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Everything posted by lcmlcm

  1. when i see the words "Wake up, ****er" i burst out laughing at office... my coworkers must think i am crazy:roftl: :roftl:
  2. SHE DOESN'T NEED A ATTORNEY!! SHE NEEDS A DOCTOR! she is totally overreacted Why she think he would put a threat on her music career just because of using the same name if u are talented, everyone interest on u no matter u called garbage or chihuahua that's the way of success they even dun have anything in common, not even a direct competitor how can he destroy her career........?
  3. His team is so highly efficient! and he is too cute! :blush-anim-cl:
  4. here i love folk song yes..........how old is he? yeah too many coincidence there's always someone thinking the same idea at the other side of world... they should have a crossover with their animals onstage:roftl:
  5. I think it only happen in US... When somebody get famous / rich , someone suddenly appear somewhere to sue someone......it's too weird i know there is a Korean singer "Rain" also because of name problem, he didn't succeed to hold his concert in US.... well, though im not a fan of him i think it is totally nonsense and they act uncivilized but pretend they are legalistic also, she should be shamed on herself as no one know there is a Belgium woman called "Mika"....at least not as big as our MIKA
  6. is it appropriate to put the link here....? http://hk.search.auctions.yahoo.com/search/ac?p=chupa+chups chinese only....but u can send them email in english btw, i am not any seller.. Oh! I don't know there is a DVD! I only watched in youtube! the screen is too small!!!! really feel bad coz i still remember before entering my home.... and i also dun know why after his gig in HK...i seldom hear his song at radio...
  7. the easiest way : internet , $23 including postage btw, i forget to watch mika live in koko @ world channel tonight.....DAMN!!! unhappy
  8. just released in JP recently (or months?) but can buy in HK easily lovely
  9. Good taste! and he should buy hundreds copies send to ppl i owned a JPG wallet in the past
  10. i see many men in black it should mean something..... can't wait!
  11. He is nominated for solo? He is not new ? anyway, VOTED!! we are happy to do it for him HE need to WIN and i want him to say 'thanks to my fans' (is it me?)
  12. http://app.hkatv.com/world/search.php?id=7861 it's upcoming Monday 8-9pm i know Guangdong province (China) can watch world channel (atv) dun forget to watch!
  13. OMG!!!IS HE CRAZY???????!!! my stomach hurt so much :roftl: his facial expression is priceless XDDDDDDDDD and....what's wrong with his hair ?
  14. thanks! This is a more normal pic and positive news of him about him leaving KW's afterparty.......
  15. that's great!!!!!! I will find a copy of tw version actually i dun really know what exactly the english lyric means such as in GK, "Should I look older just to be put on the shelf" i really think he means look older.. i understand when i watch this...XDDDD... http://www.umusic.com.tw/Microsite/Mika/index2.html i should take some time to study the lyric :naughty: i think the translation of lyric is pretty awesome..! though some chinese title is quite hiliarious... such as big girl (u are beautiful) - 胖美眉(你好正)and Lollipop - 七彩棒棒糖 :roftl:
  16. OHH!! i did watch the vid.....actually i don't remember the name.. but when u mention he throw a kid in the audience...i REMEMBER now!! he's crazy and sick!! how could he throw a KID ??!!! and in front of thousands ppl??!!!!! It seems he wanted to kill him because he was pissed off !! :thumbdown: the kid should call the police
  17. yes, but akon isn't well-known to me...... apparently he is rapper, and (..........) that' all of info i know from him
  18. HE MADE THE DOLL??OMG! i only know he is a taiwan tv host! He is sooooo talented! haha..u raised a very sensitive question..... actually, i also can't distinguish them as tourists on the street in Hong Kong.............
  19. they love to use negative word "fawning" instead of using "being humble and nice" ? then he always fawn over ppl.....Alexa...Alan......... hmm....is it a news ?? and the source is fr: independent.co.uk........... my impression towards this site is .....a bunch of crap reporters.....
  20. after i watched, i search other vids of "video on Trial" a bunch of stupid vid jury........ they judge and critize all vids............ :boxed: actually i feel a bit funny they critize other vids..... because im not their fan.... :naughty: and they judge the vid based on some rational theory that can never make sense it is an ART to me because i also dun really understand GK vid..........................
  21. OH! i didn't see this vid posted before i think u should post a new topic :punk: this time is NBC i feel so good for him at least they think it is a nice song that can put into the promo vid and broadcast on the national tv network! thz~
  22. yay!!! i remember!! it's pretty awesome! the vid should be the choir's singing: A Little bit of love, little bit of love............... then they all fade out and only leave him alone at the end :roftl:
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