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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. agreed, cos that would be a Mika we are not used to.
  2. What does that stand for? cos I am looking for a video of Mika at T4 Paris singing SITM (apparently a few words of it were sang in a Geordie accent and I wanna hear it)
  3. I'm just luving your sig woo hoo Frankenfurter rox
  4. I feel the same I have liked all my gigs for different reasons, the worst was probs Leeds but it was my 1st one so it's special purely for that. somerset House was next and 1st time I got to front and 1st time I met him Manchester 1st time I took Vix and 1st time SHE met him Doncaster just awesome cos he got given the Quilt and the Q-ing was indoors and lots of MFCers Newcastle Excellent cos the atmosphere was electric Mika was sh*t hot and we gave him our Mika giggle bear. Also he displayed the quilt on the drums and we were at the front again and extremely excited t see it there Hammersmith the worst cos he was ill and had to postpone it though it was nice to meet the band and the other MFCers and to get the msge off him. I don't think my 3 Feb gigs are going to be as good as those ones, I think it's going to be soo cold to Q for hours and hours, I think some of the fans sound to have gone nuts with their antics of leaping on cars and the like, and I think the travelling on tubes from Brixton scares me to hell lol. (still not decided if to stay in Hammersmith, Kings Cross or Battersea or where but I better hurry as time is running out).
  5. I think Mika should host a private party for all MFC members, it would obviously have to be at Wembley as there are so many of us but he would also have to come and greet us all personally n have good chat with us and I expect him to pay for our hotels and transport etc, it's not TOO much to ask is it? OH you think it is...hmmmm then I guess we will just have to all get drunk and post garbled messages on here then instead lol nealy as good as my 1st suggestion.
  6. yeey wow wish I had gone to that gig but I guess I just can't go to ALL of them.
  7. true Freddie, one likes a little stuffing at dinnertime. I mean the least you can do to the old bird once you have plucked it is to stuff it a little to make it a real treat
  8. I think I did Freddie well...MFC did (I can see why chicken has this connotation though if you think what you have to do to it before you eat it though.
  9. incidentally.......did anyone get stuffing with their Christmas chicken/turkey/poultry etc etc:bleh:
  10. YES YES YES Mika knows AAAALLLL about it so does Andy and no doubt they all do including his manager I would guess, and now half the universe who ever visits this thread as its aallllllll about the chicken
  11. I wonder if I have any on my myspace if I have nick them I don't mind
  12. hehe:naughty::naughty:it's hard not to really lol, I think it was made for a geordie accent
  13. lmao it was in fact though SITM I'll have to ask her what part when she gets back. maybe it went like this... Stuck In The Middle (Geordie Style) A sit n think aboot the daay that ya ganna die, 'Coz ya wrinkled eyes betrayed the joy with which yu smiled. Care tu see me reason? Care tu put ya life in mine? Lukin' at life from the perspective of a lad Whu's learnt tu luv yu but has aa-lso learned tu grow. Cud wu make it betta, stormy weatha? So hard tu kno. Oh, oh, oh - Is there anybody yem? Who will believe uz, won't deceive uz, who'll try tu change uz? Ah, ah, ah - Is there anybody yem? Who wants tu have uz, just tu luv uz? Stuuck in the middle. A luk at yeey, Yu luk at me, Wu bite each utha. n with ya betta woards yu kick uz in the gutta. But me troops are bigga than yours 'Cuz yu'll neva stand me fight. Owas is a familee that's based upon tradition But with me careless woards I tread upon ya vision. Arr five kids betta than one, whu'd busy lyke tu be gone? Oh, oh, oh - Is there anybody yem? Who will believe uz, won't deceive uz, who'll try tu change uz? Ah, ah, ah - Is there anybody yem? Who wants tu have uz, just tu luv uz? Stuuck in the middle. yeh..yeh..yeh (man) This is tu me name, This ain't a pretty plan tu break ya hart of me. A kno that wharra startud means that when we'uve partud A cun live in honesty. Oh, oh, oh - Is there anybody yem? Who will believe uz, won't deceive uz, who'll try tu change uz? Ah, ah, ah - Is there anybody yem? Who wants tu have uz, just tu luv uz? Stuk in the middle, Stuk in the middle, Stuk in the middle, Stuk in the middle Please feel free to correct my Geordiness Freddie as it's years since I lived up that neck o the woods (i'm a smoggie now).
  14. NOOOO I wish I had that's what I have been asking on here since she told me (I have tried to utube it but I cant find it and she aint home till the weekend)
  15. OMG that is waaaay too scary....thats one hell of a BIIIIIIG chicken there.
  16. me tooo *does the hand* (well everyone else is doin' it doin' doin' it gotta lurrrve that mans humour :naughty: it's one of his fab bits (after the chicken that is)
  17. hey now Freddie meluv I agree it's chicken so no need to get a strop on did you see it (I was at work and didn't see it I am dying to know if it's true or she just made it up to get me all steamed up) lol. but our Vix said he sang a few words of SITM in Paris I think on T4 or something the other day in a GEORDIE accent
  18. hey I have seen him topless and there are NO boobies moobies or any other protrudences that should NOT be there.
  19. It used to be on an old uk advert a few years ago, but he DOES know what it means now cos Andy said they knew what it means when HJ tried to give him a jar of NO Chicken Tonight in Doncaster, and he wouldn't accept it or sign it cos it meant he was either getting chicken tonight or signing of r chicken tonight...he's a shrewd boy and on the ball lol. Also we have to remember he likes to play around with lyrics and make them dirty as I think he has a naughty sense of humour at times.
  20. haha well now you mention it I think he has been getting a little more raunchy lately cos at Newcastle when he sang BIG BUST ON he looked at Vix while making grabbing gestures to his moobies and had a pervy face on lol. So CHICKEN is a defo that is what I hear every time, whether he meant it that way or not he sang it and its even more fun that he did whether he meant to or not.
  21. we had a real nice start to our new year, some b*stard nicked 800 quids worth of lead off our roof and we only noticed it yesterday so that was nice of the thieving little ...... ooooo it makes me so mad that you can't have anything nice that you have worked for in life without some selfish prat stealing it from you. We wont be able to get it fixed till the roofers go back to wrok pfft. sorry off topic and rant over, im off to bed now.
  22. Aww I don't really mind her getting involved in the show, I would think she was boring if she didn't. My main focus is on Mika most of the time anyway so not much gets in the way of that apart from bouncers now THEY get on my nerves having their heads in the way
  23. grr I want to change the kachingle bells in my sig now its over xmas and all i get is too many bb codes st0ofs, it always does that to me even though what i want to put is the same number of letters grrrrr!!!!!
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