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Everything posted by Em'

  1. Bienvenue Guylaine! Tu vas voir la communauté ici est très sympa. Le French thread est un peu mort en ce moment, faut qu'on réactive tout ça...
  2. It was released yesterday in stores so I could buy it. Yep, done for a while
  3. No actually I don't feel that thirsty . I rather feel like going home and watch Mr Mika on DVD again instead of working...
  4. Yo guys! So I saw Mika live on my wall yesterday! Here's the quick review I made about last evening watching the DVD (it was so much fun being a few MFCers), if you want have a quick review before you watch him home: Watched it yesterday evening on my white wall with Johnny06, Yoppapop and Laurence in front of a pizza and that was fun! Everyone SCREAMED (Oh My God, my neighbours....) any time we recognized anybody we knew, and you can see Johnny06 and Yop during the concert several times (no Laurence and no me , she was in the balcony and I was in front of Mickey...). Yop was crazy about Cherisse (what a surprise ) and she even DISCOVERED that actually Mika is handsome and that he could appeal to her ... It's a pity though that they cut nearly everywhere where he speaks French, would have been nice to have the whole concert uncut. But the concert is full of energy! And we really had fun watching the documentary, Mika does whine a little doesn't he ... which I love actually, it makes me laugh (and reminds me of myself when I whine). A few cheesy parts (Mika, Mika... the 4 of us agreed on this: honey some things are a bit "too much", but not "too much" enough to be you... we can advise you on this if you want , but be either "too much" over the top as you can be, or not at all babe), and a big laugh when the "I was born in Beyrouth" came out of his mouth for the 10 000th time... Sorry Mika, that's become a national joke here So I really like this DVD and I think I might watch it again tonight...
  5. Actually it was like a mini-concert to us! You should have seen when we saw for the first time Mika on the wall we just SCREAMED silly us :roftl: . It was like woaw a big Mika in the room just for the 4 of us ! And his concert is so full of energy, lost of change of camera plans to enhance the atmosphere there so it's woaw.... especially when you know you were there!
  6. FD, so this hotel is kinda not that safe???? You're gonna have a lot of work bodyguarding everyone
  7. Doing OK thanks Darling ... OK I admit I went to work later today... 3-4 hours sleeping was not enough... Don't worry that was really slight compared to how I can be
  8. Hi everyone, Watched it yesterday evening on my white wall with Johnny06, Yoppapop and Laurence in front of a pizza and that was fun! Everyone SCREAMED (Oh My God, my neighbours....) any time we recognized anybody we knew, and you can see Johnny06 and Yop during the concert several times (no Laurence and no me , she was in the balcony and I was in front of Mickey...). Yop was crazy about Cherisse (what a surprise ) and she even DISCOVERED that actually Mika is handsome and that he could appeal to her ... It's a pity though that they cut nearly everywhere where he speaks French, would have been nice to have the whole concert uncut. But the concert is full of energy! And we really had fun watching the documentary, Mika does whine a little doesn't he ... which I love actually, it makes me laugh (and reminds me of myself when I whine). A few cheesy parts (Mika, Mika... the 4 of us agreed on this: honey some things are a bit "too much", but not "too much" enough to be you... we can advise you on this if you want , but be either "too much" over the top as you can be, or not at all babe), and a big laugh when the "I was born in Beyrouth" came out of his mouth for the 10 000th time... Sorry Mika, that's become a national joke here So I really like this DVD and I think I might watch it again tonight...
  9. OK doc! Will bring something, either to eat or drink...
  10. You bet I am!!!! Oh God when will this boring day be over?
  11. Oh God I'd do anything to be with you all having fun instead of sitting at boring work... Enjoy guys!
  12. Wait FD, you're not gonna wear that kilt at Doncaster? I soooooooo would have loved to see it... I think Santa wears no underwear either...
  13. Went to buy it today at lunch time!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooooooooooooooo looking forward to watch it tonight with Yop, Laurence and Johnny06! It was right at the entrance of the Fnac, and if you went upstairs, there were showing the DVD on TV.
  14. Hi guys! Just got my copy of Live in Cartoon Motion! Took a long lunch break on purpose to take the train and go get it!!!! I'm soooooooooooooo looking forward to watching it tonight with Yop Johnny06 and Laurence!!! Anzuzu: very sorry about your grand-dad. You have all my sympathy. Sara: are you feeling OK now?
  15. Yeah tell me about it... I hate cleaning up... Sivan, Sara is right. It's better you're careful and keep your energy for later when needed in London!
  16. I'll have the fairy face and hairdo, with you help and Caz's!
  17. Fine thanks! I'm supposed to finish clean up the house and do some ironing but I don't feel like it... I have to though cause Johnny06, Laurence and Yoppapop are coming tomorrow night to watch Mika's DVD and I don't want them to see a messy flat...
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