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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. During our long queueing session on 26th Feb at Brixton for Mr M. One mad mfcer (aka bumblebee_vix) arrived dressed as a chicken. You may have seen the pics of her already but I bet you havent seen the Chicken dance video??? She danced her chicken pants off to Big Girl!!! If you were there when she did it this is one memory many ppl will not forget and if you werent here it is! Enjoy! bumblebee's chicken dance
  2. Lol, I know, you can tell you aren't a newbie when ppl start screaming for Mika and you are just like, its not time yet, they still need to play songs! But Palladium were awesome! I was singing along as well!! Btw, were u the one wearing the red bird mask then? that was so cool!!!
  3. Hey guys, Sorry I havent posted in a while, have been so busy but here are a few pics of Palladium from 25th Feb gig! They were amazing at Hammersmith, you could tell their music and style suited a bigger stage, the energy was amazing. I spoke to Fez, Rufio and Rocky after the gig and they all remembered me from interviewing them a few weeks before. It was quite funny cos I was talking to Fez about the gig and he was complaining about the fact the wires on the instruments are too small cos when he jumped down into pit between crowd and stage he couldnt move cos the wire was pulled to its longest. We were joking about saying that should be his next demand, for longer wires! I had a laugh and joke with them all but when I asked Rocky if Peter was coming out he said he was just chilling inside and probably wouldnt come out! But I had a great time, and the guys are lovely! Plus dont know if anyone noticed but they had a brief mention in Q magazined this month, I will scan the section and post it here, they are on the 50 essential tracks to download this month for hi five!!!
  4. We all rush in, and as we get into the venue there is this femal security guard with her arms out saying "dont run, you'll run into me". well of course we would if she stands there, does she not know u shouldnt get between an mfcer and Mika, lol! Anyway, I got second row on the right which I was happy with! Met some ppl who I cant remember their names but I dont think they were off mfc but they were shocked when I told them I was 19, they thought I was 25 or something I don't look that old!! I was quite lucky as the ppl behind me didnt push but in front of me I had someone with an annying green feathery mask which u can see in lots of my photos but i managed to get a few good pics!!! Anyway, got into the venue and started the hour wait until Palladium were due on. This was the only support band I was looking forward to because I saw them supporting Mika at Bournemouth and I also went to London on Feb 14th to interview the band who are lovely!!! AT 8 they finally came on stage and they were fantastic, you could tell that their music and style suited a big stage, they were so much more energetic and Fez even jumped off the stage into the pit inbetween the crowd and stage right in front of where i was and played down there (although he told me later, he couldnt move anywhere as the wire was too short and they needed longer wires). Palladium did an amazing set and of course got the crowd hyped up for the big M! But before that, back to listening to music whilst they set up the stage for Mika! Then just past 9pm the lights dipped and the crowd went mad as Dolly Parton's 9 to 5 played signalling the intro for the one and only.....
  5. ok, I know this report is very late and most of u guys will have heard all this info but I thought I would write it anyway, I have been very busy recently so haven't been able to go on here much so here is the start of my reports! So, I left university (farnham) at 10:30 so that I could catch the train to London Waterloo. I arrived in London and caught the tube to Hammersmith and then checked in to the hotel at about midday! about an hour and a half later Ellie13 turned up and and then after getting ready I headed down to the queue to find out how big it was, Ellie13 joined later as she had some stuff to do. So, we finally arrived at the queue at about 3pm to find there were only about 60 ppl there. After about 20 mins of standing there feeling very nervous and shy about talking to people even though I recognised a few ppl off mfc, I finally asked some ppl if they were off the forum (yes I knew they were already but it was a conversation starter) I met Cazgirl, who is lovely and helped introduce me to more ppl! I also met two fab mfcers who I spent most of my time with for the next two gigs in the queues; Bumblebee_vix and Sparkly1, thankyou so much for putting up with me for those days, I had a great time and we had such a laugh! Anyway, it was absolutely freezing but we all stayed happy and joined in with the singing. I also met a load of other mfcers including Vanessa and RAK1 who are all fab ppl! During my time queuing Luke, Saranayde and Cherisse came out but we were too far back in the queue to talk to them so we just watched. Also Andy came out a few times and all the mfcers even serenaded Holy Johnny when he arrived and was interviewed by Mika's song, HJ!!! At about 630pm everyone started pushing the queue together a bit, but compared to the next two gigs the queueing was actually quite good! I wasnt squashed until the Big push as the doors opened! Then 7pm comes and the doors finally open and the crowd surges forward....
  6. I am so so tempted to go, I still cant get over the last gigs and would be amazing to have a mika gig to look forward to!!! Juas need to justify spending the money!
