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Everything posted by lcmlcm

  1. thanks brilliant:thumb_yello: He looks good
  2. yes, his live can prove his ability and talent:thumb_yello:
  3. Sorry for what it happened, it's really terrible i really can't get the bully, why they would pick someone for no reason and did horrible thing to him.... for them, they just want to 'play' and make their life more unusual yes, actually i think mika somehow is very open to his own life (except his orientation, it's his own very private life, i totally understand) actually he almost tell us everything about his past, even its not a very good experience
  4. actually u also can find at yahoo auctions at jp...i saw some ppl put it on the bid site i saw the final price is 23000 yen before..but the original price is 6000 yen only:mf_rosetinted: (i dun live in JP but i love searching for any other special stuff of mika in JP)
  5. i also want to know how he meet his band mates? it's so lucky to be a friend of him:biggrin2:
  6. yes, it's similar that when i obsess with my favourite singer before he had been quite quiet for a long time, but when his news come out, i still find excitement on him coz my feeling towards him already underneath in my heart, same rule apply to MIKA:naughty:
  7. it's something like the rule of LOVE when u just begin to start a relationship, u r always in a crazy-love mode it's natural that the love begins to weaken after a while, it's unavoidable but whether it fades out or grows to another level , it's hard to say..... it's like in the beginning i listen to his album for entire week, i just loop the songs repeatedly until i get bored then i stop, but a wk later, i listen to the album again , the feeling comes back again as if the first time to hear the songs:punk: i think that's the point he want to do something in such a short time before anything cool down there's always some new artist arising, and fans always change he's really rising so rapidly , it's even difficult to for him to break his own record when the second album comes out (but i definitely don't think he is one hit wonder! He is a all-round artist!He always surprise us!) i remember an interview that he said he is confident that he will still do what he is doing now after 10 years Just enjoy this moment, u still love him but not that die-hard way i would say it is a more mature way yeah i am also finding a balance:naughty:
  8. i really dun know why Umbrella can't be so hit all around the WORLD i think it's nice song, but not that deserve 8-wks no.1 song
  9. thanks for the pics! but he look weary......
  10. thanks so much! it is so raw!! i really like the art, very colorful it's like being in the wonderland they both are very talented what make me impress is that they make up the cartoon character and now it is in real person!
  11. and his TEEs i want to buy the same TEES!!!!!!
  12. what the...?i dun get it.... she is annoying:sneaky2:
  13. i mean the whole classroom and his teacher treat him that way, it seems nobody is on his side, somehow it will turn out to be very negative-mind and filled with resentment, and as Blue Sky said there is profoundly negative effect. maybe i also watch too much japanese bully school drama too, it is quite extreme luckily i never have any bully thing in my school life as i must fight back if they provoke me:naughty:
  14. i think most of ppl who experience his story will go violent (ya i admit i watch too much of CSI...cold case... ) but he didn't!He use music as remedy but not drugs or violence! well done! his family must help him get through a lot:thumb_yello:
  15. Sound interesting Madonna is a legend!A diva queen!and she is so HUGE! i wonder how their music style match? i mean, mika's voice is quite dominating! the duet with Beth .... and would he sing his own stuff? but it is really a honour as mika is still a very new artist:punk: i can't wait! i hope it won't just a sidetrack and i want to see both of them on stage!
  16. well...i want to know how weight is he.. :naughty:
  17. thanks, the festival didn't show on tv?hardly find the vids anyways happy to see most of audience are so into him and sing along with him, i want to be there!!!!
  18. i always wonder why his hair can HOLD that way?
  19. i love it!HE actually sings better than the original, more energetic and vividly:punk:
  20. well... all of my fds know im obsessed, coz everytime when i find somebody i like i will tell them at once and let everyone know and i would kinda promote him.. tell them how talented he is...how he grow up, his background, his everything.... and show them my mika's pics & wallpaper in my mobile, and let them hear my Mika ringtone collection.... i also would introduce him by leaving comment on my fd's blog too.... ha...this sounds mad...but i just can't stop myself from doing this^^ yes, i am thick-skinned, i just can't hide my own sensation on him but i think it doesn't totally work on them... they dun even give it a try to listen to his music coz they always think i only love weird people...^_^" and they either listen to the mainstream or indie...... they dun get me but if they find any news or pic about him on paper or mag, they will let me know im lucky, they respect me even they dun like him:mf_lustslow: actually the first time i watched grace kelly vid, i thought, who's the freak?! does this campy guy come from mars? he is sooo special XDDD yeah then i found him actually very talented with a good voice, fantastic singing skill, good looking but if he only got those, that still isn't good enough to tempt me (but those are prerequisite, hehe) wt attract me is his insane and crazy personality(im easily attracted by this type of ppl!lol(and his rippling laugh~lol)) and he is very clever as well!im sick of those beautful but brainless singers. i also admire his courage that i never have. sooo i catch him! but somehow i feel tired too, i spend most of my spare time here... although i always need to check on dictionary reading some articles here becoz of my bad eng! but i really feel excited when getting his lastest news and watching his vid (even the news that just mention a bit of him / even already hear millions times of y he wrote grace kelly!) the big problem is he always stick in my mind! i dun know how long this passion would last, and i enjoy being this, so why not?it makes u young! it recall my teenager time! :biggrin2:
  21. I just managed to read the entire article today! poor boy!his childhood is horrible i really can't get why some boys would throw things at him ?it is not normal to do this and i like he said your flaws make you what you are:thumb_yello: that's why he is so precocious
  22. haha, i mean can u see which illness they get by just looking on their face?... yeah..becoz im so jealous of the hug:roftl:
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