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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. OH so it WAS on top of the bar, my mate who is a sound chick there says it took them an hour to get it down the next day and that the mess from teh confetti that they had to sweep up was terrible (pfft and to think she couldnt even get me a free ticket let alone a date with Mika and she works there, pfft last time I speak to her then hahaha.
  2. Acctually Freddie I think it was YOUR doing, I think you put magic gas in that balloon and everyone who touched it was under the Mika spell, so that means everyone cos I doubt there was a person there who didnt tap that balloon at some point it certainly felt that way from the audience reaction to him (who was in Newcastle just up the road again the same night..... some man band or other was it, never heard a dickie bird it must have been a very tame show eh ).
  3. dam right, I am a kinda honoury Geordie as I did grow up there for 20 years and live only an hour away now and ppl STILL say we are Geordies lol though the accent is no where near the same lol. It's odd really cos I have loved every one of his gigs I have been to but I cant understand why this one was so special, yet it was, it's like there was an electric energy that buzzed round the crowd and stage and you could just FEEL the lurrrrve, it was awesome, I hope Mika gets to see the reviews. I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM I LOVE HIM in a motherly and affectionate way of course ps, did I say I LOVE HIM??
  4. yep another great review, I also posted a Newcastle review thread today and the lady who wrote it certainly "get" the Mika experience
  5. yep he sure seemed it. and what a great review, this person "gets" the Mika experience
  6. hope it's ok to post this here http://www.newspostleader.co.uk/music/Eccentric-energetic-and-entertaining-.3526138.jp Published Date: 27 November 2007 Location: Blyth / Wansbeck [/url] Registered Article ! ntric, energetic and entertaining - that's Mika Mika. « Previous « Previous Next » Next » View Gallery By HAYLEY REVELL Concert review from the Carling Academy The arrival of Mika in Newcastle on Monday night brought a varied audience to the sold out Carling Academy, and when the girl next to me was a seven-year-old and the woman in front was dressed in a wig and butterfly wings, I wondered what the night had in store. His first appearance in the region was slightly overshadowed by a certain man band appearing at another venue, but credit where credit is due - this was one of the performances of the year. The 23-year-old bounded on stage just after 9pm, clearly just as excited to be there as the crowd, and launched straight into his new single Relax (Take It Easy) and Big Girl (You Are Beautiful), sending the audience wild. Certain similarities between Mika and legend Freddie Mercury were there for everyone to see, as he raced across the stage in an energetic performance and his powerful voice and high pitched tones would have impressed the harshest of critics. The more songs he sang, the louder the crowd cheered, and one particular favourite was Billy Brown. Before performing the song he let the crowd into a tale about how top music mogul Tommy Matola rejected him in the US after hearing that song, and so Mika told him in no uncertain terms where to go! The majority of the show was fast paced in the pop rock sense that Mika is famous for, but things slowed down once or twice, and his last single Happy Ending/Over M y Shoulder had the crowd waving their arms and joining in the vocals. The biggest cheer of the night came for Grace Kelly, the song that flung the half Lebanese, half American singing sensation into the limelight in 2006. The audience loved it and screamed for him to sing more, and not for the first time during the night he seemed genuinely humbled by the reaction. One last special treat was in store as the singer and his band returned to the stage in a cartoon sketch which had everyone clapping and cheering. The venue then descended into camp chaos as streamers and giant balloons descended on the crowd and the band performed Lollipop dressed as bunny rabbits, crocodiles and other cartoon characters. I don't think the Carling Academy has seen a show like this before, and I don't think it will again. Delightfully eccentric, highly energetic and thoroughly entertaining. The full article contains 409 words and appears in n/a newspaper. Last Updated: 27 November 2007 12:14 PM e this aint been posted
  7. sorry:blush-anim-cl: it's her age you know. (or maybe big M has this effect on everyone) ha ha I just realized we always call him The Big M and now now he has one and stands on it, i now KNOW he reads every single post on this forum lol:mf_rosetinted:
  8. hey does anyone know how I can send pics via myspace or anything to Luke Cherisse or Mikey cos we have a few close and clear ones they might like (you never know they MIGHT do). We never seem to be over at Martins side these days and I love to listen to him sing cos he has a great voice and is mint on that old guitar lol.
  9. I think if I DID do that Freddie he would have me locked up for good (if it was in his car/room/kitchen/suitcase...then I could live with that though )
  10. yeah but his mood was the best I have seen yet at Newcastle so maybe it depends on time or his voice or the other members too. or even how tired out he gets.
