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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. Yay u guys revived the younglings thread, I was thinking about it the other day and now here it is, there are a lot of us online quite a lot so this is definitely needed Liz xxx
  2. Yeah we will be having a great time in just over three weeks time!!! YAY!!!!! I am so so excited!!! Where is Holly?? HOLLY????
  3. Omg I am so jealous it sounds like an amazing gig! Also, I believe that he did the same thing the night before in Boston with having ppl on stage but still WOW!!!
  4. I have just read the WHOLE of the thread and jus want to thank everyone for their reports and pics. All I can say is...wow!!! It sounds like it was an amazing gig, and all these reviews are getting me so excited about London. 22 days to go!!! WOO!!!
  5. So how was the gig??? Florida girls??? Holly, did he get my message???
  6. I am going to sleep as well, it is late and I wanna get up at a reasonable time tomoz! Night guys xxx
  7. Hey Holly I am so glad to hear you are having a good time in New York. I remember when I was there a few years ago and we stayed jus round the corner from times square! It is an amazing place, make the most of it!!! I am so envious of u, cos not only are u going to be seeing Mika VERY soon but you are also in New York! Have a great time hun and I cant wait for your report of the gig! (btw, new poem up in rambling thread ) Hugs Liz xxx
  8. Thanks, this one took me absolutely ages to write, I found it hard to get the angle on it right but then one night, really late I was feeling quite down and was thinking a lot and I came up with this one finally! After about three attempts! How amazing would it be to co write a song? Thankyou for all your lovely comments, I have started planning the next one so watch this space
  9. Hey I am here!! also good news..I have written the next poem, I had a lot of trouble with this one. It is for the song 'Erase' and is written from the female/lover's point of view! Hope you enjoy and please give me some feedback as this is only a draft and may need adjusting! What did you expect to gain from that message? For me to come running back to you? I won’t do that anymore, I can’t do that anymore! But why did it hurt so much when I heard your voice? I thought I was over you, Yet you still haunt my dreams, Your presence still remains, In this house full of memories! But I can’t go back, I won’t go back To the way things used to be! Yet, why do I feel like this ? I have moved on, I am meeting new people rebuilding my life. But there still remains an empty space in my life, in my heart, which nobody has been able to fill since you left! But still, how could you do this to me? It has been such a long time, I finally started to forget you! But now you are all I think about! I am so confused, I don’t know how I feel right now This pain, this anger, and then there is the one feeling I almost forgot about, after you left. The true, deep, meaningful love I felt for you! See what you have done?
  10. That's good, tell them all I said hi, especially Holly!!! glad they got there all right!!! Have a great gig u guys!!!m
  11. OMG Aimee one day to go for you I am so excited for you!! I have 24 days to go but they will go so quickly!!! U have to take lots of pics!!! Liz xxx
  12. Thanks I have actually managed to organised it for 14th feb during their sound check, I will put a copy up of the article once it is published in the news paper!!!
  13. *subscribes* I really hope you guys have a great time in NY, be sure to take plenty of pics and Holly remember my message Liz xxx
  14. Do u think it will be finished yet? or is it still going? *waits with everyone else*
  15. Darren Hayes was the led singer of a pop band called Savage Garden. I dont agree with that comparison though but it is nice that Mika is getting the recognition he deserves espesh when he says that you can see why Mika deserves these brit nominations!
  16. Only lonely one when the pain won't go away...
  17. Please someone get rid of the strip cos OMG..... :wub2:
  18. That would be quite funny! awww...u should have gone Ironman to the gig it is such fun and a great time!!!
  19. Lol yeah I can imagine it having only 3 days til the Mika gig, you going to the concert or u staying behind?
  20. No actually,I rarely tire of speaking about him but I dont do it 24/7 I speak about other things! Hows u?
  21. Yeah, poor people on the plane...but then again I would love to be sitting next to u on that plane. I would talk non stop about Mika! I can imagine us annoying everyone around us with Mika talk! I really hop u have a FANTASTIC time this weekend, I am so jealous that u r going to be so Mika so soon!
  22. Thanks Holly! Yeah I can imagine what work will be like tomoz, I dont blam u if u r a 'little' bit distracted! I cant wait for ur first posts from New York! I bet he will be amazing! I am already getting excited about London now so I will be so so hyped up and excited by the time it actually comes to the time for the gig!!! Jus think u only gotta get through tomoz work and then thats it for the weekend, from there in it is MIKA time!!!
  23. Holly! YAY you are back, so have u got internet access in NY then?? I am so excited for u! I bet u cannot wait, I remembered how excited I was about my last gig and jus how excited I am about the next one in Feb!!! dont forget my little message when u meet him Liz xxx
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