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Everything posted by Em'

  1. Is it something you can get in Boots or any store??? If so I might have a mission for the British representants if they don't mind....
  2. Well I'm a very big girl so my face is not thin... Short hair does just not suit me... And I don't think we have Nioxin in France... I washed my hair and putting pins on it and doing mini pigtails should work... But it does not look very professionnal at work . Nevermind, people at my work just plain suck so f*ck them! Oh yeah I am! I'm just afraid I'll be knackered, Paris Orly is far away from my home so I'll have to get up at 5am to get my 9am flight... You know the worst? I get out of the hairdresser, call a friend I haven't seen for a while, tell her he just ruined me and then she tells me: why did you not ask me my hairdresser is just awesome, everyone I send there is ENCHANTED!!! Aaarghhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks dear! Looks horrible but I'll have to deal with it... We can spend our time waiting in the queue by trying to find how to sort it out ! I trust your good taste ladies!
  3. Hi everybody! I haven't posted in a while here!! Got back from the haidresser... He just RUINED ME . And he cut my hair so short that I will have to wait for ages, at least 6 months, before it grows and I can have it cut again how it should be... I look awful... Caz, Rak1, ready for Munich?
  4. Yeah I told Laurence to book her train ticket because we'll always find a solution! Even on site we can find tickets to buy for sure, even if a bit more expensive...
  5. Eventim seems not to work correctly. Petra had given me her details so I could order on Eventim for Laurence and Olga, but it did not work, everytime I tried during the day it failed... And they are selling tickets one by one now, you can't even buy two at a time...
  6. OK no problem! Always happy to help!
  7. Is it big? My suitcase will be pretty small and will already have Coco. I should be able to manage anyway... Or I'll carry it as a side bag.
  8. Yeah it's beautiful, Laurence and Orphée did such a wonderful job!
  9. I'll be arriving around same time with Air Berlin, maybe we can meet in the airport and then go together to the hostel?
  10. Hi guys! Sorry I won't dress up (have no idea what I could wear and I'm the shy type about this in public), but I'm bringing Coco with me !!!!! For the ones who do not know, Coco is the Parisian banner... Thank you Laurence I feel very honoured to bring it to Munich and Dusseldorf!!!
  11. Yeah sorry, it's my down-to-earth side...
  12. Thanks Pamette for the pics! I feel I haven't talked to you for ages...
  13. Oh my God you bet she's gonna kill him! But what were they doing in his pocket anyway ??? I need to get some lessons from you to learn how to make a report more synthetic...
  14. It's terrible, I can't help it, why do I write so much?
  15. Yo peeps! Sorry the review will not be long this time as it's already more than 1:36am and I have to wake up early to go to work tomorrow. Olga, Fouchonneret and the others managed to see Mika before the show. He was very late (arrived around 5:30pm I think) and looked very tired, and did not walk normally (I don't know how you call that in English, in french you say boiter - would someone translate?). He asked for a massage pro. The girls worried about his state as he really looked exhausted and his walking was kind of as an old man, and it seemed that all his body ached. He talked to them, told them that the beginning of the tour was very hard, that he was late and went. I arrived at 6:00pm, joined the girls (and what a surprise: YOP WAS THERE!!!), and when the doors opened, ran for the best seats I could find (new rule for next tour: NO FRIENDS WITH ME on a Mika concert!). Yelle around 8:15pm. She changed her set, it was kinda quieter. Mika arrived around 9:20 or something like that. His concert was good but (maybe because the girls told me he was not feeling well), I found his connection with the public less spontaneous if I may say. Actually the crowd was older than two weeks ago, more people in their twenties-thirties and less teen-agers, and Mika a few times had to use his vocals more than he should have (given his state) to have the crowd react more. His voice a few times would not come when he started singing at several stages of the show, I really felt worried, I thought: oh my God he's not gonna make it to the end (actually I got to know a couple of people thought the same as I did). But he did don't worry . He moved a lot less than usual, he mainly stayed central, which the girls told me was great because they had a lot of eye connections with him, they felt like privileged. From the stage, as it's not my first concert, I kept thinking: he's tired he gives his maximum but he can't move more, his body must ache so much. I felt kind of less energy. Was it as a result? The crowd reacted very much and very nicely but I did not see this total frenzy and crazyness I used to see before, Mika really had to make the people interact sometimes, yelling Allez Paris a few times, and using his vocals to give more effect. But maybe it's because I attended Nantes, where he did not need to do anything, people were so much into it from the beginning he was amazed and did not believe what he saw... Otherwise: 2 big girls He started playing my interpretation, and after the two or three first lines said: "STOP! I always see the same side of the crowd when I sing. Let's change it", and he then moved his piano to the front with the help of somebody and tarted again my interpretation ! Shirt off on LT Re-sang Relax at the end He also said that it was his last French date on the tour and that he would miss France a lot (huge cheer from the crowd ). And mentioned that his sister was gonna kill him because she had put something in his pockets (some pink pearls I don't know what) and something went wrong with them I did not understand. I know I have forgotten a