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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. if he ever does it at gigs and I HOPE he does he HAS to sing CHICKEN again, cos he MUST have sang that for us just so we would all have kittens and go ga ga and look .....we have....well I have .
  2. yes Ruth go lie down for a fair few hours lol till the booze wears off :naughty: ps Caroline, Martin was playing guitar when Mika did Grace Kelly he was in the background. didnt see Luke at all though but saw everyone else
  3. what did he say about chicken Freddie I missed that cos vix rang me to wish me a happy new year the thoughtless girl
  4. a character from one of our shows, he is an actor called David tennant, he's kinda cute.
  5. PMSL, how observant of you babs though in reality not hard to spot cos Mika is gorjus:roftl:
  6. waaaaaah dr. who is grooving it up:naughty: That lady is hogging the mike and not letting Kylie have a look in lol, whereas Mika keeps giving the ppl near him a go
  7. Oh I just saw Mikey too now, wonder why he wasn't playing, pffft bet he's well hacked off, maybe that's why Mika looked annoyed during Grace kelly and looks a bit...dunno like he aint very comfy there. NO MORE MIKA OOOOOO just saw Cherisse
  8. lmao some of the ppl in the background look bored sh*tless mind kate nash is back on...maybe that is why (not keen on her style of er...."singing").
  9. LOl maybe he is thinking I could be out on the town tonight having fun with mates instead of stuck here with no one to talk to:sneaky2: and I dunno if he is gonna do any more and I have to go to work tomorrow but I aint budging in case he is on again.
  10. Aww I felt a bit sorry for him, he kinda looks a bit lost, like he has no real friends to chat to in between, he looks kinda awkward and shy everytime he is in shot. I didn't hear the chicken thing though:punk: lol woo hoo cant wait to see it on Babs vids, but I DID see Sarahnayde a few times looking fab and singing witht he choir ppl. oh and Martin of course. ps. was it me or did he hit a bum note on the piano during Graace Kelly heh heh
  11. am I dumb or does that link to my blog? anyway he is wearing green velvet and looks beautiful :wub2: gonna go get me a Bailies now and have my own sad little Mika worshipping party HAPPY THINGY EVERYONE (I'm at wrok tomorrow pfft ).
  12. wooooo he's in green velvet suit :wub2: I am a sad woman just sat in waiting for him to cheer me up. (but while I wait I hear the bailies bottle calling me :naughty:
  13. oh yes I was there at the time but left em to it, I'm sick of hearing Mika waffling on to journo's pfft I could've told that journo Mika story myself I have heard it so many times could've saved him the bother. is KATA in UK AGAIN and I bet Mika does a song at the piano, well that's what I am expecting. Anyhoo I am a saddo in my pc room alone waiting for my darling Mika to cheer up my sad sad life and while I wait I think I need a.......BAILIES or 2 ooooo just spotted him in GREEN VELVET woo hooo love :wub2:
  14. it's waaaay better than the old pic, I was never fond of that pic of him it seemed stiff, this is a more natural and fun looking Mika just how we like him.
  15. ewww that first pic is awful, he hardly looks like himself, I think it's too touched up and that T.shirt is vile, the 2nd pic is really lovely though.
  16. Oh I read this great interview yesterday, it's nice to see the pics, (I like the bit o fluff peeking out the top of his rather fetching spotty shirt), it's funny cos he is in a spotty shirt but a bit o fluff makes him look more masculine and rather sexy. wish I had known about this I would have bought the magazine of paper or whatever pfft too late now. It's a really really good interview though.
