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Everything posted by Em'

  1. Sasje, how can we recognize you at the venue? What time do you think you will be arriving?
  2. Thanks dear! Unfortunately this is official now: I lost my voice .
  3. Girls I'm so sick... After one week last week coughing my life out, and starting to feel better on Sunday morning, I re-started again on Sunday evening with a sore throat... And it f*cking hurts... I'm hoping to have partly recovered by Thursday evening, as I'll have to face the cold and lack of sleep for the next two-three days... My voice is fading away, I think I might be voiceless for both Mika's concerts ... Could be the joke of the week-end .
  4. They are in one of the previous posts in the same page ! The one where I mention the taxi.
  5. What are your flight details Queenie? Do you take same flight as Sariflor? I would then propose that we meet in the taxi line (so the first one arriving can queue...)
  6. Thank you Sara!!!!!! Let me know how much I owe you! I am landing with Air Berlin at 11:35am Flight AB 6026 from Munich. It said Gate B. Would you have your flying details?? I had a look at the Dusseldorf airport website and they say that taxi to downtown Dusseldorf is only 16 €... As we'll be three people, maybe it's worth taking one to the youth hostel and share the costs? We might gain 30 minutes using a taxi instead of public transportation, and even if it's 20 € it will just be 7 € each... what do you and Queenie think? http://www.dus-int.de/dus_en/taxi/ I also checked and there is only one meeting point in the whole airport. Maybe we could meet there? Or would you have another idea (taxi line, etc)?
  7. Guys, I only have one flashing heart who will last I'm afraid only Munich... Would any kind heart have a couple of extra flashing hearts that I can buy from her in Dusseldorf? Thank you!!!
  8. Thanks dear, you'll keep my post for 1st row then ??? Wonder what it's about with this wrist bracelet...
  9. Oh God I wish so much he would come to France one day... I would have gone to the Grand Finale but I'll be on vacation in the US at this time... Gonna have to wait for next tour...
  10. Bon, j'suis dans un état proche de l'Ohio là, j'vais me coucher! Bonne nuit et à demain tous! Niki: je serai certainement sur msn demain soir.
  11. T'es pas branchée... Vais pas tarder à aller me coucher suis malade et je devrais être au lit depuis déjà pas mal de temps si je veux me rattrape un peu avant d'attaquer le grand froid d'Allemagne...
  12. Tu m'étonnes, et on a surtout pas envie de redescendre.... Ca me fait tenir face à mes cons de collègues et de chefs (mention spéciale pour eux: WALK OUT THE DOOR!!!!)
  13. bouhouhou.... What about if we kidnap you and you have no choice??? Oh I hope Mirtilla will be able to come, she's already coming to Dusseldorf and I haven't seen her since June at the Olympia.
  14. Avoca, you just killed me, you have no mercy.... *dies*
  15. Oops something went wrong, triple post... That's because I'm so desperate Avoca's not coming...
  16. Who's coming with you Giulietta (tell me you are kidnapping Avoca and are taking her to Munich, no matter what.... PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE!)?
  17. Yeah sometimes we have to be reasonable... As long as you don't squeeze London!!!! I so want to meet you all guys!!! Just girls for 4 days that will be totally insane ...
  18. Oops I missed something: so you're back with your boyfriend. In love :wub2: ? Lucky you !!! Maybe Mika was an escape at a moment you needed it, and now you don't feel the need anymore?
  19. Hey Mélie!!!! Comment ça va depuis le concert mercredi?
  20. Giulietta, you're coming???? Yeah I'm sure we'll find a solution. Maybe you can ask Mellody, I think she lives in the area (if I'm not wrong). Otherwise maybe they sell tickets at the venue? Do you know anybody German who could help you find out? - sorry I don't speak a word of German. If you come, if you don't mind could you please PM me your cell phone number? I try to have a few so we have more chance to gather together to wait at the venue. BTW anyone wanting to send me your cell number, feel free to PM me, and I'll give you mine. Do you have somewhere to stay? Rak1, Mikas_gal and I are staying here: http://www.tulipinnmunichschwabing.com/
  21. Merci! Oui oui faut que j'assure Munich et Dusseldorf, c'est clair! Allez oups, au dodo!
  22. Youhou un thread n°2!!!! Ca se fête!!! Slavaniet tu arrives avec Fanny? T'inquiètes elle a mon numéro, on se retrouvera certainement directement au Philipshalle. Je suis malade j'ai un mal de gorge horrible et c'est viral = pas d'antibiotiques... J'ai intérêt à dormir un maximum avant mon départ vendredi pour Munich, parce que j'aurai deux (voire trois) nuits de suite avec 4h maxi de sommeil + attendre avec tout le monde dans le froid, je vais pas tenir à ce rythme là. Déjà que j'ai encore des restes de ma super toux qui commençait à se calmer dimanche ... Ben ouais, comme quoi on peut être une big girl et avoir une constitution fragile (ou grand et jeune et toujours avoir une constitution fragile, hein Mika :naughty: ).
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