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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. I don't know what to say here apart from I hope he never reads this thread as I think its gone a bit ugly in places, that makes me sad, and a bit worried, if he sees this going on he could just totally withdraw any time to us at all after gigs and that would be a shame and our own fault.
  2. yes I could maybe agree with that but I don't like the idea of asking for a kiss, I NEVER would, even if I was young and lovely I just think it's a bit too much of an invasion of personal space, I wouldn't wanna go kissing loadsa random ppl (ewww dunno where they have been):naughty: even if he offered to because of my age I would only want a peck on the cheek, anything more would be wrong lol.
  3. The reason I for me are for 2 things, 1. It gives me an excuse to at least say SOMETHING to him, anything is better than the awkward silence that usually befalls my stupid mouth. 2. The 1st one was to Sparkly1 and I wanted on to vivienne though he just wrote Mika, so if I have the audacity to ask for another one on my LiCM sleeve, then I would like it to my real name.
  4. yeah you have a point Kata, after Newcastle I didn't take any pix of him outside after feeling really bad about asking HJ to take one for me in Doncaster then the security bloke shoved his almighty big hand in the way, I feel bad about that cos I had forgot they said no pics and I didnt even ask him, and I feel it was rude to just flash a camera at him like that. so Newcastle I didn't even ask for an autograph cos I already have it 2 times now (though to have the sleeve of my LiCM cd signed might be cool lol). But I didn't want to take up any of his time by being greedy. He took our Mika giggle bear, and giggled at it, I did video this but only after I saw others were taking pics etc and no one said anything, and when he came to me to see what I wanted signed I went all stupid and froze on the spot and my mouth clammed up and the second passed and he moved onto the next person and I felt like a total idiot and guilty about not being able to say one word at all to him, I couldn't even look him in the eye's I just felt really embarrassed and stupid. (grrr to me). It's not fair he should be banned for having this affect on women. Maybe I'll get over this foolishness at Hammersmith, I doubt it though.
  5. hey perhaps this is all a big ploy to distract the might MFc from sniffing out and discussing something REALLY important about to happen that he wants to keep under wraps just now, it could all be just a sneaky distraction method lol well looky here seems to be working Mika your soooo clever.
  6. Maybe he is after something more subtle than whole out dressing up, maybe we all have to wear green one time, for nature or all have flashing bunny ears at easter, erm, or something to do with what city he is playing or we could all make a top out of a carrier bag for recycling, oh I dunno I am sure we will come up with things when the time comes. But somehow the whole thing feels weird to me, because I think Mika's music must be going to go very very serious and how can you have fun with heavy political issues etc, but he must have something up his sleeve to surprise and shock us and I know his music wont, cant and shouldn't stand still really, but it feels like the end of an era is looming and we have to say goodbye to an old friend and hello to a new one. and if he DOES start to play HUGE venues I fear the intamacy and connection we get with his gigs now will be lost. I went to see Meatloaf at Newcastle Arena and even if he had been well enough to do the gig fully I still don't think the atmosphere would be a patch on Mika's as they are now, it was too big, Meatloaf was a dot and if I really feel that I don't want to have to watch him on a huge screen to see him, may as well sit in the comfort of you living room if you have to do that. I know some of you will be fine with huge venues, but I just don't like them at all, so....I dunno I just feel a bit sad and pensive about it all at the moment. I didn't do in fancy dress for Newcastle and I don't think I will do for Hammersmith, and I have to say, I was a lot more comfortable in normal clothes as I am sorta shy inside and don't really like to stand out at all, I tend to disappear into the wall where it's safe. (good grief where did that shpeel come from lol).
  7. yeeey I'll go with that, it speaks volumes, dark, mysterious, cheap and easy lol. oo soory babs that makes you sound like a hooker and we all knkow that MIka likes to book em and nook em ok ok so it's black forever then eh.
  8. My thoughts and feelings on the matter entirely, eeee by gum (it's Yorkshire talk to those from the deep south or other countries lol) this guy sure knows EXACTLY how to make the word fall in love with him, and eeee by gum, it's hard to to have to tell your self to stop being a silly old bag lol I don't care, he does the sweetest most thoughtful things sometimes so it's his own fault if we can't fight it all the time.
  9. OMG OMG I forgot about that, he held it up didnt he yelling "SHE HAS GOT AN IPHONE...LOOK EVERYBODY SHE HAS GOT AN IPHONE" Vix shouted "hey do you want her to get mugged or something" lol.
  10. NOPE he did however have a huge balloon that he let the crowd play with during the set change b4 Mika came on, the crowd loved it and kept it bouncing over our heads for half an hour.
