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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. YEEEY as you can see by the bear we made and gave to Mika after the Newcastle gig WE are a huge fan of that t.shirt dunno why it's just fab. (ps. he liked the bear, it has his giggle in inside it and asked to keep it then took it on stage at 2 other gigs, we were not at them but heard about it)
  2. Thank you Helen that beats my typing effort hands down lol.
  3. (I can't type fast enough guys sorry but I'll try to type some of what he says ) GRACE KELLY plays first then some chat... you don't know when its gonna go well or wrong he went thru bumpy ride in press gets good and bad reviews ( he mentioned the review in Manchester the scathing one). RELAX plays... more chat the press don't write good stuff about big girl cos its guys but Paul went to show ans saw crowd reaction and he says he wrote it for his mum and cos he got picked on for me being big (then he goes into the Victoria Wood documentary stuff), he says its a joyful song. He says he was chubby as a boy but lost it all by around age 15 and he thinks he is skinny now he still thinks he has big hips 34/35" hips he says he has his Lebanese grandmothers hips, (he can't believe he just said that on radio). BIG GIRL plays.....more chat the disappoint for you this year was America wouldn't play your stuff, he thinks he doesn't get radio support from America is cos the way he sings and the lyric about Grace Kelly and they think he wants to be a woman and then love today they say he sings in the rage of a woman, he sees the America as a challenge cos of their preconceptions n its hugely disappointing. Paul says its like bee guess singing range thing so can't understand why they have a prob with it. LOVE TODAY plays....more chat (think he has moved on now, sorry guys I tried to get a bit of what he said but my typing is poo and slow lol)
  4. wahoooo GRACE KELLY 1st.....wish I cud ring in or email in he is gonna chat to him wahoooo
  5. I hope I got the right channel cos I dunno how to record it either.
  6. Hey Caz was there an "A" in your guys or did you mean was that some kinda Freudian slip.
  7. He's already had build a bears so I guess it wont have to be one of those, and as he probs aint even gonna get it in the end then it can be a smaller cheaper one and one that is easy to post, take to gigs, etc, maybe it wont have to be a bear at all I think it should be a ......CHICKEN.
  8. OOo this sounds fun, can I have sned the bear on when it's back in the UK please. I think a small-ish bear would be cheaper for posting and for carrying around to gigs etc if that is where he wants to go. (If I got him when the London gigs are on I would have taken him to see Wicked with us but I think he is gonna be otherwise engaged that week. Mika may just want to keep the bear as he asked if he could keep the one WE gave him (it's the giggle bear in my avatar pic, then he took it on stage a few times to other gigs (but I wasn't at those gigs so I have only heard about it not seen any pics or vids of him with it sadly. It would be awesome if he joined in then gave the bear to Andy or someone to give back to one of us at a gig. He could take pics of it on stage (though I think WE would all take pics of that lol). or maybe he could take it somewhere even MORE unusual lol....it sounds so much fun this.
  9. there are NONE its SUNDAY aint it
  10. yeey thanx babs, I'll have to copy this lot so I dont forget to watch it all.
  11. Hmmm, interesting, about Saranayde, Ive spoken to her a few times after gigs and she is always really sweet and very nice about pics and stuff, on stage I have to admit that I really concentrate on Mika so she doesn't really get in the way too much for me, and I guess I am giving her the benefit of the doubt and putting it down to wanting to give it her all because if she just stood there and sang I am sure she would get comments about not joining in enough so not fitting in because of that too. So for now I don't see any problem with her, she doest play an instrument so I guess she HAS to do something while all the action is going on. I'll keep an eye on it though.
