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Everything posted by Em'

  1. What was the question already? Can't remember... Maybe he just wants to move his show towards a different direction hence the no big girls, no lollipop girls and only sometimes the big girl blow up...
  2. Well at least I can testify that there was NO big girl blowup in Paris and Nantes.
  3. Do you work on Friday? If not you could also come to Munich. Take the train on Thursday (bank holiday), fly with me on Friday to Munich, do the gig, fly Saturday morning to Dusseldorf, do the gig, and fly back sunday evening (or train if that makes you go home on time).
  4. Perfect Petra thank you so much! I know when I called two days ago this guy was obsessed with teenagers coming for TK, and I kept saying: no this day there is also a group of girls for Mika !!!!!!!!!!!!!! But he was still going on with the TK teenagers . So the first person who gets in gets the keys? If you want, I can take the 1 dorm bed, it's not a matter of being selfish it's just that sometimes I snore ... Don't want you to throw things at me...
  5. Me too I'm so happy to see you again, and Mariposa and Fouchonneret!!! I pmd Jonathan to see if he would come but no news.... That would have been nice to have him with us!
  6. No I can't, the flight to Munich on November 1st was too expensive, so I put a cross on this one. I already spend far too much !
  7. Maybe we can try to sort it out so you can come?
  8. I think I arrive at the main airport, I am with Air Berlin coming from Munich. Great thanks! I'll pm Petra!
  9. Hi guys! As Haeschen02 said earlier that she does not need to stay at the Youth Hostel, I'm interested to take the bed (I had phoned earlier the youth hostel and they confirmed it is fully booked ). Would it be OK? If so, how does the accomodation work? Did someone make a whole booking for everyone? How can I do? I think I land at 11:35am at Dusseldorf airport, so time for me to drop off my stuff at the hostel (or elsewhere if there's no bed for me) and I'll then join you in the queue! I hope to be there by 2.30pm (Mariposa, maybe we can work that out together?) Do the first ones arriving keep places for the others who join later? I'm sooooooooooo happy to be with you guys that day!
  10. It's 8:50pm, if he's on time I'll guess he'll be on in 10 minutes.
  11. Tu as demandé à Giulietta? j'ai vu ton post sur mikawebsite il les vend trop cher c'est ça?
  12. Tu as essayé aussi sur Mikawebsite?
  13. :roftl: Helloooooooooooooooo ! So how was your trip?
  14. Absolutely! Thanks again Mariposa and Arnaud! By the way Arnaud said that he will upload tonight or tomorrow the videos on Mikawebsite. I will certainly not be able to put them here so if someone can...
  15. Thank you for putting the pictures on! How did you do that (I'm a jerk with those things...)
  16. Mireille is at the concert so we should have a review... Nevertheless she promised to do one on Mikawebsite so if she does not come here (but I bet she will) we can translate it. It's 8:10pm Yelle must be doing her show now.
  17. No he did not wear the t-shirt that the girl offered him, he wore the same one as in Nantes (source: Mikawebsite and the girl who offered it, she saw a picture of the gig and confirmed it's not hers it's the one from Nantes).
  18. Demande à Giulietta, elle dit sur la page d'avant qu'elle a un billet en trop.
  19. From Mikawebstite: How much do you love me : when they finished the song, people applauded and they all started togethe the doudoudoudou, with Cherisse on the drums and Martin on the guitar, and Mika singing with the public. At the end of the concert, Mika pickup up a chocolate bar Milka that someone had thrown before and smiled (the old joke in French Mika and Milka...) Looks like the public in the pit were a bit cold, it took a while before they started singing and not much jumping (first time I hear that on a Mika concert!) He signed for everybody after the concert (around 30 people). Arnaud (who wrote the report) managed a picture before the security guys forbade people to take any. There are also some pictures but I cannot paste them here and there is no url link. If you want to see them: http://www.mikawebsite.com Enter the forum Mika/Mika topicality / Concerts / Compte rendu Mika Montpellier
  20. Adeline, ask Giulietta, on the previous page of this thread she said she has an extra-one
  21. : just surrender FD... Surrender to temptation....
  22. See FD, it would be worth coming to London, especially if you do 3 gigs in a row
  23. Salut ma grande!!!!!!!! Yep I'm going to Munich and Dusseldorf... I know I'm crazy...
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