  17. yep I don't think it ever went away lol, I had just forgotten exactly what it said doh lol. and how on earth do you make moving little thingies from your vids? pps he is just such a beautiful person (gush gush) lol:bleh:
  18. Oh this was a fabulous interview it made me smile all the way thrugh it, it seemed as if the journalist "got" Mika it makes my blood boil when ppl write rubbish and immature comments about him or copy and paste pap from god knows where to fill their poxy papers etc instead of really getting to grips with how he works and the magic he creates all around him (I may sound gushy hear but I don't care this is how he makes me feel and why should I try to calm it down), NO I am doing and saying what I want to I don't know where this was seen but I wholeheartedly agree and used to have "a bottle of Mika's laugh is the cure for depression" in my sig for aaages and I believe it too. He certainly has brought so much sunshine into MY hum drum boring existence, I laugh and joke to my friends and work colleges about my mid life crisis called Mika, he has given me a reason to get right out of my comfort zone and do things I never had the courage to do before, they may not be HUGE steps to some but to ME they were/are. I have found myself having such a fond affection for him, for WHO he is and I challenge everyone who DARES to to say bad things about him when they no nothing about him (yeah it's a bit like protecting your own kinda thing), so I guess I DO feel protective of him (not saying he is mine or ours, but you know what I mean). He has inspired my daughter (Bumblebee_Vix) to keep plodding on along the performing arts route (and she recently got accepted into Italia conti in London and should go there in October), she was just about to give up on it all but she read all the stuff that happened to him and kept applying and going to auditions, at least her dreams have not died now and who knows...one day she may make it herself and I believe if we don't have dreams and and goals then what have we got. Anyway sorry I waffled on again.
  19. yep bee and I are going to all 3 London gigs (need to get booked up at a hotel or something soon really), and yes...it was quite a schock to see HJ de-robe himself and give it to the promoters. It would be great to see you both again Vix really got on with HJ, they just seemed to click, think you lot had a ball in Asda getting your chicken tonight for the big M. Merry chrimble, happy new year and hope your well.
  20. I couldn't agree more, I think it's fine to go away for toilet or coffee breaks a couple of times but to expect to get there and ask someone ELSE to stand there all day in the freezing cold to keep YOUR place while you bugger off for hours is totally unfair, but I have seen it done, I have also seen ppl try to sneak in at the front of the queue after arriving hours and hours later than those who have queued nearly all day, and I have seen ppl hovering about near the front of the queue hoping very near to the time they open them to jump in as soon as they open them to let us in. I also think it's a cheek to try to push your way to the front, at a few gigs we had ppl come and stand behind us trying to push in front of the people who were behind us and the lady behind me told them in no uncertain terms that she had been there the whole time and their lies about they had been here all the time but nipped out to the loo did NOT wash. It was also very irritating at Newcastle when some girls behind us deliberately stood there with their elbows in our backs right up until Mika came on then thankfully by then I think they realized that we were NOT going to let them have our place after we had queued long enough for it. I know it's a free for all as soon as they let you in too but that is just how it goes.
  21. yeah they know when he looks hot too and that is nearly all the time, but I agree with the hoodie one I don't like them on him unless he keeps the hood DOWN, and the shorts one...well HE looks hot, his shorts however...hmmm I've seen worse I guess.
  22. wahhhhh LMBFWAO how dum da da dee da dee dum am I though I anm sure he will still be gorgeous even at that ripe old age lol.oh and er...I am rather more conuzzled now I read this er just when was this blog posted andi?
  23. Yes he was lovely at Hammersmith and really funny too, HAPPY CHRISTMAS Luke and hope 2998 is just as awesome for ya.
  24. aww thanks for posting the link, can't wait to get the link to the utube one as I have no idea how to do it (it's a magical thing to get vids onto utube or take stills off them or little moving clips, I think fairies do it for a few special ppl), Mika says he is special on this vid so maybe he has fairies in his garden too. I think the poor boy has fleas though all that scatting about under his shirt, I would have scratched his back for him if only he had asked me to. Is that guy a giant or what cos even Mika seemed to be looking UP at him and Mika is a whopping and truly sexy 6ft 4" as it is.
  25. I have seen MANY of Mika's stockings (some are bumble bee like) but I am totally confused as to why he suddenly wears a purple wizard hat, but I am sure it's all quite a harmless fashion thing.
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