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Everything posted by Em'

  1. Did you see how determined his look was when he said he wanted a real career! You could read in him as on an open book at that moment.
  2. Don't think so, I've tried to look but found no link for direct... And yes it's NRJ12 sorry!!!
  3. And now switch to RTL12 for Koko!
  4. OK it's the commercials now, Mika's on in 2 minutes.
  5. I think so too but Coco lasts longer AND has been aired already, so 7 à 8 will be my top priority...
  6. Petra, I'm going to London too and I can tell you that I have spent a totally undecent amount of money to go to Munich and Dusseldorf and to go to London... So don't feel bad, you're not the only one... Some are even coming from the US or Japan to go see him so you see... Regarding accomodation in London I'm already staying at the Griffin House with some of the MFCers but I'm sure that some are still looking for something...
  7. I'm just soooooooooo NOT gonna miss this one!!!! And also tonight at 7:45pm on NRJ12 they air Live at Coco!!!! It's a pity I can't record anything...
  8. Youhou!!!! Exciting!!! Sasje, how can we recognise you? What time will you go to the venue?
  9. Olga and Laurence are looking for 2 tickets for Dusseldorf, and eventim does not work properly, would be any chance anyone on German website sell them?
  10. Yes something like that, so I guess I'll be a the hotel at 1am the latest.. I have to check public transportation to come from airport to hotel...
  11. Absolutely! As when he tours he comes automatically to Paris, you have a bed here!
  12. Very excited but afraid too I admit... I know that if I'm not front row with the barrier to rely on I won't be able to bear the crowd I might faint... So I gotta find a way to be front row no matter what... Can't wait to see you both either!!!! Where do we meet guys, at the hotel?
  13. He spoke in Arabic too in Paris, saying welcome in Arabic (how do you say it actually?)! He said that's what his mum asked him to do everytime so this time he'd please her. Did she wait for him after the show? I guess you must be dying for the pics/videos Sou!
  14. OMG, I would not survive enven 2 secs of Saw! Horror movies scare me so much I would have a heart attack!
  15. Definitely we gotta party! Anyone knows the area so we know where to head to after Mika's gone?
  16. Hi Sou, I'm so sorry you could not go... I'm sure your friend will have plenty of special moments to tell you about, with plenty of pics and videos!
  17. Oh Bexx I hope you recover soon!!!! I started to cough last Sunday but as it did not get worse I thought well nervermind it will wind down... Then the cold before/after Mika's gig on Wednesday worsened it... So I have an appointment in 1,5 hour with the doctor because no way I miss Munich/Dusseldorf because of that!!!!
  18. Slavaniet you're a doll! Could you also see with Olga? She does not speak a word of German either and she really might need help...
  19. Oh yes Avoca, please say yes, say yes!!!!! And you can be there for the Munich gig too with Babs!!!
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