  11. try this link http://images.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.theglobe.com.hk/Upload/Images/parmo.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.theglobe.com.hk/content.asp%3FID%3D55&h=150&w=200&sz=15&hl=en&start=5&tbnid=d0jYX8eUuWrQ6M:&tbnh=78&tbnw=104&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dparmo%26gbv%3D2%26svnum%3D10%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DG it a long way for delivery and I am sure they are better from Teesside but hey, at least they are going places now and perhaps if you DEMAND one every time you eat out or take away, then someone will start making htem up your way. my son has a PARMO appreciation society on facebook lol.(yes I joined it). Even Teesside Tin Tin on utube likes a good parmo you know. hey I think I will give one to Mika at Hammersmith, it might be cold and a bit dishevelled by the time it comes down on the train, but hey....I bet he has a microwave backstage .
  12. ditto I felt like a total idiot when he looked at me as it was my turn so to speak and I didn't "need" another sig, and he said "Hi how are you" and looked for something to sign , saw nothing and moved along to my gob open yet silent face (dam and blast me lol).it's quite sad isn't it cos we WANT to know him but know we can't really and I do hear voices in my head (oh yes the womans MAD MAD MAD MAD) well ok it's just my inner voice telling me that I must look ridiculous to him and at MY age I should be at home knittiing or something (OMG did I just say KNITTING!!! I don't knit...but I CAN however sew rather well). anyway knitting is soo last season it's SEWING all the way now you know, so much more versatility
  13. I have to get one of those lollipops they are great and make fighting in the Q gladiator style rather fun, lol (hey Sivan rememebr the Q v line debate lol).
  14. yes I agree that would and could be helpful for everyone, it always feels really awkward for me to ask things of him, I just feel really cheeky and like I have no right to ask anything of him, but I am like that in general anyway it's not just cos he is Mika.
  15. oh Kata I love you, your tell it how it is just freakin' cracks me up no end
  16. lol be sure to treat him well and protect him from big evil spiders etc, also bet there will be some awesome OZ type projects and gifty ideas to keep you occupied till then.
  17. Yeey we made the front page how kewl, I cant help but STILL be overjoyed at this and I can't wait to hear if it performs at any other Mika gigs.
  18. The quilt was given to him at Doncaster and in Newcastle we spotted it on cherisse's drum stand (pfft didn't you read the start of the thread woman (eesh you can't get the staff you know). I wonder how many of our little secret messages and weird things we tried to hide in our patches got lost on their way to Mika lol. I was up at 5am to upload all my Newcastle pics and reviews etc to MFC cos I am loverlee and very tired as I ad a 1-10 shift next day too. I also was DYING to show Carmel the pics of the quilt and tell her bout it all I was sooo ecstatic. still am cos Mika is my hero lol.
  19. yep I agree with that dcdeb, it's more or less what I was trying to say but I ended up on a pointlessly delicious waffle (i have been longing to use that quote of his lol). I'm sure it will all sort itself as sometimes people say things in haste. I do think it's a shame that such a memorable evening has had some negs about it. But it was fine for me, i had the best time ever (yeah I hid when the big M loomed near me, but I can live with my patheticness, have done for OOOOoooooooOo eons nnow lol).
  20. erm THIS particular quilt is done and dusted, and delivered to the big M at Doncaster on Saturday so unless you are making a quilt elsewhere then I a sure this one is over now, and the photos show THEE finished article on it's uk début with Mika at Newcastle on 26/11/2007 (but PM thatradfreak if you have nay questions.
  21. On a lighter note folks (pardon the pun)....I now understand why people are drawn to the light, makes perfect sense to me now....I BELIEVE!!! altogether now...WE BELIEVE!!!
  22. more about everyone bickering Sivan, it's not good for MFC we should not bicker, Mika is not ours, he can have a pic or do a sig for whoever he wishes, we have no rights to him, non of us, so I think if people are lucky enough for him to say yes to them then that is fine by me cos that is what mika wanted to do at the time. I have not really been brave enough to get a real pic with him yet, the only one I got I shared it with Yuppymuch so as not to take up too much of his time. I don't mind that cos as I say I am shy and very UNphotegenic anyway lol, I find it hard enough to even being able to speak to him hardly cos I am so bleeding shy around him, but I can be a little braver on behalf of my daughter, so I kinda let HER do the talking and I just stand back and look silly lol.
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