  7. Ha ha I loved the hobo!! he was just classic! oh good times and now back to reality
  8. I think this says it all, I akso stood back and watched poor Mika getting mobbed by fans and couldnt heklp but think that this may discourage him from doing it again! But anyway, Thankyou Mika for being so kind and thoughtful by giving us this chance to meet you and to share your success, I am just sorry it did not go as well as it should have done! Also thanks are due to Mika's management, for organising this event, and everyone else who helped make this night amazing! I never met you but i still live in hope! Thankyou again Liz xxx
  9. Lol, I was a fan of the rasmus before Mika as well!
  10. Ok...quick review as I will post indepth ones when I am back from London on Friday!! Queuing was horrendous, there were not many barriers so about 5pm everyone tried to push in and the who numbers on hand thing went out the window but a few ppl tried to sort it out and we did to some extent but there were still some people (mfcers as well) who pushed in front of ppl who had been waiting in the queue since midday! They know who they are but I am not naming names because I am not making this a personal vendetta against them. To be honest I felt that Hammersmith on Monday beat Brixton but either way (and other mfcers I have talked to have said this) that Mika seemed to rush through the songs. There was a lot less conversation from him compared to previous gigs and the atmosphere was jus not as energetic as Monday night's gig! But, it was a good concert overall, Mika seemed to want to get out of there yet again like Monday but he spent a short time doing a few autographs but me and some other mfcers were round the corner a bit so he didn't stop there but just walked to his car (although when he was in the car he did give an autograph for a woman from Malaysia which was sweet! (sorry I cant actually remember your name but I remember u r on the mfc). But, I and many others are thinking that Thursday will be the one to see, as it is his last tour date for a few months and the last official dodgy holiday tour date, so lets hope he goes out with a bang! There were of course the odd funny bit, like they got the string quartet on way too early and they were left on for about two songs and then taken off! and he made a mistake during How much do you love me! Looking forward to Thursday, but also very tired as got back to hotel at 2:30am due to having to take buses because the tube closed early! See you all Thursday and I will post a detailed report soon!! Liz xxx
  11. Hey, The best way is to take the stansted express train which takes you to Liverpool Street station and the u can get the tube to Victoria, or the train (the train may be more suitable if u have quite a lot of luggage)! If u want any more advice do not hesitate to pm me as I have helped planned many other ppl's journey from London stansted, so already know the routes u could use!! Hope this helps Liz x
  12. Lol, I saw Hollyoaks as well today! OMG....I know everyone else is saying it but still unreal that it is TOMORROW! the gig is tomorrow! I cant wait to meet everyone that is going tomoz, I will prob be queueing from about 2/3pm, I will be wearing; jeans, trainers and smart black top and my flashy heart so if anyone sees me yell Kittie or Liz and I will be so happy to meet u all after speaking to many of u on here! Do we know is RAK1 is still dressing up as a penguin? Also, I finished my present for Mika. I wrote 6 poems which are based on 6 of his songs, I would have done more but ran out of time, but it jus gives me an excues for part two at a later date It took me about a month and a half jus to write those as I can be such a perfectionist at times! (and of course had uni as well) OMG I cannot wait to meet u all! See you all in about 24 hours in queue Liz xxx
  13. Thats good. It seems everyone in my flat at uni is getting the same illness! It sucks but I am a lot better thankfully, especially as I have Mika concert on Monday
  14. Hey, mine hasnt been great I have been in bed ill all day but am feeling better now, hows u? Liz x
  15. hey, Is it still ok to hang out with u outside the venue after the gig whilst we are waiting for Mika, I have almost finished his gig, jus one more poem to do then jus a case of putting it altogether. u still dressing up as a penguin? Liz x
  16. Hmmmm....very tempted to create the thread and beat everyone to it!!!
  17. You'll give ppl ideas for a new thread now :naughty: Wonder how long it will be until we see the mfc nurses thread?
  18. Bronchitis..that's not good, hope he is better for Monday! Thanks for the vid FD!!
  19. I really like this story, I love the imagery you have used and the personification. One of my favourite lines has to be "The piano slowly becomes tame to his inexperienced fingers, and his voice dances joyously along with it." I love the images it conjures up! Great work!
  20. Good morning guys! It is 6:30am and I should not be up but I think I am coming down with something! I kept waking up every hour last night either too hot or too cold and I am still getting hot and cold sweats This really isnt good, the first of the Mika concerts start on Monday and I realy dont wanna be ill for them! Plus I am meant to have a lecture in 3 and a half hous which lasts from 10-4 and really dont know if I could handle it, the way I am feeling! I might go in for the second half but we will see! I feel so ill,but I must get better for Monday!! How is everyone else? Sorry I havent been on for a while have had lots of preparations for the concerts and been very busy with uni work!! Liz xxx
  21. Hey, yeah they are going really well thanks, I have now written 6 poems; Billy Brown, Erase, SITM, AOW, GK and MI!! I am now working on Big Girl! So hopefully will all be finished by Monday, as I havent got many more to write!! Hows u?
  22. Lol,*goes off to German thread to tell mfcers that Barunka loves German sausage!!!*
  23. Lol, ok I can be quite mean but i am NOT that mean! of course I am not gonna say secret German lover's name!!! That would be way too mean cos then we would have a rumour spreading round mfc that Barunka fancied.....??? Lol
  24. Yes your special little secret German sausage you love I write *runs away* so if I dont wanna I dont come back to the thread, it proves I am not hanging around in the thread!!! *runs away*
  25. oi, i am not! and it doesnt make that much sense saying we will see us there! *runs away*
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