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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. Thanks, I will. I am making sure I do not get drunk cos the job tomoz is childcare, so looking after kids with a hangover or slightly drunk is not a good idea!!!
  2. I am back but not for long, I am going out to student union, they have a goths and toffs night, I am dressed up as a goth!!! Hope everyone is ok! I will be on later as I am not staying out late cos I have work in the morning, I have to catch the 7.58 train to Woking (near London)
  3. Back on in 30 minutes!! see u soon! xxx
  4. cool what sort of website u designing? I think I get to do that as part of my course too!!!
  5. Yeah ok, a bit boring but ok!! I have now started writing the next poem so u may get to see it tonight but I am going out later so u may not!!! But we will see
  6. Clareeeeee!!! Yeah it was quite boring but it was only cos we were going over stuff we already knew but it was nice seeing all my mates again. I am working tomoz and need to get up early! I have to catch the 7:58 train to Woking to work at a kids nursery. But i need the money so i cant complain too much! Have u started your training yet? Yeah I am sure it will, its jus a case of the course actually gettin started, then it will get better! What year are u in at school?
  7. Yay!!! Yeah I am good thanks! does that mean u will be on msn soon?
  8. Hi everyone! I have jus had my first lecture back at uni, very boring but it should get better!!! How was everyone's day? Liz xxx
  9. Hey Barunka, hows u? also hope you are feeling better soon Lucy!!! Dont work too hard! or even better take some time off to recover, if you can!! Liz xxx
  10. Is there a translation of what he said as his acceptance speech at the Nrj awards?
  11. Thanks for posting this!!! Mika makes being British that much better
  12. This sounds like a fantastic idea! I would definitely be in! the best thing to do is to ask Mika and John, then if we get a maybe or a yes then we can start planning! Or maybe we should come up with a plan which ppl can show to them to show we mean business cos if someone jus turned up saying they want to do a gig then they wldnt be taken seriously but if u had a plan with figures and a possible venue, they would take u a lot more seriously!!! Contact venues, find out prices etc!! Thats my advice!
  13. Thanks, I love that pic, is def one of my favourites!!! Yeah poetry is good for that sort of thing! Yeah that is a huge problem but oh well!!! if u want sexy Mika pics I have loads, have u got msn?
  14. You should it is a great way to be creative!! plus great way to let emotion out!
  15. Thanks, I realy appreciate all your comments, yeah I like to include metaphors in my poems it adds some depth to it! I am jus working on the next poem at mo! Will post it when I am done!
  16. Night Clare, Night xBillyBrownx Btw thanks for the comment on the poem BillyBrown (sorry i dont know ur real name)
  17. Thankyou...on to the next one. I am jus working on final idea for this one and will start writing it soon!!! thanks for the lovely comment!!!
  18. Yeah kinda cos I know it wasnt obvious but you are so good at giving me feedback on my poems!!!
  19. Yeah I am, and yeah I am in my room at mo, jus listening to Mika songs and doing some writing,I am in a creative mood!
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