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Everything posted by Em'

  1. Well, there's Amy Winehouse, her sales have been huge and people love her CD (which is very good, this girl is so talented it's a pity she destroys herself).... I think the battle will be between the two of them...
  2. That's right it means that your vote has been registered! It's weird has he been replaced by Juanes in the best international masculine artist? He's not mentioned at all...
  3. Many unauthorized biographies are released (on Lady Diana, etc etc). Given that Mika was not aware of it, yep that means it's unauthorized.
  4. Mission accomplished guys.... He was not aware of it at all.
  5. It was lovely to meet you too Jodi! Oh God X-factor :roftl: ! And brekkie... God this was WONDERFUL! I miss Full English breakfast so much! I think I ate like I hadn't eaten for a week :roftl: !
  6. Me too Andi!!!! It's a pity you can't come to any of the London gigs! Next tour !! Lauren and HJ: brilliant presence on the stage!!!!
  7. Hi everyone! Will make my report short: Arrived at the hotel around 12pm, met (finally!) FD and Sara and was real happy to see Caz (Mikas_gal07) again! We headed for lunch, then a bit of shopping (alcohol and food,that is), hung out a couple of hours in Caz and Sara's room, then got prepared (thanks Caz for the lovely hairdo and make-up, and all the nice stuff you got me to make me a nice fairy!). Headed to the Dome around 3:45 pm I think. It was lovely to see the people I already knew and to meet the others (Babs, Jodi, Ruth and your friend, Andi and your husband, Bexxy, Kath and the lot, it was ace meeting you - I must have forgotten some sorry there were so many people). We waited until the doors opened (with a Santa giving Lollipops to everybody, and not really behaving like a Sant to the kids ha ha ha), got a good spot 3rd row in the middle right behind Lauren. Mika's show was very good but unless I'm wrong his voice did not sound that powerful to me, it was often nearly covered up by the music - still voice issues I guess. I really liked the show and the fact that it was smaller and more intimate that all these 6000 people venues I've been attending lately, but frankly I did prefer Dusseldorf. The crowd was nice (NO PUSHING AT ALL YEAHHHHHHHHHHH) but although it reacted nicely there was not that frenzy I had felt in Dusseldorf, and I did not feel Mika was as much in it (he really enjoyed people singing his songs though you could see his joy on his face). Mika came out quite fast after the show (so not much waiting), when my turn came he signed the DVD card I gave him (and stupid me right after I said "Hi" in French I watched his hand signing instead of him while he was answering in French "Hi how are you" so I still don't know if he can recognise me or not - no big deal but after attending quite many shows I was just wondering). Anyway then I told him about the book to be released about him in France and well, now we know, he was not aware of it at all. I then gave him the CD I made for him with the French hits from the era when he was living in Paris, explaining him there were French crap songs from the 80s-early 90s that might make him laugh or even maybe bring some memories back. He said "ah super merci" (looks like my silly idea was not too much of a bad choice ) - but frankly it went all in a blur so I can't remember exactly - and moved on. Next mission in London: ask him if he had the opportunity to listen to it and if he remembered some of the songs. He indeed said later in the queue that some bands now were asking their audience to come all dressed up so he's keen on finding another idea now. We then all headed back to the hotel (Sariflor, Droopsy and Niki27 I'm sorry I left without seeing you and thus did not get the opportunity to say bye!), all gathered in FD's room and Babs and Rak1 went on a mission to find pizzas which we hungrily ate - thanks again ladies for saving us from starvation! Had lovely breakfast this morning with everybody and then left with Mirtilla and Giulietta to get the train for our respective flights. Thank you so much again Babs for giving us a lift! I hope you found your pouch you were looking for! To all British : I'm sorry if I did not talk much in FD's room but after a looooong day (had to get up real early in the morning to catch my flight) my English understanding was not at its top, and with the many different accents and the speed I could not catch up all the time, oops sorry! I'm so glad I met all of you and am really looking forward to seeing again in London the ones that are coming! Oops was that supposed to be a short review?
  8. If the pics are stunning honey you bet I won't forget you !
  9. That's why I'm thinking he might not be aware of it... I hope to solve the mystery tomorrow evening in Doncaster...
  10. I totally agree. Their art is different, their visions are different. They both are original and unique with their own worlds.
  11. That's a risk I'm afraid you will have to take, especially as the plane ticket is non refundable... Ask Cynthia to send you a copy of her order and bring a copy with you. That might ease the job to ask John to help if he sees that was really booked.
  12. We might be able to sort it out, maybe John the tour manager can do something. Maybe some people will be selling places at the venue. When Mirtilla came to Munich she could buy a place from somebody there. If you don't come you will regret it, especially if your plane ticket is non refundable. Unless it is?
