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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. Wow, lots of new ppl. Hello!! It's quite cool cos nobody chats on here in the morning (although I am rarely up this early) I got a little but too drunk last night and had the earliest night I have had in ages I went to bed at about 11pm!!! But there is still a lot of alcohol in my system from last night, so jus drinking lots of water and thinking about making myself a bacon sandwich to absorb some more of the alcomohol!!! Btw, as we have new ppl here, woulld like your opinion, if its all right with u guys! Well basicallY I am going to all three of the Mika gigs in London in Feb and wanted to give him a pressie to show him my appreciation of him and his music! and i came up with the idea of rewriting his songs into poems, sometimes adapting them into different views but primarily based on the songs. I have finished the Billy Brown rewrite which I did from his point of view when he has got to the island, he is reflecting on what has happened and then thinks about what the future holds. The poem is called 'what now?' and if anyone wants to read it I am happy to put it up for you guys so u can give me ur views on whether it is a good idea or not!!!
  2. Yes it keeps happening to me I think mfc is playing up so dont worry,anyway I am going out now have fun guys and speak to u later!!! Byeeeee xxxx
  3. Thanks I will!! Have a good day at uni if I dont speak to before hand!!! Liz xxx
  4. Lol, do u mean trip or is that a metaphor for something else?
  5. Ok,god I will be very drunk by end of night, already about 2 (ok I lie maybe 3 or 4 ) vodka and cokes plus more drink!!! ok! see u guys later if i dont post again til later!! btw hi again sarah!! xxx
  6. No everyone is welcome, rambling is great fun so come and join us!! Liz xxx
  7. Lol, Dont worry I wont drink too much when I am out as I cant really afford it so by the time I come on here I should have sobered up a bit Everyone else have fun tonight on mfc and I want some ppl to be here when I get back so if there isnt Anyway, hope u all have fun! I will have a drink for you all
  8. Will do, even though I am actually on here for about another 20 mins cos I got ready early!!! Lol! Already slightly tipsy,too much vodka me thinks!!
  9. Yeah I am about to go out with drinking with mates, he never got in contact so screw him!!! So if i come back on later and dont make sense then u will know why Lol, see all u guys later!!! Liz xxx
  10. Quite a lot of us have flashing hearts which go around our neck, and also there are the mfc badges, I will be wearing my flashy heart to the London gigs and will also have badges!!!
  11. Oh ok so it probably works out about equal (roughly)! did u have many lectures today?
  12. That's unfair we have 3 hour lectures yet have the same break as u do with ur 2 hour lecture, oh well I only have 4 lectures a week so isnt so bad, how many lectures a week do u have sarah?
  13. We usually get about a 15 minute break in the middle but it is still a long time! do u get a break in ur lectures?
  14. awwwww.....thats sweet, llllluuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrvvvvveeee you too hols!!!
  15. That's lucky, all my lectures are three hours long!!!
  16. Yeah it is crazy and I am hoping it is a mistake it is jus online timetable! Last semester we had three hours of shorthand with only a 15 minute break and that was hard enough so hopefully it is still three hours of shorthand, but will find out soon!!!
  17. You cant go to sleep yet Ivy (sorry jus thought I would be funny and play on the whole Holly and Ivy thing!) lol, teh earliest I start a lecture is at 9am, I love uni!!! Soz Ivy!!!
  18. Yeah except for the three hours of Politics and FOUR hours of shorthand, but yeah looking forward to it, go up to uni on Sunday!!!
  19. dunno....shop...go out at night and get drunk...go on mfc (and maybe do a bit of studying)
  20. Lol, I will show u my timetable, it is actually quite good: Mon- Print Journalism pm Tues- No Lessons Wed- No Lessons Thurs- Shorthand pm (but according to my timetable I have FOUR hours of it!!!) Fri- Politics lesson am and Online Journalism pm I only have one full day, shame it is on friday but oh well!!!
  21. Lol yeah, what can we call Holly?? *thinking*
  22. Yeah I get Tuesday and Wednesday off which is good,plus I start lectures on Monday at 1pm, no early lecture, yay!!!
  23. That's good, I start back at uni on Monday and have found out I have quite a good timetable this semester, I only have one day where I get up early, the rest of the days I have afternoon lectures or none at all.
  24. Hey Sarah, I am ok thanks hows u? How is uni going? xxx
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