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Everything posted by Em'

  1. Tu as vu il y a deux minutes? Flavie Flament présentait le truc 30 secondes et il était pas super à l'aise à côté! On sent qu'il est pas encore totalement à l'aise le ch'tit père à la télé! Et la tronche qu'il a fait quand il a entendu les fans de Tokyo Hotel HURLER! :roftl:
  2. What about this one Avoca? *Find the River* Hey now, little speedyhead, The read on the speedmeter says You have to go to task in the city Where people drown and people serve. Don't be shy. Your just deserve Is only just light years to go. Me, my thoughts are flower strewn Ocean storm, bayberry moon. I have got to leave to find my way. Watch the road and memorize This life that pass before my eyes. Nothing is going my way. The ocean is the river's goal, A need to leave the water knows We're closer now than light years to go. I have got to find the river, Bergamot and vetiver Run through my head and fall away. Leave the road and memorize This life that pass before my eyes. Nothing is going my way. There's no one left to take the lead, But I tell you and you can see We're closer now than light years to go. Pick up here and chase the ride. The river empties to the tide. Fall into the ocean. The river to the ocean goes, Afortune for the undertow. None of this is going my way. There is nothing left to throw Of Ginger, lemon, indigo, Coriander stem and rose of hay. Strength and courage overrides The privileged and weary eyes Of river poet search naivete. Pick up here and chase the ride. The river empties to the tide. All of this is coming your way. Happy Birthday Michael!
  3. Well actually when artists have a concert on the same time as an award ceremony, they don't go to the awards. Wasn't it Rihanna at the EMA who talked from the other end of the planet where she was giving a concert when she received her award?
  4. He he he that is good news! I'm a big REM fan (Avoca can tell lol) and Michael Stipe is a wonderful writer, a poet indeed. He has a very interesting way of writing. His recognizing of Mika as a great songwriter = real kudos for Mika as Stipey is very respected for his talent by his peers. A collaboration would be great, I really wonder what it would be like...
  5. Hop me revoilà suis rentrée des US!!! BONNE ANNEE TOUT LE MONDE!!!!!
  6. Euh.. OK this is to take with cautiousness but when I was in London someone told me that they asked Martin about Australia and he said it was not sure, they would likely be working on the new album instead... I thought you would have heard about that already ? I've not been on the forum lately so I did not follow up much. But once again, I have not heard it myself, this is what I've been told/what I understood, so I will not guarantee that this is 100% sure. I really hope for you guys that I got it wrong.
  7. I'm afraid I was not clear enough in my explanation then: Andy tried to speak French saying a few words indeed. I'm sorry if my report implied he's fluent in French. He indeed is not. He just tried (and he made himself understood ). Hope this correction suits you better AS .
  8. Mmmh frankly it was too made up for me. I prefer when curls fall on his forehead at least. It's more natural.
  9. I know he's a bit too much in the picture, isn't he :roftl: ?
  10. I know it's stupid.. Reflex I guess... He must not have like it as he was doing the effort to speak French...
  11. Thanks to all of you guys for your nice comments! I should get a couple of pictures where Mika looks at the camera with me (with my double chin ). Don't know when I will get them... I'm waiting for you Ruth in February! Rak1: Andy seemed fine, he tried to speak French during the interview but I was very naughty, I talked in English silly me...
  12. Profites bien de ton annif Pamette!!!! J'ai essayé de t'envoyer un mp mais ta boite est full! Et merci TTel20 !
  13. Good morning everyone! Congrats to myself for the 1000th post! The French website got to know it through the following link: http://www.imedias.biz/television/actualite-mika-invite-des-disques-dor-sur-tf1-14033.php and it had been announced on TV too (Direct 8 channel). The show is supposed to be recorded within 3 days but Mika attended only yesterday. Don't know where he's heading today... I have the Christmas party at work (I absolutely don't want to go but I have no choice....) so I hope to be able to post the picture tomorrow evening if I have it.
  14. I can't even say, it went so fast I had no time to feel anything at all . Bummer...
  15. Actually three fans took a picture of me on the same time (I had no camera with me), I should get them tomorrow! The one on Olga's camera was actually taken by John ! I really look awful you can see my double chin but hey I did not expect one so I'm happy with this... I all went all in a blur so fast though... Did not have the time to enjoy anything and realise I was with Mika's arm around me...
  16. Yep! Although when we asked what his real name was when he interviewed us he said it was Marjorie :roftl: ! Sorry Andy... No more secrets!
  17. Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Today big day! Got my picture with Mika !!!!!! I look awful on it but nevermind it' better than nothing! He was attending Les Disques d'Or in the suburb of Paris. This program is about bestselling artists and will be aired during Christmas break (probably Christmas Eve?). We saw quickly Craig David, Tokio Hotel and French artists like Christophe Maé, Zazie, Johnny Haliday, Etienne Daho. We know that Mika sang Relax and Big Girl. We did not try to get inside as we thought (and we were right) that he would not stay until the end. We wanted to meet him when he would leave. Olga was there at 1:30pm, she saw Mika a few times and had wonderful pictures taken with him. She was the only Mika fan there lol. I arrived at 7:30pm (after wondering many times: should I go or not? I really hesitated. Glad I did go!). We waited in the cold until 11pm, freezing. We ended up being 5 mika fans there. The band came out first (Martin was not there), around 10pm, we just said hi and they left quickly. Cherisse and Saranayde still had their make up on, it was MASSIVE!!! We saw him doing a photo shoot by the window with balloons. We were a total of 5 Mika fans (not too many lol). He waved at us a couple of times. Andy came out to interview us and ask if we were not too angry and disappointed that Mika cancelled his show in London. I was the only one speaking English so I explained him that we understood as we saw that Mika was really unwell. John came out after a while, and said: Hi Ladies, are you crazy being in the cold? We negotiated a group picture with the 5 of us. When Mika came out, there were a few other people who also got pictures with him. Without them, we would have managed a couple of minutes talk... Well nevermind. We still managed to each get one single picture with Mika so we got more than what was negotiated . Mika seems better and said he is actually. We heard John call Andy Andrew so now we know it's his real name ! Ah and Yasmine and Paloma were there too, they left before Mika.
  18. This necklace is absolutely awesome, he could not not like it! Can't find the youtube video to watch him with it. Anyone could post the link please? Thanks!
  19. It will be on TF1, I think on December 21st but I'm not sure... Bummer I'll be in Detroit at this time so won't be able to watch it.... Looks like very few people from Mikawebsite will try to go see him. Nobody knows where it is exactly...
  20. Mmm Martin not there.... Sick in bed maybe? Might have caught their cold... Mika is supposed to attend tomorrow a French show which is recorded in order to be aired during Christmas break. The show, which is about the biggest sellouts of the year, is called "Les Disques d'Or" (the Golden Records) and is being taped during 3 days but Mika will attend only tomorrow. The taping is from 6:30pm until 00:30pm (thanks people from Mikawebsite for all the info! BTW they will try to go see him tomorrow. Don't know if I will go yet...). Mika's attendance has been confirmed this week... I guess he thought he'd be better by then...
  21. Mmmh I'd like to know when the tickets are on sale... Still no news...
  22. Yep, wonder when they'll be....
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