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Everything posted by tomomi

  1. She wrote it with kanji and hiragana! How clever! Looks great! *cough* What can you see? My partners name? She just has a.....*cough* long name. And my dog's name is Yuki (snow in Japanese)
  2. A lot of sweets and....err..noodle? (My dog is trying to steal candies) Uneatable things (Apparently, my dog isn't interested in uneatable things) I got Run Fat Boy Run DVD! And, Pink wrote a letter in Japanese!!! It's really sweet of her. Thank you so much Pink! I wish you were here....
  3. Okay, here is my MM from Pink: Cute stickers! I was relieved that it was not with so many tapes as Megan's. (My dog is helping me to open the box)
  4. two-finger socks again! I like Sapporo poteto (to the right of Hello Kitty candy) It's yummy!
  5. I've just got my MM!! I'll post pictures later!
  6. I have a mixi acount but I rarely go there....becouse there are only your posts there. Yeah, I guess so too but I think it's worth trying, isn't it?
  7. 「Mikaをアジア・太平洋地域に呼ぼう」キャンペーン 新スレッドで始めました! http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=16122 是非、参加してください。
  8. I remember that discussion. It's so sweet of her. Thank you for sharing. It's in tube here. On shaved ice.
  9. Only 2 days....great job:punk: Thank you for posting CM.
  10. Silly time zone? One of our friends used to say like that. I think it's 5am or so in LA now. You better go to bed. Hi Baiba!
  11. Hot Fuzz-starring Simon Pegg. They weren't going to release it here but some his fans did petition to release it, and they made it!
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