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About HollyD

  • Birthday 02/05/1977


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    united states
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    Hotel Registar

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  1. MikaLAND..........we both there!!!


    you know waht, everytime I see him, I changed. It is so hard to explain and I hope I can do it soon.

    I listen to music different...I appreciate it more and not only his but all of them. I am actually thinking about visiting one of the many places he has been to. and just go aorund the city and enjoy it.

    Right now, I feel in a box....specially with my mom telling what NOT to do. She can handle me having som fun without her. It is confusing Holly....

    I wish I can be at 14th Street drinking my latte with you and just walking around. I LOVE walking around with you.....YOU did not complain at all.

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