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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. Yep they sure are, I take my daughter BumbleBee_vix to the mika gigs with me now, it's very costly as even though she is 18 I still end up having to pay for her trains, gig tickets rooms, food the whole dam lot (while she finds she can't live without yet another pair of boots) pfft being her mum is very costly. I even made her a nice bumble bee costume while mine was really naff. Still, I hope to meet more mum and daughter fans cos hell yeah...WE ROCK lol.
  2. Oh this vid made me laugh as I said on the utube post lol, cos when my daughter Vix rings me up that song blasts out very loudly (so embarrassing in the supermarket) but worse in the changing rooms when your alone trying jeans on and you can't find it fast enough in your bag...doh!
  3. Mika loves to play sweet melodies on his piano which makes you think that he must be on a magical stool that makes you fall when you understand the feeling that he expresses when he sings his amazing lyrics on stage and showing us his abs on stage and flashing us with his chicken suit while eating spaghetti and meatballs that his girlfriend made for him with love and lots of lovely tiny red hearts which are filled with our names and little messages of love and naughtyness especially the one made by Ceci which was censored because she was being vey explicit about chicken and Mika he liked the proposal but couldn't accept because she was underage and couldn't dance the way that Mika wanted her to because she was a better dancer when she was drunk and Mika is a bodypopping master, he told her that he would like to eat candy with her, then go shopping together and curl eachother's hair which they both enjoyed, until the tongs burst into flames and they had to
  4. Did you notice on the video at Bournemouth I think it was when Mika was talking about how mingingly smelly the animal costumes are, he pics up the chicken one and when asked what it is he smirks like a naughty schoolboy but in a kinda subtle way and says "chicken" lol.
  5. someone post it I don't remember which one it is. don't think he bothers with it now then as he never seems to have one in.
  6. Mikafor life I just LOVE that gotta nick it KACHINGLE BELLS :roftl:
  7. I'm convinced its NOT pierced, I have NEVER seen a pic with him having an earring in, though it looks like he does have a freckle in the place that looks like it's pierced but if so then it's not in the exact place you would have it pierced.
  8. ooo yeah woo hooo I just voted about 30 times but it din't shift from 18.4% so come guys not much time to get HER off the top spot we can't let HER or THAT song beat Mika.
  9. pfft she just sounds like everyone else anyway, yeah she can sing but....can she write her own st0of, can she sound unique? not to me. Hmph both those singles were just boring.....zzzzzzzzzzz....not a fresh sound like Grace Kelly was. Amy W has a fairly unique sound and look too so I quite like SOME of her st0ofs. But of course MIKA is the guy who should win everything in the whole world
  10. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :crybaby: why oh why did it have to be NOW, I am off work on the Weds but I gotta be IN work at 10am on the Thursday..... there's no way I could get back to near Middlesbrough from London in such a short time. (Holidays near to Christmas are such a no no and I wouldnt be able to keep it quiet so no point in trying to pull a sickie and they might even spot me in the audience and then I would get sacked) POO POO POO My 2nd in command boss probs likes Graham Norton cos he is er....*that way inclined* if you get me and has the same kinda humour too, dunno if he likes Mika though when he said "arn't you a bit OLD to be a Mika groupie Viv" and I said "of course I am but he is sooo dam pretty" he DID say "yeah he is I suppose". pfft I need a room for the night, a train ticket, a ticket for grahame's show, and a miracle...oh well who knows, it IS nearly Christmas lol. suppose I'll have to settle for watching it on TV then *sulks*
  11. what a jolly good idea chaps
  12. Hey Kata how's the pneumonia..er boogers up ya nose etc
  13. awww I don't find Mika's giggle scary I find it totally infectious and cute just like him amongst other things that I wont confess to here (anyway he can't have been THAT scared by it cos he asked if he could keep it the cheek of the man lol, as if we could say no to Mika, what with THOSE big brown puppy dog eyes of his..I think NOT lol.)
  14. waaaahooooo our bear..it WAS our Mika giggle bear yippee etc etc.
  15. I know me neither, but ticketmaster don't seem to be selling any, it does have the secure padlock symbol at the checkout bit though and gives you the option to print out your own tix which has worked fine for me in the past. the tix are also a good price not stupid money like the londonticketshop cos they were over 45 quid each there Hmm aloud.com has ticket web.co.uk at the bottom, hmmmm think its on teh part where you pay.
  16. oh hang on has anyone heard of aloud.com? I'm a bit wary of fake tix now since hearing all the bad st0of that has happened lately?
