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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I can't make up my mind if he does it just to please us (which is really sweet) or if he actually likes the gifts we give to him (which is really sweet also lol). The USb necklace was really attractive and useful and very Mikaish I hope the bear Bumblebee_vix and I gave him in Newcastle was the one he kept bringing onstage at a couple of other gigs after that (ones we were unable to go to), he DID ask us if he could keep him when we showed him the bear, and even if its in the bin now, if it amused him for a few days then I am happy with that. (it has teh Mika ringtone laugh etc inside it), here is the pic of our/mika's bear. If anyone remembers it I would like to know if it WAS this one.
  2. if THAT teddy bear looked like this one Then it's the one I made and Bumblebee_Vix gave it to him after Newcastle. It has the Mika ring-tone laugh inside it and I did video his response I'll post it once I figure out how to change the file to something I can post. I hope it IS our mini Mika-giggle bear cos he apparently brought him out at 2 gigs a couple of times. PS. I'm not daft, I made myself one just like him (but gave Mika the better one), I think he should make some and sell them at gigs or on his site lol bet people would buy a cute Mika giggle-bear or even a Mika doll...I would anyway.
  3. aww fankoo i'll go look now.
  4. where? and are they about 500 pages long
  5. I don't know where to post this so it's here for now. I will be going to the replacement Hammersmith gig in Feb, and while there I thought I might try to go to the other 3 gigs too, problem is I have to pay for Vix too (pfft she's 18 now she should pay for herself *mumble grumble, I paid for all her last ones too*) So I just wondered if anyone knows any REALLY cheap places to stay (apart from hostels as i couldn't last 4-5 days in one of those. are some people doing room sharing like last time, if so what are the details of that and is there room for 2 more people? I am trying to get booked up with trains and the earlier I book the cheaper they will be as they can cost stax and also I could do with knowing how many gigs I should try to do....arrgh I hate organizing things, I'm sooo bad at it.
  6. OooooOooo me too me too I wannna get tickets as I will be there anyway on 25th for Hammersmith, and I will have to find a room also and I'll just googlemaps how to get there nearer the time. maybe see you there then.
  7. Thank you, and I sometimes find the pics first then they inspire me, sometimes it's harder to write them that way as I usually write a lot of personal poetry but with pics they are different.
  8. PS is this a sit down gig or did i read it wrong?
  9. so does anyone know of any cheap rooms in London cos I may as well do the 3 gigs if I can afford it but seeing as I have to pay for tix, fares, rooms, and meals for my daughter Vix, then it's gonna cost a packet aint it . so ppl some of you MUST know some nice cheapie places in London (but not that bloody hostel we stayed in for Somerset House, that was minging lol, No way could I do 3 days in that place.
  10. That is why it won't have been done unless it was absolutely 100% necessary, I was there, I was totally gutted, along with everyone else, but it's just one of those things, he would have gone ahead with it if he thought he could have. Thats what I think and I think it was left as late as possible to make the decision just in case he was feeling up to it.
  11. OoooooOoo thank you, that may be necessary for that one then. I'll need to know when the tickets go on sale.
  12. hope he wins but as you say just being nominated in the first place is kewl, so maybe things are on the up (may take a while longer but all good things come to those who wait so they say).
  13. woo and Yeeey if we keep it up we can knock the shininess out of TT's suits
  14. OoooO000OOO000 I wanna book book book but dunno what gigs to do and trains are NOT cheap from up here (unless I book early enough and that means prior planning...vix has another uni audition on the middle date and it wont finish till 6.45pmish and then she would have to get across London etc to the gig... hmmm would it be better to get seated...does it have seats sooooo many questions so little time. (I really should be saving every penny I can for her really, she got accepted for Itallia Conti in London and the fees alone are over 13 grand a year for 3 years I think I may have learn how to rob banks or something to pay this, we are already paying our son through uni, pfft snot fair.