  13. Go Droopsy, that might get sorted out on site and you'll be able to get in.
  14. God I haven't started packing yet... Though it's only for one night so it should be fine (still ironing to do tonight though ).
  15. Thanks Petra for the pictures! I love the "chess" trousers he wears on the picture where he also wears beads and the Avengers hat... How do you call this kind of trousers?
  16. Mmmh maybe not a real biography, but it says it will be full of pictures accompanying his story...
  17. Emmylou, just ask your uncle for the printed order, and also a letter from him saying the ticket is for you. You'll be all set then.
  18. Yes basically it's just an add promoting his qualities as a singer etc etc... which is why I did not translate it. I'm surprised too that this book comes so early in his carrier... Surfing on the wave I guess... But as I said in my first post I don't know if Mika knows about it, many biographies are released without the artist's OK... That's why I would like to ask him in Doncaster if he's aware of it, to know if it's part of his own promoting stuff or not.
  19. Guys, I would suggest that if you can you still come to the venue. Maybe it can be sorted out over there! Just don't forget your printed order!
  20. Yo Peeps! Just heard through a poster in the French Mikawebsite that a book is going to be released in France in March 2008 about Mika! It is already listed for presale in the Fnac so it's not a hoax.... ________________________________ MIKA - Chansons et spectacles de Lily Road Collection Spectacles Prix : 16,15 € 96 pages Format : 20 x 28 - Album souple en couleur Mika effectue très tôt ses premiers pas dans la musique et gagne une notoriété internationale dès son premier album. Écriture, composition, chant, il maîtrise son art de bout en bout. Mika démolit au passage, l'idée reçue selon laquelle une vedette pourrait se "fabriquer" artificiellement. Un facteur décisif est intervenu dans son succès : le magnétisme charismatique de sa personnalité que peuvent ressentir tous ceux qui vont le voir sur scène. Mika ne livre-t-il pas toute la mesure de ses potentialités vocales ? Quel artiste que celui qui peut chanter avec ce timbre sans jamais défaillir. La jeune génération est entrée en connexion avec lui et sûrement pour très longtemps. L'objet de cet ouvrage palpitant : vous faire découvrir ce personnage unique et multiple en pleine ascension vertigineuse. de superbes photos accompagnent l'histoire de ce mélomane qui décidément, a tout pour plaire. À PARAÎTRE EN MARS 2008 RÉSERVEZ DÈS À PRÉSENT CE LIVRE INÉDIT ! Auteur Road Editeur Fan De Toi Date de parution mars 2008 Collection Spectacles ISBN 9782356010063" http://www4.fnac.com/Shelf/article.aspx?PRID=2067984&OrderInSession=1&Mn=1Μ=-13&SID=5aeea088-1caa-2cbf-48fa-55c932c1c509&TTL=200520081027&Origin=FnacAff&Ra=-1&To=0Ν=1&UID=18AAAA363-E925-7B13-4FE8-3304217D4560&Fr=3 Now they don't show all the info I posted anymore... You can't pre-order it either... But it's there. _________________________________ I wonder if Mika is aware of it, as you have often books released on artists/celebs without their OK.... I will ask him in Doncaster if I have the occasion.
  21. Is it? Do you know on which channel and what time? Is it something a bit like Absolutely Fabulous (God this was PRICELESS!) ?
  22. I started a thread to make sure Birmingham and Doncaster people are aware of the plan!!!! I have my ticket thanks to Caz but I really feel for you guys. Some people like Niki27 and Mirtilla are flying all the way from Belgium and Italy, as I'm flying from France. Let's hope John can do something.
  23. Yo peeps (love this expression!)! Lucky people who are going to Birmingham, your Donny fellows need help. There is a serious problem with Seetickets (maybe other ticket companies I'm not aware of?), which still has not delivered tickets for Doncaster (and other gigs either). Donny is in a couple of days and people are getting really anxious about not getting tickets on time. Some people are also traveling all the way from various countries and will never get their ticket before flying. The Tour Manager, John, told Mikafish he'd try to help on the day of the venue should the tickets have not arrived. I'm thinking that if Birmingham people could tell him, or anyone else from management they can talk to, that there is still an issue with Donny tickets tomorrow at the gig, that might give him / his team an extra-day to try to sort this out. Seetickets was linked to Mikasounds on the internet which is why many people ordered with Seetickets. Who knows, maybe there is a special contract for Mikasounds promoting Seetickets, so maybe John could do something... I would suggest to Doncaster people to bring with them a printed copy of their order the day of the gig. That way, if John can do something, it might ease the process. I cross fingers for you all that you either get your ticket on time or that John can sort this out. Birmingham people thanks in advance for your help!
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