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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. It can't decide so it is calling me Kitiz!!!
  2. Lol, no not going out til 8pm, but have a nice bottle of vodka and some diet coke in the fridge jus calling my name, so it'll be drinking at home then finishing off at pub(s)!!!
  3. Yeah I know it is crazy but at the weekends some of them open later but not on weekdays!! oh well I better start drinking early then
  4. Yeah I know you are right but there was jus something about him, I had never fallen for a guy that quickly after meeting them and I dont know why I did now!!! I still have heard nothing and u r right i jus need to forget about him but it is easier said then done, Oh Holly why did I have to have a crish on him before I even got to know him properly, I wish I could jus turn back time and maybe have never met him, then I wouldnt be feeling so s**t now!!! yeah I will have a blast tonight and I will TRY not to get too drunk but I will probably be on here when I get home as pubs close at 11pm and u guys are still online then!!! but I am staying on here for a while yet!!!
  5. There is no update, he hasnt text me (i dont think he has any credit) but he hasnt emailed me and he never came online last night, not a word so no meeting up today unless he turns up or phones or gets in contact (which i doubt he will). Sorry guys it looks like there is no happy ending here, if he was interested he would surely have made an effort as some point and tried to meet up, I am going back to uni in 2-3 days so once i get up there I guess I should forget all about him!!! Unless he surprises me by coming round the next few days which he won't but if he does things will be different. BUt as usual if anything happens I will update you all!!! Hope all is well for everyone else, as for me I am going to go out tonight with one of my girl mates and probably get drunk!!! Liz x
  6. Yeah u are probably right, and I remember him saying that he was going to watch a film once it was downloaded so maybe he is still watching that, he does tend to stay up very late! Thanks Holly....u r fab! I know I can rely on u to help me look at things in a better light and cheer me up I luuuuuuuuuurve you too!!!
  7. Holly....I really need some words of support, I am seriosuly thinking he isnt coming online tonight cos it is now 1.27am, I hope he does but my hope is slowly diminishing!!!
  8. Yeah a little part of me dies inside........nah I am only kidding I am not like that jus as u put it though i am like but then I jus get on with other things online to forget about it! Except, u know I cannot forget about him not being online so there is no point in me even pretending like I dont care!!!
  9. I hope I havent overdone it and I really hope he comes online soon! after all he did say he would be on late tonight and he has been on later than this before now! so i shouldnt be worrying so much right now, it is so funny though, everytime someone logs on to msn my stomach jumps and my heart skips a beat until i see it isnt him!!!
  10. Nope not yet but I did give in and text him saying I was jus going on msn now and I would see him on there soon! Probably encouraged him not to go on msn now, I am being way to forward and i def need to back off a bit, I really dont wanna scare him away cos of how i have acted!!! I hope he does still come online!!
  11. Lol, yeah I dont think I would be able to concentrate if I went to a meeting near to a Mika concert (unless the meeting was to do with Mika ) No, nothing new as of yet, jus waiting for him to come online which should hopefully be soon!!!
  12. That sucks, at least u can draw and write stuff whilst on conference call as they cant see what u r doing!!!
  13. I will always remember him from 10 things I hate about you,the first film I saw with him in! He was such an amazing actor for both his talent and for refusing to become the pretty boy actor he could have easily become with his looks! I have a lot of respect for Heath Ledger and it is terrible that his life had to end so early and the way it did!!! Rest in peace!!!
  14. Yay, always good when u dont have anything to do, it means u can stay on mfc!!!
  15. *imagines Mika actually saying that to her and melts*
  16. Thankyou Ada!! *storms off to dressing room in a sulk cos of holly*
  17. Lol, that means all u guys are foreign characters in the soap opera as the main plot line at the mo is British!!!
  18. Jus realised I am the only English(British) person on this thread at the mo arent I???
  19. awwww....so do u guys reckon those are signs he may be interested???
  20. Well dont know if i mentioned it already but he does this funny face where he raises one of his eyebrows and when he found out it made me laugh he kept doing it and once he noticed me laughin he continued doing it!!! Then we kept teasing each other on msn, he called me lame for not having seen as many films as he had and then I called him a loser and it carried on like that for a while but it was all done jokingly!!! He showed me a scratch on his back which had jus appeared on sunday!!! ummm.....cant think of anymore at mo but surely they are signs of possible interest arent they???
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