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Everything posted by sparkly1

  1. Oh just remembered more, Mika and Saranayde had a balloon fight, Martin jumped about the stage using a baloon as a space hopper, Freddie brought a HUGE balloon of his own to confuse Mika by letting it out at the start of the gig lol but instead he just kept passing it back to the crowd, it was amazing at passing the 30 mins it takes from the end of Palladium to the start of his show lol kept the crowd amused. Mika gave lots and lots of eye contact during the gig to us all, and he also reached out to Karin to "borrow" her Skeleton mask, (her costume was bloody awesome by the way I loved it). she gave him it Vic took a piccy of it. (just uploading some pics onto photobucket just now).
  2. Just a quick snippet for you before I go to bed, I just got back from the most awesome and eventuful gig yet, right at the front again pressed up against the barriers, the stage was very small but Mika was right in front of my face almost all night, he was fantastic, the show was full of high spirited fun and jokes, Mika spilled water over Cherisse, she tried to spank him with ehr drumsticks, she handed Vix her drumstick after nearly having her EYE out at Doncaster. THE BEST THING EVER IS THIS.............................. CARMEL........ HE PUT THE QUILT ON THE DRUM STAND, we didn't notice it for about 5 mins but Vix saw it and shouted and started to point and scream "oh my god LOOOK!!!! the quilt" it took me a few mins to realize what she meant but Mika saw her freaking out about it and smiled at her. The 1st thing we noticed was Martin had an MFC heart on his mike stand WE have lots great pics, I think Vix's are better than mine but I tried to do a bit of videoing but camera only takes 20 seconds at a time, I did video us giving Mika our little Mika giggle bear which he did his lush giggle to again and asked us if he could keep him....(like we were gonna say NO lol, it was for him anyway as I made 2 but his is better lol). I will try to upload some of my pics in a few mins but it's late and I got work tomorrow. Vix will put hers on tomorrow night. All in all they all seemed to really enjoy this gig and he did get the most rapturous reception. also Vix has an update on the whole dressing up for gigs situation but she will post tomorrow with the details on that.
  3. We also liked the naughty boy on the big M one (it's our fave one) but we also like this one as it's kinda posey apart from him hanging his dirty washing out to dry
  4. Thanks lilmot, I am ever the self doubter lol. and now it's up to 20 positive comments
  5. yeeey your worship...have you had a busy pilgrimage, I missed you terribly and took solace this week in your er....close cousin Holy Johhny #2 but I fear he has already thrown in the robes, he gave them to Mikas promoters for safe keeping. I think maybe he has lost his faith non of us could save him even though we tried to he even offered mighty M some chicken tonight and he refused it and said they were trying to trick him, oh he is such a wise leader. anyway I have to leave for now as I have a pilgrimage to Newcastle tomorrow I have already been spreading the word to Manchester and Doncaster, and I also have Hammersmith to work at too, pray for me father.
  6. not are all those pics are a fantastic you should see MINE my daughters are great but the ones I took are poopy, not uploaded them yet cos she has been out in a show today and we have Newcastle tomorrow but asap we will upload em. I love the one you took of him smiling at the crowd that's my fave one.
  7. I like that song, and I think she has a pretty voice.
  8. hello random person I must have spoken to lol. er...what ? :blush-anim-cl:that was possibly me if you were stood next to a bumble bee and a woman in white (hah we can get rid of security bloke off piccy), kinda went into camera crazy mode, forgot they said no pix
  9. I am doing, I made a friend on utube and showed her the path to righteousness (ie, MFC and now she has joined in the name of Frenchcathy, so all go be nice and say hi to her Also spread the word to the security as we spoke to them at the front yesterday and told them by the end of tonight they would think Mika was fab, cos they were not into his music lol, we remembered to ask Oliver (yes we got onto 1st name terms) at the end and he said "yeah he was good acctually, it was a really good show" or words to that effect lol. also a guy in front of us b4 it all started with a bbc neckband thing holding his huge camera said he was here to review the "lighting" lol, I told him the lighting was awesome I especially love the start where sara pops out of the balloon and does the angel thing. Hmmm he moved away pretty soon cos I think he got bonked on the head too much by waving wands and glow sticks too much lol. canny chap though, asked if we were gonna party afterwards and I said "I wish".
