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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I think things like that irritate me a bit cos (correct me if I am wrong) but we don't really hear of Mika publicly having a dig at other people in the business that much, the most I have ever heard was that rumour about not wanting a certain to boy/man band to use one of his songs. I think Mika seems to let it roll off his back like water off a duck, maybe cos he is used to people having pops at him and cos he believes in himself (rightly so) so he knows their jibes and bitchyiness just makes THEM look bad.
  2. I never thought much to him in the first place, he just does nowt for me.
  3. I don't get it, is it fixed cos I just voted after you guys and the score went DOWN to 17% I tried to vote again a few times and even deleted my cookies but it wont let me, says I have already voted today pfft. In 2007 I think the best is: Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis 20.8% Shine - Take That 19.3% Grace Kelly - Mika 17% Umbrella - Rihanna 15.9%
  4. So true the only difference I would like like to see in Mika is for him to think 40 something weirdo women are what he needs in his life but then he would have to age a lot for me to accept that too. ( I think Enrico Iglasias is cuter and I prefer his voice and songs to buble faces)
  5. OoooOooo a poerty/arty thread thing, I can't do arty stu0ofs so I'll post a poemy. I did open a thread a long while ago but it dissapeared lol. I like reading other peoples thoughts and feelings via poetry, nice work ppls I am still half in the process of of doing a mika one, so I shall have to post this for now. Shh… Can u hear the silence? Drawn by its echo Echo…echo Like butterfly girly giggles That whisper secrets Upon pink sugared paper; and It’s enticing, inviting Exciting, nail biting, Within the cool brick Walls inside the sunless Tunnel of my insanity Insanity…insanity. Jeering while the scrap Of intact mind clings With bloodied talons To the sides of this red Brick upturned well, And I’m falling Falling…falling. Shh… Can you hear the silence? ©Vivienne B 29/4/2006
  6. he obviously sees himself as manly.....:naughty: I however DONT!!!! he is SHORT.....Mika is a statuesque and god dam gorgeous, Bubleface is just nowt flash to look at or listen to, he is average....(just my opinion of course).
  7. Ive seen her 3 times now and I think she fits in really well, I love teh fact taht she just has just as much as the others on stage, she is part of the show and not just a small addition, I love the angel part at the start of the show she does too ( I do admit that most of my attention is on Mika but I think she has added to the atmosphere and gives it her all. PS. after the Newcastle gig she was really sweet with everyone afterwards. (yep I think Mika knows what he's doing lol).
  8. Is this the same person who posted about the big girl shoot pics? I found that a bit odd too, it felt like they were advertising their wares kinda thing, i ma:sneaky:y be wrong but I do have a suspicious mind at time lol, don't trust some ppl. I'm glad you posted this Vixbbw cos I hadn't really thought about how nasty evil paps could lurk on here waiting to see if any of us found out any goss on the big M so they could have a scoop, ppft slimy snakes they are, trying to dig up dirt on Mikster ha well they wont find any on here. I think the big M must be a saint cos there IS no gos he is sweet and luvley and they got nowt on him so there pfft,
  9. Kata and MIka sittting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G ....:roftl: heheh even tough cookies like Kata are PUTTY in the big M's hands, he is a very dangerous man indeed, like the pied piper....he sings we follow blindly and fall under his spell....*thinks* hmmmm wonder what is aim is...*suspicious looks*. Oh and I selfishly hope he stays well enough for Hammersmith or I shall cry an ocean. He seems to be putting so much into these gigs, each one trying to out do the last....where will it all end ...worries (probs unnecessarily but what the heck lol.)
  10. lol didn't notice that, pffft some reviewer hasn't done their homework but I will let her off for "getting" the Mika experience. My friend and her daughter who went to Newcastle too who arnt really Mika fans but like to go to gigs said they were blown away by him and so were some of her mates from her work and mates of them too, so everyone she spoke to about it who had gone or known someone who had gone were raving about Mika and the gig, saying it was an awesome experience and that Mika is a true performer, but WE know that already
  11. babs just txt "no quilt, he came out after looking like sex on legs" (er what does she mean by "came out")
  12. pfft well whatever next, some ppl had their marker pens confiscated and any sweets, yet we can hurl our clothes at him even if we end up naked, now that IS weird PS you can't tell me he doesn't like any attention about his looks etc or that its not respectful to have unpure thoughts about him or that we wont be taking his music seriously enough when he goes whipping his shirt off even longer just to please hoards of hyper females (well mostly) lol, that fella knows exactly what he is doing. :naughty: PS PS the QUILT.....was it perforing too??? or was it just a special night at Newcastle, like a 1 night only type of thing.