  11. Yes it DOES have THE Mika ringtone giggle inside it, and I was NOT daft, I made one for me too (though his is the better one and the giggle is extremely clear on his one) I think he should market this it would be a big seller, I would defo buy one, or even if it was a Mika doll with the giggle and some random song lines etc lol. (but they better make sure it looks like him).
  12. I forgot this one I gound the instrument he was playing rather interesting, and look whats in the background
  13. and ladies HERE is the EVIDENCE I am still bouncing with joy at this and I can see 1 of MY patches at the top (it's the sonic the hedgehog one lol). I thought it deserved its own thread and if anyone has anymore pics of its outings plz post them here. THIS is why we love the bones of this guy, MIKA your are a darling and if I wasn't old enough to be your mother then I would say I LOVE you!! (guess I can say it in an affectionate motherly fashion though lol). He gave a HUGE beaming smile when he noticed Vix pointing and screaming to me to look at it I was like :shocked::biggrin2:
  14. I love that T.shirt that is why I made it lol AND he wore it tonight (well last night now it's bleeding 5am arrrgh I have to go to sleeep).
  15. No idea how Vix's eyelashes stayed on all night with all the bouncing etc lol. Oh...vix thanked Cherisse for handing her her drumstick cos in Doncaster it went black and it hit her on the forehead, and Cherisse said "OH yeah I saw that I'm so sorry lol" Cherisse is a doll she's fab. and this is a pic of our little Mika-giggle bear we gave him I do have a small vid of him receiving it but it's a bit dark and I need to work out how to upload it (it's quite cute), but then Mika IS cute lol. (I can't believe he asked us if he could keep him lol), the bare faced cheek of the man heh heh.
  16. OMG no I didn't did you get any pix our Bumblebee Vix would love those...I shall have to go hunt for some now. PS. I think his bare back is even more adorable than his front. (lets face it, the guy is just awesome from his the ends of his hair to the nails on his toes), nowt can be done...he is rather dashing lol. PPS lmao, I jsut checked out my OWN pix and noticed the sockies after all lol.
  17. Think thats it for MY pics (Vix has more) but it's now after 4 am and I am tired and I have work tomorrow till 9pm so tata for now folks.
  18. RIGHT lets get some order back here, here are some pics to keep you going, just some of the better ones I took, the others will be fuzzy. (ps. I would settle for Mika's grandkids, that is why I keep taking Bumblebee Vix to his gigs now she doesn't know yet but I am sure she would oblige and make me a grandmother to Mikas babies ) AHEM!! anyway...PHOTIES
  19. If your weren't so god dam beautiful inside and out I think I would find it harder to love you (in a motherly affectionate way of course), but you forever do things that take my breath away and make me go all teary because...well because it's just so god dam thoughtful of you and it just feels like you DO do your best when ever you can to please your fans and I feel you go BEYOND what a lot of other people in your position do. You are always sooo courteous and sweet and your mother must be the proudest woman ever, I know I would be. I apologize for never being able to say much to you when I have met you and that find it difficult to even look at your eyes but...I am kinda shy in some ways and I sure am around you and I could kick myself for it (dam me lol). vix and me hope you liked the little Mika giggle bear we gave you, I have looked after him, clothed him and kept him warm till he could go home with you. Newcastle was the most awesome gig I have ever been to Thank you so much and even more so for this gesture... (one of mine is at the top its the sonic the hedge-pig one...*chuffed face*)
  20. dont worry I am sure he will turn it around as much as he can at each gig, I am sure it wont be its only airing. I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him!I love him! In a motherly and affectionate way of course
  21. and ladies HERE is the EVIDENCE I am still bouncing with joy at this and I can see 1 of MY patches at the top (it's the sonic the hedgehog one lol). THIS is why we love the bones of this guy, MIKA your are a darling and if I wasn't old enough to be your mother then I would say I LOVE you!! (guess I can say it in an affectionate motherly fashion though lol). He gave a HUGE beaming smile when he noticed Vix pointing and screaming to me to look at it I was like :shocked::biggrin2:
  22. Right guys here we go, I'll just post a few as its late and some of poopy, but I HAVE to post this as I am sooooo ecstatic about it.
  23. see tickets are totally crap, the messed up the Doncaster tickets, (I got all mine from ticketmaster and had no probs) but all those at Donny who got them from see tickets did NOT get them until the day before and I am sure I heard that some ppl still didint get them and that the tickets were in Birmingham for some reason, I am sure they will have got it sorted though and were allowed into the gig.
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