  10. OH just rememenred something, in the signing Q Mika's manager guy asked HJ if he is gonna start charging for his performances on stage lol, he said "do you think they would pay me " Mikas Manager said "probably not" or something like that so HJ said "no then" and told him it was his last appearance, we offered the robes to him but he declined (no idea why though). But hey, you gotta love HJ for leaving on a high, he wanted t go while he still had it, while he was still at the top, you know how it is.
  11. yeeey found the quilt handover, I'm surprised you got away with it mind cos they are very strict about cameras now but glad you did. he is soooo gracious I adore his personality.
  12. :thumb_yello::thumb_yello:yeey glad you got it back lol. and I need to hunt down the video of the handing over of the quilt now.
  13. I thought I would try to tell you how DONNY was for me and Vix. I thought the venue was awesome for winter (though I would not liked to have been at the back or sides, though upstairs would have had a great view). Yes it was Q.ing indoors (oh mercy how fantastic was that), the security ppl were sooooo nice that I am going to email the company and say thankyou, cos in Manchester they were evil. We Queued a fair while but time passed by chatting to MFCers who were all lovely, met Emmylou, and Rose (pengy) sara, Freddie, Holy johnny again (he is like an old friend now lol), and vicky, sarifor Ruth, Cynthia, Babs, think it was Marriposa oh darn it...lots more but I forget the names (sorry ppls). Andy/the man of many names, came out at the usual time to interview ppl again (luckily I manage to avoid his camera) lol. OH OH just remembered vix HJ and Vicky went ot ASda to get a chicken (yes busy sat afternoon in costume in asda, a bumble bee a priest and a hooker..ok ok a ring master lol), they couldn't get one so came back with a jar of chicken tonight for MIKA. the security said they went allowed to take glass inside so they put it to one side and said he could pick it up after the gig (seee nice security ppl). I'll tell you about the chicken stuff at the end. We had great fun in the Q just chatting and not being cold it was all good stuff and I know it wont be like that again for a long time in UK cos we have poo weather. Finally it was time to go in, the mad rush and lots of ppl suddenly do the Marathon walkers walk to the front we ended up front row, slightly to right again but nearer than Manchester yeey!! Palladium were great, lovely bunch of lads I like the drummer (Rocky), he reminds of someone and is just cute really lol. Lead singer has charisma and Keyboards a character, lead Guitar is also great, in fact the whole bad give you something worth listening to and watching. Lead guitarist (I'll have to learn their names..sorry guys), did a MIKA and whipped off his shirt lol. (felt sorry for his at the signing later cos 2 drunken idiots made him sign theirs bare asses and he did NOT want to do it, he said to the woman as she dropped her kegs and flashed almost everything "but there are children about" but they wouldn't take NO for an answer, they really were a pain in the neck kept bothering ppl all the time and trying to make them look at their signed asses ewwwwww!!! ANYWAY back to more important stuff, Mika seemed even more happy at this gig than Manchester, we were sooo close, the stage was not all that high (sorry for ppl at back), but great for those near front. he grabbed HJ up again (it's HJ's last appearance so we will miss him terribly at Newcastle and Hammersmith, though he did hand over his robes to Mikas promoter ppl so they may use it for someone else...who knows) wish I was a guy now lol. OOOOO saw Carmel, just behind me, I had been hoping to see her all day so I could see the quilt it is awesomness Carmel, loved it, and I gave her a smiley face lighty up badge I bought for her but she lost it about 10 mins later cos the man of many names came with his camera again and I pointed him in the direction of the quilt so while we held it up it must have fell off. Anyway he asked me about it but I went camera shy and dragged Carmel over to explain the quilt, I kinda joined in too cos I was all excited by then lol. Took some fab piccies on Vix phone (no I lie MINE were poopy but SHE took the good ones lol). Vix keeps going all tearful when he does "In any Other World" ahhh, me too mind I love that one. Vix got a great pic of Mika looking a bit demon like lol crouched down right at the frnt of the stage, (I got an action shot of the balloon busrting), she will be uploading the pics probs in the week as she is dancing in a show this afternoon and we have