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Everything posted by lcmlcm

  1. OMG!!!!!WHO's THE HAND ON THE BOTTOM 4 PIC!!!!!!!! it's a male hand!!!! arrrrrrrrrrrrrr....... btw, i love the first pic, he's flying again and the photographer can catch the moment:thumb_yello: thanks!
  2. actually i got the link fr a forum , mostly are not mikas fan, to me, it is obviously a rip-off but most of them dun think it is a copy, just coinsidence and similar concept the more interesting thing is, someone say Mika steal the name from one of female singer in JP.....
  3. I love wearing skinny jean, so it is miracle that can make u look very slim and hide your fat:thumb_yello:
  4. go check this out!!!!!!! some pics updated!!!! but very tiny:boxed: and new costumes?
  5. actually i am a woman i did some surgery but not 100% success so.... o..just kidding...
  6. http://www.converse.com.hk/web1/product.html apparently yes! shame on them! :thumbdown:
  7. thanks for the link! he is brilliant! he is a little bit shy maybe too many ppl out there :wub2:
  8. thanks for the amazing close-up PICS!!! he is really comfortable with his undies........ he should try other colors..such as ..red? :roftl:
  9. i also can't watch it directly u can use flashget to dl it or just copy the link in media player mms://streamtf1.yacast.net/lci/vod/news/2007-07/mika20070702.wmv
  10. I read a chinese News about T4 on the beach today, it reported: Mika didn't feel enough after performing 3 songs on stage, so he went to the backstage performing grace kelly , for the queuing people..... (actually in the news, it reported he performed in front of the toilet......arrrr) i think it is the vid? He.....surprised me again!
  11. yeah i think this part is hilarious:naughty: but isn't that mika tell the interviewer instead? actually they are underweight too (if he is serious) i used to (yeah used to be... ) be very skinny too i also ate all the time but didn't gain any weight (only after i start working and sitting all the time at office:emot-sad: )
  12. My-Kah is OK, but i can't figure y some ppl would pronounce "Mica" as "mischa"
  13. yeah I try go to Paul smith shop and look for Paul smith adv fr some fashion mag but i can't find ..><
  14. yeah..just like the rappers touching their..... .when doing performance to stimulate audience (us) do u find u are more into the performance when he play his braces? Only when he is in the video and on stage, or doing some photoshot he perform in a more campy , sexy way but when i watch his interview or shows or general situation , he become a little boy again
  15. nope coz i like a jp female singer whose name is Mika:punk: it's pronunced Mee-kah as well:punk:
  16. i finally think of the reason why patrick say those nasty words because he think Mika steal his braces fashion and he make it as his own trademark now so he call him a twat:roftl:
  17. yes, She is very pretty,that's why he write Lollipop to her:naughty:
  18. yesssssssss! i hope the next single consists of stuck in the middle Your Sympathy Show the ppl he can sing different type of songs:punk:
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