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Everything posted by tomomi

  1. 和菓子ですか。和菓子は見た目もきれいだし、食べてもおいしいものね、、、たまに外国の人があんこが(豆が甘いのが)disgustingっていってるの聞くけど:bored:







  2. MFC、そしてJapanese threadへようこそ、のりこさん。 もちろんMikaは日本でも人気者ですよ。Mikaも日本を愛してくれてるし。
  3. こんばんは。



  4. おめでとう!!! 春からの大学生活やMikaのライブ、去年我慢した分、思う存分楽しんでね。 Now we are ready to get you here, Mika! Give us details of schedule please!
  5. Thank you, Yuna. I really hope so....Japan is prone to earthquakes so we always are frightened by them. 沿岸地域に住んでる皆さん、まだ注意報出ているみたいなので心配ですね。
  6. Thank you for caring. Any heavy damages haven't been reported so far. But still have a warning sign.
  7. I just heard the news about the earthquake. I really hope everyone is okay.
  8. 「Mikaでーす。」だけだったね。 Will do it later.
  9. 録画予約完了。ありがとう。 Why not? Show them what we are!
  10. Great!! Everyone looks happy. And I'm happy that I could be there even it was just my name on the flag. :)

  11. Welcome back Iona! I just saw the picture of you with mellody. You brought MFC Japan flag there? Great job!!! Thank you.

  12. vinorossoの地元でもあるといいね。もちろん地元じゃなくても行くだろうけど。 Leave it to you, FBeye.
  13. Standing. I had MFC banner in my hand at that time and some Korean fans asked me like 'What's MFC?', 'Is that Japanese fan club?' I'm happy to see your success in Korean thread these days. Oh and I'm a MIXer as well. 福岡とかかな?ソウルに行くより遠くてお金がかかりそうな気がする。 詳細知りたいよね。仕事休めるかなぁ。
  14. 4日も!!!何日行けばいい?もちろん全部? I'm looking for a chance to go to Seoul gig again.
  15. あんな格好した大男になんで東京人無関心なんだ? 自分もMIKAじゃなかったら見えないふりするかも。 きのうの夜は頭の中でLet it snow がずっと流れてました。
  16. Let it snow, let it snow. let it snow!
  17. Kanji is harder than them. Be prepared! How was your oral test? Hope it went well.
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