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Everything posted by Em'

  1. Yeah, as I told FD earlier, à coeur vaillant rien d'impossible ...
  2. E-XAC-TE-MENT !!!! A coeur vaillant rien d'impossible FD... You can do it! Come on be crazy and come! You live only once .
  3. Well two days ago I had no ticket, nothing to go to Munich and Dusseldorf, and today I'm nearly all set! As we say in French: A coeur vaillant, rien d'impossible... Ticket: you'll find one in the next two months there's always somebody canceling and needing to resell their ticks here Train: You're already in the UK that helps! Train special deals or sharing a car with other MFCers? Accomodation: Avoca found a nice B&B and Pamette found a hotel too. Maybe there's still something available in their hotels? You see? Easy peasy honey bunny !
  4. I arrive on the 2nd landing at 11:05am. I wanted to arrive on the 1st but air fare was too expensive that day. I'm already spending a fortune just to wait in the cold for two days . With this money I could have gone to Tunisia or Turkey, enjoyed a pool and a gin-tonic!
  5. Ma Pamette you're back!!!!!!!!!!!! Freddie: Honey really take it as it is... You have no choice for London you gotta go. And imagine all these females around you... I mean come on any guy would run on the occasion !!
  6. em, i could buy a ticket for you if you want? you're also coming to the venue at around 3:30 then? Oh Mellody you're a doll! Thank you so much but I found out how to get one this morning (used my connection at work ). My nice German colleague bought it for me! Now I just have to find a way how to have it shipped to me in France, don't think if would look good to use DHL just for that ... My plane lands at 11:05am so time to go to the hotel to drop everything off and I'm ready to go ! Caz, Rak1: I'll be staying in the same hotel as you! Quite expensive for a single room but at least we'll be three to get back to the hotel - I did not feel like walking alone at 2am not knowing where I'm heading just to save 20 € (which would have ended up in a taxi anyway as public transportation would have been closed ). Guys I'm a bit shy and I'm coming on my own so I hope you won't mind me joining your group...?
  7. Thank you very much Caz! I'm afraid it's too expensive as I'd be on my own AND I'd be sleeping only a couple of hours as my flight for Dusseldorf next day is at 8am. I'll try to find something...
  8. Oops it's all in German I can't get a thing... Would someone be kind enough to help me, for example order for me my Munich and Dusseldorf tickets and I'd pay her right away? And then she'd be able to hand them over to me in Munich. Please pretty please ...
  9. Oh no.... Just when I was gonna buy one. Does someone have an extra one?
  10. Ah I think you give me no choice guys lol! I'm worried about the money cause it's not reasonnable but I keep thinking: Emilie you may die any day so CARPE DIEM!!! I'm worried about the accomodation though. Don't know where to stay...
  11. I know you will be there I would so much love to meet you there! Which hotel are you staying at?
  12. Oh thanks dear! You're so nice ! Problem is: if I go to those gigs I'll have no access to computer and when I get home I have my two little nephews and my mother at home for 3 long days (brutal return from Mikaworld I tell ya - though I love them to pieces). So no time for posting this time... But given the number of people going there, you will all have your fix ! I'd still be able to text my dear Avoca though (unless I can drag her there....)
  13. Well she sings, mostly on the back, in every song and of course it's a total duet on Missionnary Man. She has presence that you can tell, I think she's the kind of person who could have her own show. But she seems a nice person. I don't want to judge, Mika knows what he wants and what he does, if he realises something does not suit his needs then he'll correct it. 2 days after my Mika days I still can't resolve myself not to add some gigs, so that means to me that the way it is did not put me off Mika gigs at all, whatever the changes.
  14. I know it's terrible I even don't recognize myself, I've never done so much for any artists... But meeting the MFC people, being first row it's just so awesome!
  15. Guys I can tell you when you'll be 1st row and having fun singing with Mika you won't regret it! Yes it turns more toward a show now but it is well done still. After Paris and Nantes, I can't resolve myself to only do Paris and London.... I'm seriously thinking again about Munich and Dusseldorf .
  16. Oh guys I'm totally mad.. I think I'm coming. I want to see the ones I already know and meet the others and have fun with you! Could someone please tell me the hotel where you are so I'll have a look and tell me if there's a website where I can buy my ticket and which does not charge the shipping abroad like mad? Thanks!
  17. Hi Guys! OK I think I'm crazy... I really might come to this one as well as the Dusseldorf one... I've heard that the tickets are expensive to ship abroad. Would you have a website that does not charge too much? And give me the address of the hotel where you're staying at? Thanks guys!
  18. Looks like there are a few people from the French site going so for this one we should get a review that we'll translate here.
  19. Few are going too from the french site. I asked for reviews. Let's hope they'll post there and then we can translate it here. Edit: I checked and it looks like only a 16 year old is going...
  20. I've asked that they post their reviews on the French website and then we'll translate it on the MFC. Grenoble is south of Lyon, it borders the Alps. I'm surprised he chose Grenoble over Lyon, mystery to me... This is not a town an international artist goes to usually. They go to Lyon in that case or Marseille. I'm afraid that even if we get reviews from Grenoble, Montpellier and Toulouse, they still will be rather short... if we get any that is. Not everybody posts reviews on Mikawebsite... It's funny how on the first three French dates he got a whole bunch of Mikawebsiters and MFCers and on the following ones he'll get nearly nobody... At least for Nice we have Cubitus as a representant... Blue Sky has charged him with the important missions of getting reviews, pics etc... Poor him he'll feel very reponsible .
  21. Yeah I was reading the magazine yesterday with Fouchonneret, and reading what he was wearing, I thought: well there's a lot of his own clothes on the pictures!
  22. Hi guys! Gotta do my cleaning up... Great perspective after 2 Mika days... I just can't bring myself to start !
  23. Oh don't worry he'll still have people waiting even if it's not us... Actually he might think: wow they're not here I'll gain 10 minutes of my time ! But he might be a bit surprised though... Unless he does not come out and just go home, so he won't never even know that we weren't there.
  24. Actually, I did not really like Holy Johnny before (I know I must have been the only one this forum), but now I really love it this way! It gives it a southern american sound now, I love the banjo sound on it!!!
  25. Methinks we just don't have many active MFCers from the South... Who do we have? Cubitus (going to Nice) Lebangel (going to none I think) Lillibet (going to Toulouse if I'm not wrong) Don't see anybody else...
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