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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. I never actually asked my parents but I am 19 and at uni they dont know what I am doing but I am going with ppl so if they have a problem with it then oh well! they let me do most things now cos they know they cant really stop me, lol! U should so come it will be a laugh. Btw, taurus is ur sis on mfc?
  2. Omg I remember her too! she is in the edge of this pic as well ha she didnt escape plus i have her in a few other pics!! lol! photobucket taking a whil so pic will be here in a min lol!!
  3. Amsterdam on July 8th, tickets are on sale and I believe they are 38 euros! It would be so cool if u can come, have found out I actually met tauruslady at the gig when i was being the fanarazzi!! how cool is that? Btw, Tauruslady, I have found u in a pic I think, will post in a min!!
  4. OMG i do remember now, I think u were saying that I would run out of battery before we got into gig but I said I had just bought new ones, wasnt that just before the ice men came along to deliver the ice? I am gonna look through photos see if i caught u in the background
  5. Yeah that is quite funny!! and englishwoman, irish woman and a scots woman in Amsterdam, who knows what will happen?? We are gonna have a fab time! btw, did you and me talk at the gig at all? jus trying to remember u properly! sorry, have u posted a pic of yourself anywhere?
  6. yeah, btw OMG i know your mate wolfs cry cos i took a pic of her taking a pic of me, and we chatted for a bit at the gig, how freaky is that?
  7. Lol, yep got it!!! I will just secretly behind their back! lol, only kidding, I am not that bad!!!
  8. ok thanks, I reall appreciate it! I really really hope we can all go!! it wld be amazing, I cant stop saying it but it wld give us something to look forward to in the Summer and the best thing is it is Mika!! woo!! So as u r 17 do u go to college? work?
  9. ha ha thats so funny!! He copied Russell Brand's material?? lol!! well, he is funny. I mean naughty naughty Darcy, bad darcy!!
  10. Dunno, random stuff, I have actually stopped listening now, he is so weird but especially on radio can only take him in small doses, its easier when he is on tv but when u can only hear him it gets so confusing
  11. Nah its easy but then again it is one of my family names so that could be why! So do u live in Frimley now then? If u do that is so cool, I dont know any mfcers that live nearby!!
  12. Cool, would u mind if I stayed in the same place as you guys.I dont really like the idea of staying somewhere on my own in a country I have never been to!!!
  13. Lol, you are very welcome!!! Anytime! Awwww...Meg, dont stop talking, it was quite funny!
  14. Yeah he is the main guy talking, he's so funny, and yes it is quite confusing, lol!
  15. Yeah definitely,I am living near there in Farnham at the moment!!
  16. Lol,Russell Brand is so funny, you gotta love him!!!
  17. Cool, yeah I will definitely do that if I manage to get to Ireland this summer! Yeah I love Ireland, would even consider living there for a bit maybe after uni! Do u like living in Ireland? I so hope we do organise this Amsterdam trip, would be amazing!! I have never been to Amsterdam but I have been told the venue is about the same size as Brixton and it is OUTSIDE!! how cool is that an outdoor gig with Mika, yes please! do u have any plans for summer? if u ever come over to England pm me and I will show you where i live!! OMG that is definitely an irish name in fact, my granma's maiden name is McCluskey, how freaky is that??? There are quite a few McCluskey's in my family!! So where are u living now? still in south africa??
  18. OMG!!! Meg!!!! How rude!!! but funny! lmao!!!!
  19. I know, but I had to say it for everyone that was thinking it (so basically everyone on this thread at the moment )
  20. Bloody Welsh I'm kidding, I have nothing against them really!! Awww...sweet, so what part of Ireland do your family come from? is it your dad or mum's side?
  21. Hi Who did they lose against? Ireland are so good at rugby though? I dont watch it but my dad does and he being irish supports ireland!!
  22. I am sure he will tour Ireland sometime! after all it is only a quick trip over the water, he would be lazy not to go to Ireland, plus if he does I have an excuse to visit Ireland again Thats so cool that you got on stage! Yeah I did get a band, I didnt meet him though cos everyone was crowding round him and I was doing the polite thing and standing back waiting for ppl to get their autograph and/or pic and walk away but they didnt! But to be honest I dont mind cos I got to chat to Saranayde and Cherisse and got a pic with them both and I had a fantastic time. Plus when he was doing his speech of thanks I was standing RIGHT in front of him and it was like heaven Yeah I prefer Ireland, everyone is so much nicer, the country is jus a lot more picturesque and the lifestyle seems to be a bit more calmer and slower then England, no to mention I bet Ireland is a lot cheaper than England! So, would u reccomend visiting where u live? I wanna do some travelling this summer and so far I have Czech republic, Vienna, possibly Belgium and poss Amsterdam (of course I have to save up the money but I will be working very hard so I can do all these) My dad goes over to Ireland a lot as his dad lives there and I occasionally go over with him but he tends to go on his own so am thinking of going over on my own in the summer so I can explore some different areas which I dont usually go to!!!
  23. STRIP POKER!!! :roftl: Sorry...random outburst over!!!
  24. I am from the South of England from a little place called the New Forest, but I am currently living in a place called Farnham in Surrey cos I am at uni, studying Journalism! Wow, I have never been to Dublin but would like to sometme, I love going to Ireland, it is so much nicer than England! Cool, yeah I have been to four, I went to all three of the London gigs, I am mad I know, but where I am living at the mo is only an hour from London and I thought why not??? I am 19! Yeah the 28th was an amazing gig, did u manage to get a band for the after party??
  25. Awww, thanks! Yeah I have been looking around trying to find a cheap b and b or something also been looking at flights! I really hope we do go it would be so amazin! How many Mika gigs have u been to?
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