  15. some great pics and accounts guys, I have a few group MFC flag pics too but I aint got em off my camera yet as I havn't had the time. Well here is MY account of the days events. got up in good time, spent too long getting ready so had to drive to the train station like a loony on speed cursing how we were gonna miss the train and it would all be my fault. Dumped the car in a street as it was the exact time the train was to leave and legged it with massive cases and st0ofs across the road over the foot bridge up the station and to the platform nearly having a heart attack and realizing that I must join a gym again. It was with complete joy and relief to find out our train was 6 mins late or we would have missed it and it would have cost us not only the 120 quid train fares already but more than double that each to have had to get the next train. We had fun on the train listening to Mika through our mp3 players while I tried to calm my heart rate down lol. (oh we saw Daisy Lou on the platform too as she was also going, but she was in a different carriage). We arrived at Kings Cross at about 12.30 legged it to buy an Oyster and made our way to the Bebo office off Carnaby street to pic up the gig tickets Vix had won doing her lollipop girl dance thing for that. The girl gave us the tickets and said wait here a min (we were hoping she might come back and say she could have the the FULL prize of dancing with Mika onstage and meeting them all or even just VIP but that was not to be she just said it's ok thats all). So we got the tube to Parsons Green to my sons sess pit...er I mean student flat where we were gonna be sleeping after the gig. so that took a while and we walked to his flat after we got on and off a few tubes to get there. We got changed etc I went to make myself a cup of tea and changed my mind when I saw a pan of manky brown water near his sink with a sock half in half out :puking:and text him saying "thank you for leaving us some sock stew but we have already eaten" he was confused about this comment at the time lol. anyway we legged it back on a few tubes to Hammersmith and tried to dart across the road when we saw the Apollo and Mika's name and just as we arrived Jemms said "it's been cancelled" and I could tell by the mascara running down her face that she was not fibbing me, his manager was still there getting arms ful of goodies for Mika off the fans and we had just missed his phone call (dam and drat it). It was an odd feeling, sorta despondent, it's like you know it's true but you don't want to believe it and I kept thinking sooner or later they would announce he was miraculously better and it would all be fine. so stood around meeting MFCers some I had met before some I hadn't, I remember feeling really sorry for Caz cos I had seen him at 3 fantastic gigs already in the past week or so and this was her only one this tour and that she had managed to get to be nearish to the front too. Anyway the band came out we had pics with them (I thought it was hilarious when Caz was having her pic with Luke and he went on tip toes to be even bigger, made me giggle out loud lol). Had pics with quite a few of the MFC signed teh MFC flag had pics with it. Chatted to Saranayed and vix told her how she is doomed where Mika competitions are concerned cos she has won 2 and 1st one they messed up the dates so she couldn't go and 2nd one they changed the prize after she had won then it was postponed she's lovely Saranayed, like Cherisse, a really sweet person. In fact they all seem such canny folks. Anyway after quite some time and some pics later and smirkiing to myself when the glow sticks fella just snapped all his glow sticks then wondered why all the Mika's fans were walking off, then looked up to see the big POSTPONED sign (sorry it just made me smirk) well then everyone was walking towards teh pub and since I don't know London well I thought Vix and I would go back to the sess pit....I mean my sons student flat (remember the Young Ones? well it's just like that in there), anyway we went back to see my son as I hardly ever see him now he lives in London and we went to a pub for a some fewds and a drinkie. Yeah it felt really bad that Mika had HAD to cancel and I know he wont have done it lightly, I did well not to get upset and to make use of the now spare time by spending it with my son. I did consider hunting down Mikas house but it was dark and London is big place lol. (nah not really). As has been said, the blow was lessened by the tactful way it was handled, the notice going up, the personal message on the phone (that I just missed grrrrr hope someone DOES post it), the band coming out to chat to us and have pics, all that helped ease the pain. I don't mind if Mika doesn't perform 100% spot on every gig cos every gig I have been to has been special for different reasons and I just love the atmosphere. (wish I could have been to the 2 where he brought out the little Mika-giggle bear we gave him though, has anyone got any pics, vids etc on this cos we weren't there). Also I would rather not see him at all than see him suffering with his health at a gig because he puts soooo much effort into his performances that it's not surprising that occasionally it gets the better of him when his immunity is down. Both Vix and I have got lergies from all the queueing for hours in the cold then going into hot places and jumping bout like loonies then queueing outside again in the cold, it's just THAT time of year aint it. That reminds me, In February..... it might SNOWWWW!!!!!!! ps pix to follow maybe tomorrow or firday
  16. no it would be the same, there is a time and place for it, I mean some people like to snog animals, doesn't meant everyone wants to see it or that everyone should accept it. If Mika turned out to be gay or bi, then I would be happy for him to have found love, but I wouldn't wanna see him snogging etc, and I wouldn't find it "hot" I just think it's kinda private. (but I know when your in love how there is only ever you and your true love in the world so who cares what the rest of the world thinks). I think I would prefer to KNOW MIka was in love than to see it.
  17. Hmmm, well here's a thread to avoid, I guess these days it's very fashionable to be into this kinda stuff just look at how many people "pretend" they are bisexual on myspace, women in particular think it makes them appear more desirable if they say they are bi or lesbian. Anyway I just don't think threads like this are all that appropriate, I wonder were the limits are gonna be it seems like already its gone past it cos some links had to be removed. So best thing for me to do is avoid ones like this, curiosity made me look and now I have I won't bother coming back to it, it holds no interest for me at all.
  18. I don't mind if his performance isn't 100% due to illness etc I prefer the atmosphere to be 100% and that comes from his charisma as much as anything, and I hope can stay well enough to finish his tour, I am seeing him in Hammersmith tomorrow(well today technically) and I don't think he will meet anyone after the show if he is poorly still or has places to go, it IS is home town so I guess he might just wanna go home to bed to snuggle up with his hot water bottle (or maybe partheeeeey all night long lol). I got a little something for him but I dont know how I will get it to him, oh well I'm sure yet another fan gift wont hurt him too much to miss lol.
  19. woooah some of you guys took amazing pix, were you actually ONSTAGE with them it looks like you were lol. aint got time to look at them all now I gotta go pack for Hammersmith tomorrow morining arrrgh tata.
  20. it wasn't like that at Doncaster or Manchester, the first time we noticed it was Newcastle when all the way through Palladium and until Mika came one we were being dug in the back and pushed as hard as poss. It spoils it really and I think it's gonna be like that tomorrow too, not looking forward to cracked ribs, guess I just didnt expect it as it wasn't like taht at Leeds or somerset House either, maybe it's gonna be safer to see him where he isn't as well known yet ....AARRRRGH!!!! I gotta go pack for tomorrows struggle...I mean gig. lol.
  21. :emot-sad: this is really rather depressing and worrying, is my mind working overtime or do you mean he is "on" something to help keep him going, I truly hope he doesn't have to resort to that, surely his mum would make him sit on the naughty step if he went out of line. *tries to lighten her worries up with a joke*
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