Newcastle tomorrow and she needs some sleep). Mika gave lots of eye contact to us, and lots of the audience, I love Mikeys lighty up guitar, he gave Martin a signal to do a guitar solo while he got changed, he called Cherrisse an attention seeker lol. Luke hides behind his keyboards but he makes a great GREY SKELLY (did he get the lyrics btw anyone). Cherrisse threw her drumstick to Vix it hit her on the forehead and she dropped it cos the lights went out, so we had to almost beg the bouncers for it back cos everyone wanted it lol, but she got it back in the end. She also got a huge balloon but some lady at the end came and asked her for it for a friend who really wanted it who had had a bad time lately so Vix gave her it. He didn't do the 2nd Relax again *sad face* but he was soo awesome I had to forgive him lol. We went to see Palladium and get some pix and have a chat to them in the foyer part (encountered those drunks there and got bothered HE kept trying to pull vix's bee costume up and asked her if she would sting him, she was NOT amused and gave him what for...lol no flies on THAT bumble bee) Palladium seem such canny fella's, and the keyboard player remembered Vix and that he had left her a message or something on mysapce. The drummer asked us to come and see them gig too and would we dress up in costume for their gigs too lol. (oh forgot to mention that I was dressed as a snow queen kinda thing. (not sure if I will dress up again though, cos of what Mika said to Sara bout it). We were soooo surprised to find out Mika would be doing a signing INDOORS, they made a barrier between us and him and we stood in a long Q. The man of many names rerecorded it all, Carmel got to give him the Quilt but as she was right at the other end to me I didn't get to see that part *sad face* but at least it got recorded on Mikas video. Vix gave him her giant heavy lollipop of doom (that could be used as a violent weapon and nearly was with said drunken dude), and he kinda sunk low with it and said "oh my god" lol, she got him to sign my DVD with merry christmas (as its my christmas pressie off her) and I got him to sign HER massive poster of him to Vix lol. (she got a posh sig off him in Manchester with the heart wings and halo, I just got his name but he is a beautiful person to even take the time to do that in my book). OH the chicken part now........ HJ and Vicky got it out and handed it to him and he said "OH NO no way, I'm NOT taking that I KNOW what that means, your trying to trick me" he was laughing about it though and the man of many names tried to get us to say what it meant and Vix said "go on MFC and find out" and he said "HAH we already know it means sex" and I just thought it was all about the love of poultry Sara and Freddie spoke to him for a bit at the end of the Q and I need to find out properly what they spoke about the dressing up for his gigs part. Well that is it, I'm sure there is more but I can't remember it all, vix will remind me of more stuff when she gets back. OH Freddie, don't forget to get yourself a parmo someday cos you aint lived till you have tasted one lol ROLL on Monday and Newcastle OH PS. forgot to say, during HE we in the front row all started to do the little faces hand movements and he saw us and gave a HUGE smile and joined in, ( I did the mouth) I think he approves.
  14. I agree. I think it's the mentality of these people that is sickening, they are probably the type to laugh at those utube vid's of happy slapping and stuff, it totally horrifys me when I think of how disgustingly animalstic some people really are, THIS is what I consider TRUE ugliness as being.
  15. what really annoys me about music today is how its FINE to play and promote music about drugs, fighting, killing, gang lifestyles, having sex, showing sexual imagery etc, (and a lot of it seems degrading to women, and promotes sexual promiscuity) and a lot worse, yet music that makes people feel good about themselves, music that can lift you out or a sh*t mood, music that can give a really good message without and promotes goo values, is overlooked or even dismissed in favour of the society rotting stuff we seem to have a lot of at the moment. I find that wrong and setting a bad example.
  16. YEEEEEY the handover is TOMORROW, I am sooo pleased, I think it's best then as sooo many MFCers are coming to the gig and I thnk it's probs gonna be the easiest one to give it to him at cos you wont have to cart it about tubes and stuff andit wont get wet cos we can Q indoors apparently. Hope we get a really good MFC members pic, it's gonna be a big one cos lots of us are going. Is the FLAG joining us?
