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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. Hey Clare, I am good thanks, I got your comment thankyou, yeah I am now up at uni and settling back in fine, jus finished watching the Last Kiss starring Zach Braff!!! Hows u? Hey good thanks, and you? I have noticed u havent given me any feedback on the updated poem, have u managed to have a read yet on the rambling thread?
  2. Hey Sarah, I us watched the Last Kiss starring Zach Braff,very good film!!
  3. Hello, Jus finished watching film. I have noticed nobody said anything about my poem How is everyone tonight? Liz xxx
  4. Ok, by the way what programme is the video from? I have never seen that vid before. I love Cherisse's hair, so cool!!!
  5. Is it really that bad that ppl have not been on this thread since I posted my second draft of poem Or are ppl jus ignoring this thread???? If anyone could give me any feedback on the poem it would be greatly appreciated!!!
  6. Thanks, I am so glad Mika won an award there! and were any of the girls shouting 'mika' mfcers or were they jus crazy fans???
  7. cool, I didnt realised the NRJ awards were on tonight, so when do u reckon we will be able to find out if he won anything? is there any mfcers at the awards?
  8. Yeah thats a nice idea!!! also we cld even give each member a special party entrance, I mean do the same thing each time one of them comes out to leave!! ok yeah it is a pretty silly idea, oh well!!!
  9. thanks, it would jus be a nice surprise for the band to come outside to a bunch of party poppers going off, and we could give them party hats to put on and those things u blow into at parties that make a funny noise??? (sorry i cant remember what they are called!!!
  10. Isn't that the bracelet he was wearing at the maque ball when he admitted that the jewellry wasnt his and it belonged to his aunt or mum???
  11. Mika's management sure do work him hard, poor guy!!! He will need a lot of tlc and looking after when he gets back to London then
  12. The church of Mika has a certain ring to it!!! the window definitely wld give u something to look at during the long sermons!!!
  13. silly idea but we could have a mini party outside the venue so when they come out we can have party poppers, balloons and streamers and stuff (might make them stay longer )
  14. Yeah it should be fine cos the only reason u give ur email is so they can send confirmation of the tickets being bought but they will still be posted, so dont worry about that, as long as u gave them a correct home address the tickets will still be delivered!!! Also, yeah customer services there are hopeless, i had to wait eages once, if u arent bothered about a confirmation email I wouldnt bother calling them!!! Liz xxx
  15. That would be so cool!!! I really hope that Mika does a private event for us when we become the official forum, at least a private gig somewhere that only mfcers can go to!!!
  16. I would reccomend phoning the company and giving your details, thy should be able to change your email address over the phone so u can access the order tracking service!!! Hope that helps!! Liz xxx
  17. hi guys!!! I am back for a bit before my tea so as requested here is my rewrite of Grace Kelly! (if ppl dont know what I am on about look back a few pages I have explained there!) The title is not final and I probably have a few touch ups to make to the poem but would love everyone's feedback on it!! So here it is... Who do you think I am? Who are you to state who I am, or who I should be? You try to make me conform to your ways, to become someone I'm not! I know who I am but you don't seem to understand this! I am a unique person, not a crowd follower. Don't try to manipulate me, because it won't work. You think everyone will come in here, and change themselves until you are happy, Well I won't! I know who I am and I'm sticking to it!!! Nobody can label me And that’s the way it’s going to be, I won’t be your lump of clay For you to model into your ideal image. That’s not me! I do things my way, on my terms, Not on anybody else’s And if you can’t accept that, You know what you can do You are no different from the rest They all want to change me, But they can’t, because I won’t let them, And I won’t let you! My identity is what makes me who I am And without it, who am I? So, what do u think? i am not sure on the ending yet, my other idea was to make it more general so that instead of My identity is what makes me who I am, it would be our identity makes us who we are. But I thought as this is quite a personal poem the ending should also be personal. But what do u guys think???
  18. Thanks I gotta go sort out some stuff for uni now but wil be back on again later bye guys xxx
  19. gotta go but will be back on again later. I gotta go so out my stuff for uni!!! Bye guys xxx
  20. I will be up in Farnham in Surrey but do not worry I have internet access in my room and I will be taking my laptop so u wont have to miss me! It jus means I wont be on as much! (well i probably will be but I should be studying at the same time )
  21. Hey xBillyBrownx Hows u??? I have added a few more stanzas to GK poem u wanna see them?
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