mean sixpence...pfft Rak you MUST be old if you cant even remember the proper coinage (I of course just googled it as I am a mere whipper, snapper), well I was last time I looked and that was when the mirror cracked so it may have been a few weeks ago or so. OH NO DOG...walk.....cold...pffftt. PS, the bee's gone in the bath (needed it too I say, but SHHHHH dont tell her I said so).
  22. HARLET!!! throwing yourself at any male who happens to stroll into our cosy club pffft whatever next. Men DO get rather spoiled in this here harem methinks.
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