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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. Out of interest who is going to the London gig on the 14th Feb would love to meet up with ppl in there as I will be on my own!!
  2. Hey Holly, I am so glad to see u back on the Rambling thread, we've missed you I am so glad you had a good time at the gig (except for the bruises, I hope they are feeling less painful,) Are u back at work now?? and BTW, once again HAPPY BIRTHDAY HOLLY!!!
  3. No this is for part of Mika's pressie from me, I am writing poems based on his songs! I have sent u the first one I wrote and if u want I cam show u the others, I have written 4 so far!!!
  4. Hey Shahd, I am good thanks, my day was ok, was jus relaxing as it was my day off. I have jus about finished planning the poem so will probably start writing it tonight!!!
  5. I am good thanks mi hermana! how is your day going? and also what time is it where u r?
  6. Hey hows u? I am really sorry but have completely forgotten your name, do u think u could remind me cos I dont really wanna keep saying hi xBillyBrownx!!
  7. Yay, cool yeah I remember you talking about the mind, body and spirit before! I would love to get into that sort of thing!!! so how many cards u made today???
  8. I jus got some sauce for chicken and some pancake mixture and lemon juice for tonight, u cooking pancakes for tonight?? what book u reading?
  9. Yeah, I am good thanks, how u? I have jus got back from town, jus bought some ink cartridges and food!!! what u been up to?
  10. Clareeeee!!! Hey, hows u? How was your day? Liz x
  11. Happy Birthday Holly!!! Hope you have a great day, and don't work too hard if u r at work :wub2:xxx
  12. Wow....fantastic report Vero I cant wait for the next part!!! They are such great cliffhangers and the writing is great!!! Liz x
  13. *cough* Signings *cough* He does signings, not singings!!!
  14. Ouch, well he is bound to perform at a few so jus keep an eye out and I will let u know if he announces any dates! anyway I am gonna go and get some sleep now! Night xxx
  15. Wow, you can speak Italian too, that is so cool!! Anyway I am going to bed now, I need some sleep!! Night guys!!! xxx
  16. Yeah, I hope so,that would so cool, after all we have been chatting on here for ages, would be great to meet up!
  17. Lol, I am sure u dont mind staying on here
  18. Night mum, night auntie!!! wow...I am so impressed, you havent taken any classes in english??? wow!!!
  19. I am not sure, they used to be wristbands but I thnk they may have jus changed to normal tickets, and maybe u exchange the tickets for wristbands, not sure as I have never been there before!!!
  20. Awwwww..I would love to come to Argentina!!! And your english is pretty good except for the last question! It would be better to say How bad was my writing? but other than that your english is pretty good!!
  21. That sounds like a great plan,I really want to go to Spain and Mexico and places like that one day so that wld be a great help! gracias!
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