  12. Quite....*faints* Ugly, UGLY?? are the mirror's in HIS hours from the circus or something
  13. BEWARE MASHOOSIVE WAFFLE BELOW!!! I kinda didn't take much notice the 1st time I saw and heard Mika on tv (my daughter Bumble Bee Vix) wanted to show me him and his new song, and I was being a bit aloof and trying to not like it really (cos I always gave her the time of day so to speak and would listen to her music etc and end up liking it, yet she would rarely do the same in return so I was being a bit uppity about it). But then after she played it a few times I got to really like it and then started to agree he was kinda cute if a bit thin and I normally like short hair on a bloke. Then I started researching vids on him and interviews etc on the pc and the main thing I loved was his humour, he seemed so different, he did silly interviews, wasn't afraid to do stupid things (like the chubby bunny stuff), then I got taken by all the stories of how nice a person he is and how he appreciates his fans, I liked his closeness to his family and his mum in particular (probs cos of my own abandonment by my mum sorta thing). the more Mika info I soaked up the more I got to really really like WHO he is, it feels like he shows us himself, it doesn't feel like he hides all that much so I guess it feels a bit like we know him, (though in reality we only know what he cares to share with us). His LICM album makes me happy when I listen to the melodies yet the lyrics and meanings and my own interpretations evoke deeper feelings. His other material some of it is stunning, one song in particular makes me teary, yet his live shows just make me soooo happy. This man has given me more than he will ever know, I have gained in happiness and confidence in aspects of my life totally unrelated to anything Mika-ish (well it set the ball rolling in the first place I guess). These things are why we think so much of him, it's NOT just cos he sings like an angel, looks like an Adonis and has the heart and soul of a saint. (I know that lot sounds uber sloppy but if I try to define it all that is how it comes out and I am kinda like that, well I WAS and he just brings it back out again and I like it)
  14. I got teary eyed reading this article, I could just picture Mika, this strange little oddling that no one would take the time to get to know properly, he was obviously struggling his way through lots of poopy things and maybe this was his way of dealing with it. I hope it's all made him stronger, I am sure it must have and I feel so proud of him for getting through it all and is able to hold his drop dead gorgeous head up way high above all those cr*ppy bullies of all ages cos the boy done good...F*king good too actually so nurr nurr etc. Yes I wish I could hug him , imagine the love he would get if we all did that at once lol poor guy. But yeah, I was bullied too for being poor, getting free school meals, having sparrow legs (wish I had those now lol), for getting our electric cut off all the time cos my parents spent their money on booze at the pub or the bingo while we (6 of us kids) had holes in our shoes and not a lot of food in the house etc. Still, I DID have some good friends and they were trust worthy great friends, I was very unpopular cos of the bullying etc but at least I DID have one or two very best mates. The weird thing is, I didn't hold this against my parents as it was all I knew at the time and it only made me stop and think once I had kids of my own. so yeah guess I am a 40 odd year old weirdo too. (not seen my parents for 25 years and they have never seen my kids who are grown up now). I learned to live without them.
  15. arrrgh do i vote 1 or 5 ????? I dunno how it works
  16. I had the Hammersmith gig thing cancelled and it was dissapointing to travel 3 hours to London by train, days taken off work, tube fares, car parking fares etc etc yea it's all very costly and upsetting to arrive at the gig to find people in tears as they have JUST found out he is too ill to perform, so I DO know how it feels, but I was MORE angry when I went to see Meatloaf at Newcastle metro arena this year and I was REALLY looking forward to that after liking his music for years and finally getting the chance to see him and he walks out of the show half way through a terrible performance leaving the whole audience sitting there stunned in silence till 15 mins later they announce he isnt gonna come back on cos he is not well. Then to add insult to injury they say we DON'T get a refund cos he performed half his gig (even though it was the worst performance he must have ever done in his life). His tickets were more than double what I pay for Mika gigs. So I have had it done twice within a few months. Mika I could forgive cos he sorted it out pretty sharpish and he really was ill we all know that. So as has been said, it's not just a case of him or his team cancelling for the hell of it, there isn't just Mika's schedule to take into consideration, there are so many other factors that we don't even know the half of. I bet he was really looking forward to going to Oz, i know I would LOVE to go.
  17. well I think we should email GN show ans winge till they show the full version sometime soon cos what they showed was.... too dam SHORt, it wasnt even a full song godamit pffffffft how dare they and he looked so beautiful (and I didn't even notice his herpes, he must have been in the make-up room a long time. How awesome were cherisses eyes, did you all see how she had them all bejewelled .
