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Everything posted by Em'

  1. Pretty sure he got out of the interview with a "WTF you did not find this out before the interview?" to his team. "I never want this to happen again!"
  2. Actually I own one of Ramazzotti's albums, which I used to listen to non-stop... And I used to love Una storia importante lol... Also fairly convinced it's Michael, turned into Mica as nickname. I know a couple of Michaels whom people shortened to Mica.
  3. Eros Ramazotti is not my type but many girls are head over heels for him in Italy. He had a couple of hits in France so I would not say he's real famous here but he had his time of fame. He must be in his 40s, I was a young teenage when his first hit arrived in France, "Una storia importante" and I'm only 4 years younger than you Christine. Regarding the Mica/Michael subject, I saw more credits to him as Michael than Mica. The only time I saw "Mica" was on this classical record he made, the Pilgrimage something in his early teens. So yep I guess it's Michael...
  4. youhou what's tinsel? glitter or stuff like that??? Yeah I guess I gotta have something, I'll look so boring next to you guys with my béret...
  5. No kidding Droopsy you don't like the black one with blue spots? That's my fav!!!!!! I so love this jacket! It's unwearable for anyone else but it looks fab on him!
  6. I'm not very good at dressing up... I guess I'll be the same ol' boring myself...
  7. Oh God Eros Ramazotti... Has been around for over 20 years now... Mmmh totally off topic but I'm still left with this question: Michael or Mica? This BMI thing is legal so if it says Michael...
  8. I don't think so.. I haven't even looked at what it is actually .
  9. Still at work. Heading back home at 6pm - should be home by 7.30pm French time 6.30pm your time for a chatty evening! Rose, I have my ticket for Doncaster! And I booked the flight today! I'm landing in Manchester.
  10. ah où ça? Les filles ce thread est un peu mort en ce moment... Faut qu'on se remue pour l'activer!
  11. Yeap to the three dates! And I just added Doncaster too (costing me a fortune... well nevermind). It will be great to see you again! I ordered my tickets through this website and got everything within 3 weeks at home. As the date is coming nearer I understand you get nervous though... Maybe some British person can order them for you and have them delivered to her home so it might go faster?
  12. J'ai hâte de voir cette interview ce soir! J'espère que le lien va fonctionner avec mon laptop super lent... Ca y est j'ai réservé mon avion pour Manchester woop woop!
  13. girls for the 4th you can go to ticketweb.co.uk. They deliver abroad.
  14. Got a ticket! I love you Caz! Also booked the flight to Manchester whoop whoop! Anyone looking for a roommate at the Campanile, or a drive-mate from Manchester to Doncaster?
  15. Yep Mikas_gal07 en a un pour moi! je le paie le double du prix mais tant pis... Oui on sera deux francophones Niki, toi la Belge et moi la Française! T'inquiètes je vais m'assurer que rien ne déconne avant de partir lol... Faut que je me force à dormir pour pas chopper la première connerie qui passe!
  16. Salut les filles! Pas encore vu l'interview verrai ça ce soir... Londres: yep Pamette faut qu'on s'organise! Niki: Doncaster ça le fait, j'ai "plus" qu'à organiser le voyage en lui-même et où je crèche lol
  17. Bouhouhou I'm still looking for a ticket... I am thinking of taking a flight that would land in Manchester... So I try my chance: I plan to take the train, but maybe someone is in the Manchester area and would drive or take the train to the venue???? It's just that it would be nicer to be with someone... Also I plan on taking a room in the Campanile. Anybody interested in sharing a twin with me to split the cost?
  18. Brilliant Jemma! Can't wait for your story!
  19. Eh ben ma grande tu trimes dur! Je me suis tapée tout le thread de Dusseldorf mais j'ai pas le courage de faire tout Munich... J'ai pas posté de review non plus comme tout le monde a fait le sien... J'ai l'impression qu'il m'a reconnue, à vérifier au prochain concert lol! C'est mal barré pour Doncaster... Enfin bon je désespère pas...
  20. Coucou tout le monde! Ah la la j'ai l'impression que ça fait des années que je ne suis pas allée sur le French thread, avec ce super Mika-week-end et là j'ai de la famille à la maison jusqu'à demain soir... Pamette ça fait trop longtemps qu'on a pas papoté ! Tu vas bien? Munich et Dusseldorf d'enfer (surtout Dusseldorf, j'étais devant le catwalk sur le coin gauche avec Niki27 pas loin!). A Munich j'étais donc la seule française et je crois que vu la manière dont il m'a dit bonjour il m'a reconnue, c'était un bonjour genre ah tiens je t'ai déjà vue toi ...
  21. Well I might book the flight and then rely on good luck to find an affordable ticket around 50-60 pounds max... You're sick Bexx? What do you have?
  22. Hi guys! Well nothing to add to all those reviews, as everyone said the gig was fab and the atmosphere INCREDIBLE!!! It was my best Mika gig ever, not technically or vocally, as obviously Mika was really sick, but for all this wonderful interaction he had with the audience!!!! Guys of MFC I was so happy to meet you all you are brilliant! I did not have the opportunity to speak to you all sorry... And a special thanks to Niki27 for providing me with the ticket, and driving me in the middle of the night to the hospital with Droopsy and Cath85. And a special thanks to Cath85 too who had to translate "live" between the stupid nurse, and the doctor and the other nurse (nice, this one). Sorry Cath you had to deal with my screaming when the doctor dug into my thumb !
  23. Hi guys! Anyone here??? Still no ticket for Doncaster... Seatwave is very expensive (70 pounds)... Should I book the flight and then take a risk... Bouhouhou....
  24. WELL DROOPSY GOT LUCKY SHE READ IT FIRST!!! GOOD FOR YOU DROOPSY!!!!! So I'm still desperately looking for a Doncaster ticket...
  25. Hi Guys! Just a quickie one I have family home until Wednesday evening. Then I will finally be able to read threads and stuff!!! Caz and Rose I was so happy to meet you you're ACE!!!! I think I'm coming to Doncaster... I know it's crazy!!!! I'm end up pennyless lol. Would anyone know someone who's got a spare ticket please please please??? I cannot read the thread at the moment but I can quickly read PMs! Cross fingers...
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