  13. thats cute I think he will like that it's all colourful n st0of 9did you put lots of secret messages and pics on it before you gave him it like all the details of the wedding etc (oh no did you forget to do that oh Sivan pfft ) lol.
  14. is babs at this gig? I just txt her so I hope she is lol or I will have woken her up at some ungodly hour
  15. oh ok thank you Jennie, maybe he is trying to put his mother n sister off crashing on his floor in the early hours all hyped up full of Mika, i'll take a look into that.
  16. does anyone know if THE QUILT did a gig tonight at Bournemouth or did Newcastle exhaust it too much, it was an energetic performance it put in mind you.
  17. does anyone know if THE QUILT did a gig tonight at Bournemouth or did Newcastle exhaust it too much, it was an energetic performance it put in mind you.
  18. ooooOOooooooOooo er... knitting, chicken, sewing, bingo whatever floats your boat I suppose. Isn't it nippy out today :fisch:
  19. I did a few but they are all 20 second clips, how poopy is MY camera he, I dunno how to put em all together and some of them are even on the side and there's nowt worse than twisting your neck to the side to watch em like that. Well actually. there is, if Mika said BOG OFF Sparkly1 you annoying old bag, I think I may find that a tad worse.
  20. Well then if he says that at Hammersmith I'm just gonna yell LIAR LIAR BUMS ON FIRE to him pffft
  21. does anyone know any cheap places to stay for 2 in Hammersmith on 3rd, cos me and Vix got those tickets to go (well we have to go to pick them up from the offices near Oxford street first when we get off the train) then we were gonna go drop off our suitcase at my sons flat etc and it's gonna be soo time consuming and we are already coming from way up t'north on the same day etc. we were gonna crash on my sons student flat floor but its further out than I thought at Parsons green or something and he says its not so easy to get to his flat after the gig, so if I can find a cheapy little place that is closer then I will try for that, I got a bad shoulder last time from lugging my case round Manchester lol (too old you see for all this malarki).
  22. Yeah he did seem full of mischievous energy at Newcastle they all did, and I have seen him 5 times now and met him 4 of those but it has ALWAYS been incredibly quick, in fact he stayed with all those fans for quite a while at Newcastle so he had to divide what little time he had between us all trying to please everyone, that is one of the reasons why I always feel so guilty taking up any of his time, I am so good at feeling guilty though pffft. But I kinda like to just watch him with other fans too, see his reaction to things listen to him talk etc, and cos I loose the power of speech around him, then I'm ok with that lol. Yep as I said the the other day, I feel the end of an era is looming....sadly. And about the "arguing, discussion, difference of opinions" thing, I think some people come onto a thread and don't catch up before posting, cos I have been on this one a lot today and the amount of times that subject was dropped and more cheery friendly chat replaced it for it only to be dragged back up from pages earlier was like....arrrrgh not the thread has moved on now, just let it be. (not you Sivan I just meant in general). so how about from now on if anyone brings it up in this thread we can just say SHHHHHHHH ZIPPIT SHHHHHH ZIPPIT kinda thing we gotta keep some peace here
  23. I know and if he still keeps it during the whole tour I think I may end up hospitalized with the excitement, maybe I shouldn't be THIS hyper about it but I am, lol. pssst shhhh but since I took vix to the gigs this house has gone even more Mika and MFC mad that before, now SHE is hunting down every Mika interview etc like I did before, she is going through the hunger for more Mika info hahaha my hubby might leave home if this keeps up :naughty: HEADLINES in local paper...."sexually ambiguous flamboyant Freddie Mercury scissor sisters etc etc MIKA breaks up 25 year old marriage"
  24. didnt I already post this one this afternoon pfft http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=10836 Oh I get it, it's in 2 diff newspapers I think cos I posted THIS link http://www.newspostleader.co.uk/music/Eccentric-energetic-and-entertaining-.3526138.jp
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