  17. :crybaby:why does it say they have sold out of tix for the Brixton rescheduled gig? I wanted to go and it says SOLD OUT booo hooo sob cry wail. Also I still am unsure what to do with the tix we got for the Hammersmith gig cos there is no number to ring on the tix to see if we can re use them...some say we can some say we have to swop them
  18. we just did that in Newcastle and it has his ring-tone laugh inside it, he seemed to like it, asked if he could keep it, I must upload his reaction vid to receiving it soon), he took him on stage with him at 2 other gigs after that (so we were told if it WAS the same bear but we think it must have been, too much of a coincidence if it wasn't).
  19. :roftl: genius :naughty: I would defo buy that lol.
  20. Well I am all for cooling it down if that is what Mika would prefer (but I still got one more little gift I made him but didn't get the chance to give to him at Hammersmith so I may get the chance to pass it on to him in Feb, I can't give it to anyone else cos it's too Mika related lol). Non of us really knows what he would prefer, but I Do think it surely most of it has been done by now, I think we may have exhausted the originality of gift ideas by now (so soon too, that's cos we all went a bit mad lol), but I am sure we have all enjoyed taking part, and for those who have not yet and to all the new ones, then don't despair cos there is NO way Mika is never going to tell anyone where to stick it, he accepts gifts so graciously (I love that about him), but I just hope his sweet nature doesn't backfire on us because we start to expect more of him than he does of us.
  21. OMG so awesome, fantastic pics and the vids are so good too, are they downloadable anywhere??
  22. That's why it IS so easy to see both parts of this one, it's not got an easy answer and of course we have no idea what Mika REALLY thinks about it all, and he is far too gracious (still) to just bin it in front of us. He KNOWS what's behind all the gifts, he KNOWS we are trying to reach out to him somehow, or that we want to give him something amazing, unique or just plain cute, and even when he has had the same or a similar gift a dozen times, he STILL (so far) accepts them in a way that makes us feel good. I feel kinda sorry for him in some ways yet much affection for him for the way in which he TRIES so hard to show us that he appreciates us, I think the more popular he gets though the harder that will be because he will NEVER be able to please everybody ALL of the time, and if that happens I won't hold it against him because he needs to be able to survive and he wont be able to cut himself into a million pieces all the time so that everyone can have a share of him, if you get what I mean.
  23. Mika's got your baby (got a good enough ring to it for ya lol).
  24. Hmmm I see it from both sides too, so maybe that means there isn't really an answer to it. It's ok for those who have been lucky enough to have given him lots of gifts to say calm it guys, but yeah those who haven't had the chance WANT their chance. (I mean I was ecstatic when I was right there in the front row to witness Mika had put the quilt that we made him on the drum stand), But I DO also think it might be a good idea to just do some big project gesture thing maybe Christmas and his birthday. I am sure some people will STILL give him gifts personally anyway so I don't think he will miss out in that way, but I wouldn't want the whole thing to become more of a chore for him to HAVE to make himself available to accept them than the pleasure it SHOULD be and HAS been so far. I know he always seems so genuinely pleased to receive gifts and that is part of what has compelled us to want to give him more, we want him to KNOW how much we think of him and KNOW how much we care about him and even though it's really rather impossible, we want Mika to KNOW us, and of course the poor guy can't know every single fan, and as Sivan says, it could end up that the more we give him the less it may mean to him, now we wouldn't want to turn Mika into a spoilt brat now would we :naughty: dont think his mum would allow that to happen lol. Ahhh I know he is just great and I feel just the same way as I mentioned up there too (but I got my sensible head on now lol).
  25. well that was a very long and interesting thread, it's left me wondering if I should bother going to the Brixton gigs now I'm worried that the fans are gonna get even worse by the next London gigs as they seem to have started to behave really badly. I noticed a difference in Newcastle, Manchester and Doncaster I didn't feel as though anyone was pushing or shoving, though some people did think they could turn up later than everyone else and worm their way to the front of the queues outside the venue, but in Newcastle they did this outside AND inside the venue, some cheeky people tried to stand behind us (which didn't bother us too much apart from being more squashed) but it was the small woman BEHIND us that I felt sorry for, but she told them in no uncertain terms that NO they had NOT been to the toilet and were comeing back cos she had been there there whole time. I just think it;s wrong to expect to push in front of someone who has waited longer than they have, it's rude and bad mannered and very selfish. I am also appalled at the people who were making idiots of themselves by chasing ad banging on Mika's car, that is just immature and stupid and will do more harm than good and I hope if they are MFCers, that they THINK before doing that again. (I mean what do they REALLY think it would achieve, Mika to open the door and say oh ok come on in the car then girls? bloody idiots I am afraid). Anyway, I enjoyed all the other stories and pics and vids and I think if I DO go to London gigs, it would be better to get seated upstairs, saves all the fuss of queueing in the SNOW!!!! (it's Feb, it's possible) and less pushing hopefully). right well as its after 5 am here and it's taken me all night to get through these 37 or so pages, I better go to bed now.
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