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Status Updates posted by phunkygal

  1. Haha. Oh well I don't think I have any charm. At least not if I want a lecture about how I don't appreciate anything I get and how I should be happy I get to see Rent and Mika will come again and blah blah. haha

  2. That's awesome! Unfortunately since Mika is coming to Boston In October I dunno I I will get to see him because my Xmas gift is already tickets to see Rent again. :-( But hopefully he will come again soon so I can see him again! I haven't seen him since Feb '08!

  3. I am amazing thank you. Whats happening? Hahahaha. fancypants.

  4. Hey how are you?

  5. Sizes ARE tricky lol. I am guessing he is pretty big....haha

  6. I like the boxers idea....

  7. I miss you Becky! PM me!

  8. Thanks haha. I do tend to love the gay men. straight guys arent my type.

  9. I actually just went to NYC for my award. I had to receive it at this huge stage event thing. The most important I have ever felt hahaha. But the best part of the boys kissing were the boys kissing in short denim skirts. *drools*

  10. I am amazing! I have so much to tell you! A lot has been going on in my life lately. I won a national award in an Art Contest and got to go to NYC (a lot of hot boys kissing boys!!!) and I have been thinking about you a lot!

  11. Diana! I have missed you so much! How are you??

  12. yep I am the same size haha. Thats okay, as long as I know I wasnt screwed out of $30 and I get them at some point!

  13. Yes! Luke! Thank you! I was in need of him on my Birthday. mmmm. his shoulders are still very yummy!

  14. Hey Becky, I havent talked to you in SO long but I am thinking about you. How are you?

  15. Hey I miss you and I also miss my shoes. Where are they girlie?

  16. Oh ya, Brianna I know. Please don't be mad at me. I saw Lisa the other day though and I got a new/crazy hair cut so she didn't know who I was at first. I miss yoooouuu.

  17. how are you? better yet, where are my shoes?

  18. can i have a hint? HAHA.

  19. hey hey. i have a pressie for you.....if u want it. im gonna PM u.

  20. now what is that colour? lol

  21. we could! how about you pick one?

  22. heyyyy! how are you?

  23. its ok Io. you already abused my address. :lmao:

  24. whats up? I have been havind Dee-ana withdrawels.

  25. no. haha, i is unpopular i guess. how is that scarf ;-p

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