  17. Blimey you all going down today? I'm not going till tomorrow, mind you vix has commitments she can't get out of you see, show's n work etc.
  18. Oh Donny Osmond yea I quite liked him too but I wasn't IN LOVE with him lol
  19. So I got the idea of this thread after seeing Gatagordinha's sig and thought it was a good idea after I nearly choked and was half way through PM-ing her before realizing what she meant lol. So here is where we can confess all. We need to know where, when, did you dress up, and what as. don't think we need to know any more than that for this one lol. (And yes that is what I thought when I saw her sig too and I thought it would make an amusing thread where we could say where we lost ours), our MIKA gig virginity that is lol. WHERE?-------LEEDS University WHEN?--------13/5/2007 DRESS UP?----yeah sort of WHAT AS?-----just in a huge huge hat, rainbow striped top and fury legwarmers.
  20. Well, maybe I did overreact, and I have calmed down now, but I still don't like what this guy said because of the whole tone of it, and I got my mothering head on (the one that makes you jump to the defence of those you care about). Marylin I saw your comment so he posted it. And now I'm over what he said and don't want to waste any more time on him cos that is probably all he wants anyway and I am not gonna give him the satisfaction of us talking about him anymore.
  21. ha ha yeah it's too embarrassing to admit who, tho he will always hold a special place in the corner of my heart like my 1st love does, weird but true lol. (I'll tell you if you ask me at one of the gigs I'm going to if your going as well lol)
  22. I think it's really easy to fall in love with someone you have never met, and it really DOES feel like the real thing (believe me I have been there when I was 16), and I know I could easily feel the same way again for Mika but luckily I am too old and ugly and a lot more realistic now to ever let those feelings grow too wild and big to become real. I admit, I DO feel something for Mika, and I know I don't know him personally, non of us do really, but we fall for what we see, and who we perceive he is. It really is sooo easy to fall for Mika because of the personality traits he shows us, apart from his physical beauty, his talent, his voice, the fact he sings such beautiful lyrics, (words filled with meaning that we take our own interpretations from) to us, he also has so many more qualities that he shows us that we are drawn to, his infectious cute giggle, his confident eye contact when he talks to us or even when we see him talking to others in that way, it is all magnetically attractive and fascinating. He also appears to be such a big flirt too, yet in such a way as it just seems so innocent as if he doesn't know he is doing it but I can bet he does lol. But not everyone falls for Mika in the same way, love is a diverse feeling and not on the same level for everyone. I DO believe that what some of you feel is LOVE but it's hard to explain this, when I was in love with a popstar in my teens, I DID love him, I know what I felt and it WAS love, it wasn't the same kind of love I feel for my children or my husband, they too are a different kind of love, and being "in love" and loving someone are different, one can evolve from the other, but one sided love is never going to be a lasting or fulfilling type of love. also being "in love" doesn't last very long, and that time can vary from a few weeks, to a few years, then it should if it is working, evolve into loving the person properly so to speak. I think about the 3 people I have been in love with, 1 was my 1st love (a boy from school) who couldn't stand me and made fun of me cos I was poor, one was a popstar, who obviously only saw me as a fan, and then my husband who was the long standing one but the "in love" evolved into the long term kinda less intense love (being in love is far too crazy and can be so painful to keep it going for ever). :blink:omg I am sooo sorry I went off on a tangent there all I wanted to say is I know how you feel cos I have been there once or twice and I went into some huge essay SORRY.
  23. Well mika sure must live by that saying cos he never seems to respond to such pap, though he did give out his own little digs to those who didn't believe in him in the past during the Manchester gigs so.....maybe he has waited patiently to say UP YOURS in his own way. W/E I am entitled to MY opinions on that Journalist too so I guess its even stevens then.
  24. yeah dam him he always sneaks a look at we are doing on MFC then "innocently" it crops up here or there, pffft the copy cat.
  25. I would have done that if he had said something along the lines of ...this is purley my own opinion as the rest of the audience went mental for him on BOTH nights and to be honest I wasn't even there I just dont like the guy cos my girlfriend thinks he is hot. and I DONT want people to go leave NASTY comments, that was my own mistake, I want them all to leave glowing reports to show his up for the rubbish it is.
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