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Everything posted by tomomi

  1. Blue skyが日本語版MFCガイドラインをupしてくれました。 http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2695331#post2695331 ご一読を! Thanks BS.
  2. 東急ハンズで14万って! butterflygal, MFC & Japanese thread へようこそ!
  3. 記事を書いているのが東郷かおる子さんだし、クィーンと比較されたのかな? もちろん私も今回の公演に大満足です。
  4. voted. thanks for posting. It's interesting. We don't pay much attention to our language when it is our mother language. We don't even recognise a connection between culture and language. What's your mother language?
  5. I'll try to find magazines featuring the kooks next time...maybe.:naughty:

    Oh, I forgot to tell you, don't ask me what the articles say.:mf_rosetinted:

  6. You're welcome. :)

    Don't feel bad about it. I wanted to share my happiness with you. :cheerful_h4h:

    I had been having wonderful days. I saw Mika's gig 3 times within 4 days!:wub2:


    Hope you are doing well.

  7. I can't see the video neither. Edit: just saw the thread you made in news section. thank you so much.
  8. You're welcome. :)

    Have a great holiday season!!

  9. Hi Karin,

    Mika wrote his blog on mixi today. I posted it on Tokyo gig thread. Check it out!

  10. こんにちは。Japanese thread へようこそ。 I'm glad to hear it. Feel free to pop up here anytime.
  11. I hope they heard the huge cheers. Those cheers were not for our boy but for our BGs!
  12. He said 'I have wanted this for so long.' then I said 'I know.':teehee:

    Couldn't talk so much but he gave me a big smile.


    Hope you come visit us next time, we can help you to get tickets then.

  13. How could I forget you, my hero? :wub2:

    Although I couldn't meet Mika after Tokyo gig, I was happy enough with those 3 gigs.

    I wonderd which to choose HK or Seoul to go. I'll try to go HK next time. Hope to see you then!

  14. 話してましたよ。 「韓国のファンには長いこと待たせちゃってごめんね」 BIOTGで「ここから半分に分けます」 Dumbledoreに「行こう、行こう、早く!」とか。 안녕하십니까(こんにちは)や감사합니다(ありがとう)くらいは言うと思ってたけど ほかにもたくさん話してたので驚きました。 そして東京公演でさらに多くの日本語を話してたので、2度びっくりです。 日本語のほうが韓国語より多く話してたと思います。immaがいたからかな?「くさい」も覚えたしね。
  15. We always welcome you guys.歓迎!!!
  16. リピート放送やってたら、録画しておきます。 新木場またはシークレットライブに行かれた皆さん、楽しかったですね。 会場でお会いしたときには、ろくに挨拶もできなくてすいませんでした。 これからまた再来日を待つ日々が始まりますが、一緒にMFCで楽しみながら待ちましょう。
  17. http://www.mtvjapan.com/blog/mtvnews/2009-12-02/2897 見逃した、、、、
  18. Hello and welcome to MFC. Thank you for the link. Mika seemed to love those gestures. He led us to do the same thing at Tokyo gig.
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