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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. Oh I feel another song coming on......chick chick chick chick CHICKEN make up new words for me.....
  2. I confess to being a bit our of touch with the charts these days and how they work, I could never understand why ppl release so many songs off an album as singles cos surely ppl will buy the album not the singles *confusing* but hey if you lot say its all great st0ofs then I believe ya woo hooo and yey. :naughty:oh it was sooo good today while I was having my hair done cos my hairdresser rather likes Mika too, she has his album but has never seen him live but she understands my er....mid-life *he is godam hot eyecandy* crisis I have going on lol, I told her I of course am very attracted to his personality and his music kicks ass as well. Her hubby aint all that impressed that she has a sly drool over Mika on tv though .
  3. mmmmm niiiiiice ( I also like the ringmaster one that's up there now too).
  4. congrats on your 500th post lol and your story sounds similar to mine doesn't it.
  5. pfft well my fingers hurt now I have just voted about 90 times cos you have to vote in 3 categories and his score did NOT budge at all, I think they have turned his scoring off.
  6. aww poor Mika he doesn't stand a chance have you seen how much liar Lewis has (I say that cos she used to pretend she thought she couldn't sing etc yet she went to stage school so that says lots to me.
  7. oh yes I can't disagree with that they are fab, my son says they are awesome live too.
  8. OOOOH yes its godam fantastic luv it luv it luv it I'd take strong mints (he might have had garlic ) 1 pkt of calms (in case he has a panic attack) a pkt of tissues for the drool (embarrassing I know).
  9. buy some red sparkly shoes stand and Q for about 10 hours in the freezing cold till your frozen to the spot then when you know he is in the building click your heels together and say this 3 times "There's no place like mika's dressing room, There's no place like mika's dressing room, There's no place like mika's dressing room" then hopefully you should be there with him, if not.....er....take the shoes back for a refund.
  10. you mean this one.. I thought CHICKEN was Only true in fairy tales Meant for someone else But not KFC CHICKEN was out to get to me That's the way it seems POU-L-TRY haunted All my dreams And then I saw SOME MACE Now I'm a believer Not a trace Of doubt in my mind I'm in love I'm a believer I couldn't leave her If I tried I thought CHICKEN was More or less a given thing It seems the more I gave the less I got, oh yeah What's the use in FLYING WHEN YOUR TOP IN FOOD CHAIN When I wanted sunshine I got GRAIN ETC ETC ETC
  11. hahaha :roftl: get in I KNEW it was CHICKEN oh yes *I'm a believer yes a believer nah nah nah
  12. I don't see where it says you win a car though, I entered it for the Mikaness of it all but if they throw in a pretty little car too then HEY I wont complain (cos I am obviously gonna win).:naughty: Well if by some miracle I do then er...it would be a rush job to get trains and hotels in London all over again gosh why do they have to leave it all till the last minute, but looking on the bright side if I won the car I could SLEEP in it if I couldn't find a room lol.
  13. yeah I was thinking that, lol he is gonna think we are obsessed and hell WHY NOT I hear chicken every time so I voted chicken though I don't think he finishes the word off so there is no N and NO T so this very important debate will continue until the big M puts us out of our misery, but if he were to pop onto this thread he would see he has given us more fun than misery and will leave us to enjoy his naughtiness forever o0o0o0o0o0 I really like this guys daft sense of humour.
  14. why thank you very much and now I can go to bed and sleep soundly.
  15. :naughty: thank you kittie88 I was waiting for someone to pop by and encourage me to post my.................... .2000th post
  16. now should I post my 2000th post here on in the millionth post thread hmmm or shud I make a totally NEW thread for it....nah that is too O.T.T lol.
  17. oh whats this all about have I missed this thread in the past, my apple pose pic is a moving one does that count? if so what do I do with it?
  18. ooooo only 4 left to do waheeeey
  19. yeeey oh your all so lovely and supportive I shall keep posting then' date=' I am sure I can think of "important" things to post[/color'].
  20. yeah Iv'e seen that before, you can get some really silly stuff on utube these days lol.
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