lot of stuff - sorry if I remember I'll post later. When the show ended on Relax he kinda said on a broken voice: thank you for the best concert of my life but I think nobody really heard (and frankly this one I don't think he meant it). Guys before anyone goes head over heels over my review, I just want to say that it is my feelings and my review only. Other members I talked to afterwards think differently, being on first row they thought it was an amazing concert (of course they got all the eye contacts !). And to me it was still a good concert, but there's a tiny but... And actually, contrary to two weeks ago, the friends I took this time did not get really into the concert, they did not enjoy it so much. My feeling is just that he is already extremely tired, he moved less and was a bit less energetic, he has voice problems, the crowd was very nice and cheery but I've seen a bit better at Mika's concerts (of course you can't expect the same thing at every gig). After the gig we went to wait at the artists exit, the band came out in a van, but got out and signed (Yop got Cherisse's sticks - sorry I'm so tired I can't remember how you call them in English). Mika arrived later and came out of his van to say hi to everyone, but said he would not be able to sign for everyone and hoped we would understand. Of course finally he ended up signing nearly for everyone, but it was not well organised as last time, it was just a huge crowd over the van. He admitted that he is very tired, and when we asked him when he'd get a rest, he said in the plane (they're flying to Dubai tomorrow), ie no rest really (which is what he meant with the mimic he had when he said this)... He enjoyed some things he saw: nice drawings offered to him, a shoe (a ballerine, how do you say that in English?) that was Mikafied (he loved it), etc... And we finally got to tell him that NO MIKA YOU DON'T SAY JE VAIS VOUS INTRODUIRE MES MUSICIENS, mais PRESENTER! When we explained him the meaning of INTRODUIRE (introduce, so you can imagine...) the face he made made us really laugh, he said, with a bit of a catastrophic face: oh that is not good, and made a face also to someone who told him that sorry we had waited the last concert to tell him that , like: ah ah you're happy you think it's funny (and it was, and HE was when doing that face ). After signing quite a lot he was gonna go so we said: wait Mika we have a song for you. We sang him a song on Big Girl, whom I can't remember who re-wrote, which made him laugh a little. Then he left. To the ones who would panic easily: yes Mika is very tired, I've seen him in better shape, but he's not dead and I hope he'll do what is necessary to get the rest he needs if he wants to preserve his health. Please do not overreact (sorry if this may seem a bit presomptuous from me to say this). OK guys I'm done for tonight. Sorry if my review is not as enthusiastic as Nantes. I just hope Mika will get a rest because if not he might have a voice issue or something else - but he's a big boy, I'm not his mum, so he'll do what he thinks is best for him. Anyway YO MIKA!!!! You're the man, tired/sick or not, boy! See you in Munich and Dusseldorf!
  16. It's midnight here. I don't know how you can do. All I see is that you come to the venue and cross fingers that someone has a spare ticket... And post in the extra ticket thread?
  17. Hi, maybe you could let Freddiesdouble know about it? He might be interested for one concert, as we are persuading him to come...
  18. This is part of the review from Mireille from the Mikawebsite, who sometimes posts on the MFC too. I translated: Mika told the audience that it was the biggest concert he had done so far in terms of audience (9000 I think). So he said thank you and admitted it was a bit scary... He also said that he likes to speak in French about his musicians because they don't get a thing he says. He turned to Martin or Mickey and said in French: your head is like a toad's . Obviously Martin/Mickey did not react at all as he did not get anything but the audience burst out laughing! He also said that he had critics from journalists that his band does not speak during concerts. And he added ironically: like, they did not understand that they don't speak French! Then he has Mickey come front and say: Les femmes françaises est très jolies et les femmes de Toulouse, oh la la! (French women is very pretty but women from Toulouse, oh la la!). Of course women acknowldedged that ! They had a second Relax. Then Mika started to make plenty of weird noises for the audience to reproduce. Looks like audience dis as he wished happily! He then said: I always wanted to do that, to me it's a hit to see 9000 people do bvwbhbouhwzgv !". Everybody laughed and so he thanked everyone for that evening and this huge venue. He seemed really moved. At a moment somebody threw something and it was a XXXL underwear (Mireille said it was a huge one). Mika picked it up, looked at it carefully and said: "Oooooh ! Big Girl, you are beautiful !". Seems that it was written all over it. She said that every one burst out laughing, and Mika did not feel awkward at all on this one! Reviews also say that you could see that he was really happy to be there, and that he and the band had real fun. They say that at a moment he pushed Cherisse out of the bin during LT and that while Mika was playing piano Martin and Mickey went to bother him so he kicked them out!
  19. For young big girls planning on attending Mika gig (got this info from Mikawebsite): http://concours.ados.fr/mika-zenith/?AUTH=1 Basically, this is a competition to be at this gig Mika's big girl on stage (there will be only one). So at least we know that we'll get one...
  20. Yeah, it's long but when you are several people at least you can talk, that keeps you busy . Hope you enjoy the day and the show guys!
  21. They must be so happy! Wonder why he asked the camera team to stop filming when he talked to MFC girls?
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