  18. :blink:herpes...I guess it's a cold sore then (looks shiftily from side to side). I think I would have been the same as you and not said a word to him but itching to run over and take a bit out of his burger lol. It seems odd that you got into the cafe but weren't allowed to chat to him, I know it's just a feeling you got and I would be the same cos you probs felt as though you weren't really supposed to be there and didn't want to intrude, but if it was official and HE spoke to you then that would have been fine.
  19. I just love who he is, you can't just put your finger on it that easy, if I was his mum I would be soooo proud of his personality not to mention his talent and good looks. And in no particular order just as they spill out of my head..................... I love his cute giggle, his sense of humour his sharp wit his kind and caring nature (well this is how he seems) the fact he does sweet things that he knows his fans will love (ie the quilt on the drumstand, the wearing of tartan trousers at a gig, bringing his giggle bear onstage at 2 gigs, wearing Blue's rainbow beads, wearing sivans necklace) there are many more than this too. he is very close to his family and I like that the way his eyes make you feel like he can see inside your soul when he looks directly at you. when he puts his arm around you for a pic....you can feel it lol. the way he loves getting gifts the way he always seems grateful to his fans his lovely wonderful height his expressions his genuineness sense of self and being true to it the way he sings how much do we love him when he is not there lol (like he needs to ask). his showmanship and performing skills his lyrical genius his candidness in interviews the way he can think fast and get out of sticky questions during interviews the way he wears a napkin when he eats pasta lol. his obviously HUGE talent his style since i have made him part of my daily life, I have been a happier person What I DONT like about Mika is that he makes me want to be 20 years old and that is impossible lol, but I guess if he makes me FEEL 20 again that ant such a bad thing. If I think of any more I'll come add to this I am sure this list will just grow lol.
  20. waaahhhh hurry up the waits killing me, I sooo wanted to go I was really tempted but I don't think my boss would give me any more time off work oh well Ill just have to watch it tomorrow, DONT let me forget about it in all this Christmas hype stuff.
  21. I have just been discussing these lyrics and my interpretation of them the past 2 days or so, so funny this thread pops up at same time lol. I also think it's to do with his growing up and coming to terms with all the turmoil and confusion that comes with it, and that he was trying to get through to his mum and family that he needs to be who he is even if it means going against family traditions. I don't think the title is purely just because he is a middle child, I think it says to me he is stuck in the middle of everything, all the arguments, the inner turmoil of being a teen, maybe even stuck in between other family feuds going on. the 5 kids better than one bit confuses me though, I'm not sure if it refers to maybe him only ever being able to have one of his own (or even adopted or whatever, if it turns out he wont have his own) as opposed to being able to have a big family, or if it's to do with something more obvious than that. The whole troops bigger than yours stuff reminds me of when my son (who is a year younger than Mika) used to make mazes and battle fields on paper when we used to row and that is how he felt it was like for him and that I was out to get him, but he always had bigger and better "weapons" than he imagined I had. But I DO think he is just trying to say, this is me, we have our differences I may not be doing exactly as you want of me but I am not a bad person and there is still much love here, but when I leave home I wont have to pretend anymore and I can live my life being true to myself. I don't think the person he argues with is doing it out of malice or getting any pleasure from rowing with him, and I don't think HE thinks that, because he feels fondness towards this person as he describes the smile behind her wrinkled eyes with a kind of affection. Well that is how I see it but I guess lyrics are meant to mean what each of us wants them to, clever eh?
  22. looking on the bright side, at least they got plenty of warning and it wasn't left till the day they all turned up, which has happened in the past, sometimes due to illness of course and that can't be helped.
  23. Oh good, so now the newbies don't need to be put up against a wall and SHOT for asking the all elusive question, and so many do... (newbie newest new Mika is all mine and not yours) says....."hi I'm new, so tell me ...is Mika gay" Now they can go on the first page and see the score so far, IF in fact they can control the urge to just BLURT it out in their 1st post before reading anything at all (am I really interested? yeah I am but I won't die if we can't discuss it or if I never find out, i am sure I will still live, and still think Mika is wonderful and very talented...oh yeah...and sooooo pretty).
  24. yeeey well look out for a big bumble bee and her mum and....is that banner in your sig REAL!!! its MAHOOOOOSIVE!!!!! biggest woooah are you taking it to the gigs?
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