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Everything posted by tomomi

  1. ありがとう。飛行機の遅延/キャンセルがないことを祈るばかりです。 終演後に短い時間のM&Gがありました。本当に各自サインをもらうだけで 「東京のサプライズ」発言について聞けなかったのが残念です。 ちなみにBig Girlは現地調達でした。「我こそは!」という方は東京で是非! (私もBig Girlだけど、ステージ正面からライブ見ていたい、、、)
  2. Blue Sky I gave Mika a copy of snoozer. He was like 'how do you know I've wanted this?' It's a shame I could't ask him about surprise in Tokyo thingy. I only could say 'see you in Tokyo'
  3. Hi Yuna I tried to find you but I coudn't. Sorry. Could you meet Mika after the show? I got his autograph on my snoozer magazie. I'm off to bed and going back to Tokyo tomorrow night. Next Mika in Tokyo!!!!!!! Edit: I was queueig with a small MFC sign in my hand. Then some people asked me what MFC is. I explained about here. Hope more Korean fan visit here from tomorrow.
  4. こんばんは。MFCへようこそ! 韓国公演、行ってきました。 なんか、、、韓国のファンすごいです。 Mikaもすごくはじけてて、日本公演に響かないか少し心配になりました。 アンコールのロリポップが終わったあともMikaコールがやまず、Mika再登場! 日本だったらすぐに「本日のご来場、、、」ってアナウンスが流れてきちゃいますよね。 会場の問題なのかな? アジア・オーストラリアツアーの最終地、東京が盛り上がらないはずはないですよね。 皆さん、楽しみましょう。
  5. I think Mika has an amazing ability to master languages. He spoke Korean a lot. I couldn't understad other than 감사합니다 (thank you) and 안녕하십니까(hello) though.
  6. huikings I gave Mika a copy of Snoozer magazine He said like he has wanted it. Thank you!
  7. I'm back. The show was so amazing!!! I have no idea what I can say.
  8. I'm in Seoul. Now, off to eat 삼겹살 and then go to see MIKA! Thank you BS. I wish I had you here.
  9. It's actually a surprise!!!! でも、仕事が、、、、
  10. Welcome to MFC. You are in the right place. 場違いなんかじゃないですよ みんな親切で英語ネイティブじゃないのを理解してくれてるので、よかったら他のスレッドにも書き込みしてみてくださいね。 30日、楽しみましょう!
  11. Translate Korean into Japanese. It would be better because word order of both is similar. You edited thread title! Nice!
  12. I don't understand Korean. I only can read Hangul letters and know some words. Google translator is doing good work for me. Can you help me if when I stuck in language barrier please? Thank you for the advise, but I don't need them. I'm a big girl. I'm looking foward to seeing you and other Korean MFCers there!
  13. Hi and welcome to MFC. Hope you enjoy it here.....and not faint till next monday.
  14. Thank you for reports and photos, huikings. I'll try to give him a copy of snoozer in Seoul or Tokyo. Oh I have to go to book store to find one.
  15. I saw many tickets with small number on them were sold in Yahoo auction(ダフ屋) Mika wants meet them who got their tickets through ダフ屋 but not us??? NO! I don't think so.
  16. Thank you for the report and photos, soangel. He is so cool in the cork hat. I wish I could get him back to take him to Seoul and Tokyo show.
  17. 会場時に物販が始まるのかな? 整理番号順に入場なら、遅い整理番号だと物販ブースにたどり着けるのも遅くなるってこと?
  18. Pray for us that there is M&G there please. 3days to go!!!!
  19. Thank you for the reports and pictures. I'm glad you had a great time. And congrats, Tegan and Rosina!!!
  20. Hello sobi. Welcome to MFC Don't worry. As Yuna says you can post here in Korean. Hope you enjoy it here!
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