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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. oh no!!!! I forgot to pass my 2000th post by midnight I HAVE FAILED
  2. Thanks for posting this that Mika guy is really naughty lol love him for it so I do. ooo only 8 to go
  3. yeah I know he would be all giggly and st0of I think I would pee my pants though in the excitement and that would never do. With HIS imagination though he would have em doing all sortsa funny st0of.
  4. who ever blows out MY candles is gonna have to have some big lungs, it's gonna take a lorra lorra puffs. or maybe just one BIG puff.
  5. just a random thought...I WANT MIKA TO HIJACK BIG BROTHER.....he would be sooo funny.
  6. lol that sounds so Dorothy...."and I LOVE you all" I'm parttying all alone with my BAYLIES
  7. hello and welcome waht we lovingly know as MFC the place to be
  8. I'm on my laptop but it all seems ok so far so good
  9. what have I missed how do you know Mika has a smooth bum?
  10. thank you I don't have too many to go so by midnight.........
  11. I need to post lots of random messages about anything and everything today as I fancy hitting my 2000 post today
  12. yeah it made me smirk too seems ok right now for me honey
  13. Before sad lonely spent a lot of time writing poetry spent a lot of time on poetry sites Had never driven on a motorway had never been to London alone had never met strangers and shared the same room with them had never walked through London dressed as teh weirdest nun ever listened to other music didnt hanker after young men quite shy till you get to know me then mad and crazy hate me After happier have more friends (online) but less in real life spend all my spare time on MFC Hardly write any poetry now cos I am happier Drove down a motorway to see Mika went at the drop of a hat to London to see Mika shared a room/hostel with strangers I had only spoken to a little bit online walked through London and didnt care at the stares at my crazy gear found a man who makes me interested in every word he says rarely lilsten to anything other than Mika now, it's not that I don't like other stuff I just can't stop listening to Mika:mf_lustslow: hanker after one young man only (but not really really seriously). quite shy till you get to know me then mad and crazy have a pang to want to know this person well and have no right to want that still hate me though
  14. My dearest MFC, Happy 1st birthday to you, my hubby thinks I am having an online affair with you, I am of course and it's no secret that I think about you nearly all the time, I fear I may have an obsession that needs dealing with. It's true you have led me down a daring path of excitement and there has been much of that since I first made friends with you way back when.... sigh those were heady days indeed. But you have encouraged me to do many things that have done me the world of good, and helped me make and meet lots of new friends. My only fear is that I cannot go for long without visiting you, I do think I have an addiction as I get irriated if I miss out on my MFC time, oh yes my hubby playfully taunts me saying "and where are you off to? tap tap tapping oh Mika I love you tap tap" to which I reply "of course" as there is no point in hiding my obsession/addiction and they say once you accept it your halfway there anyway. But to be honest, I don't really want to be cured because Mika needs me...us (ok ok well I like to think so) but *in re-al-ity* (oops sorry went into a song just then) as I was saying ...in reality it's me who needs Mika and MFC because without them I would not be a quirky eccentric ol' biddy who dresses up sometimes in wacky costumes and follows a gorjus young fellow young enough to be her son to many gigs, just to hear him sing like an angel and smile and giggle and act like a beautiful and fabulous human being, so thank you MFC and Mika for enriching my life and hope you have many more birthdays and I hope I will still be around being odd and weird and eccentric enough to enjoy them.
  15. hey look at me soon I will be passing my 2,000th post I'm more of a lurker and reader than a poster most of the time though. I shall have to make a big song and dance about it and not forget to look as it draws closer.
  16. Iv'e not heard the original song so I quite like this one, it's not one of my faves I prefer the ones he did on Jooles Hognanny show thing to it, but I still quite liked it.
  17. ha ha this is gonna keep ppl posting like crazy lots of random nothingness just in case. Now remind me how on earth do you find out how many posts in total have been posted cos if I click up there top right on the #blah blah, it just makes the page bigger. And I think the best prize ever would be tea and tiffiin with the big M, I am sure that can be arranged he aint THAT busy is he.
  18. is Mika on your desktop like he is on probs about 75% of ours? have you and Mika exchanged gifts (are you gonna tell us what ) have you ever been seen/caught totally freaking out to a song in your car? have you ever used this sentence "Do you KNOW who I am"? have you ever been abducted by aliens? thongs for all, yes or no? what is your very fave Mika lyric? do you ever want to scream at the idiots who leave hate mail on your site? when was the last time you ironed your own shirt? would you ever have cosmetic surgery? Hmm think that's enough randomness for now.
  19. this sig makes me smile a lot, and so does Mika well yeah he makes me go weak at the knees a lot too:bleh:
  20. if he doesn't we will all be bitterly disappointed and we shall shun him at all future gigs...ok ok maybe that is too harsh, we shall just snub him when we have waited 3 hours for him to come outside, we shall just go..OOOO here here comes and all stick our noses in the air, turn our backs and fold our arms, THAT'LL TEACH HIM!! OH and he better wear new clothes we don't wanna see him in a t.shirt more than once, pffft,
  21. I think we need the CHICKEN part of the song on an mp3 please...so who's the mp3 making genius on here then, (it aint me I'm pappy at all things tecky lol, I can't even spell it).
  22. hahahahha :roftl::naughty: oh doh how dumb am I for not knowing that, T4TM
  23. *faints*....I love that pic its soooo dreamy but when I see it THAT big I just have to pick myself from the puddle I turn into on the floor.....sigh...
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