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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. Thanks Ada, I thought so but didnt wanna embarass myself by calling u the wrong name!!!
  2. Lol u may not have to! If u r on at around midnight-1am GMT time then u may find out about our plans for tomoz, if there is any!!! so jus stay tuned!!! and if u want any more details about him I will answer ur questions, after all soaps can be quite detailed!!!
  3. Hey yeah and its Ian! Yeah we ended up chatting online for 3 hours last night until 3am about all sorts, I brought up the fact he never came round and he said sorry and told me why! and I even asked him if he was single and he instantly replied yes and he is coming online tonight to hopefully arrange meeting up tomoz!! So yeah things are great!!!
  4. Hey Revica (sorry i dont know/cant remember ur real name, I am sure it is either Jess or Ada???) Hows u?
  5. That's good, yeah I am feeling MUCH better than when I last talked to u last night(although that may be to do with a certain conversation I had until 3am)
  6. HELLOOO!!! I am online! I havent been out with Ian today but he said last night he is coming online tonight to hopefully arange meeting up tomoz! I cannot believe we chatted for three hours last night, plus he does this funny face which he knows I laugh at so he kept doing it all last night then when he saw me laughing kept doing it (we were on web cam online) But he prob wont be on til about midnight which is another four hours so I will be on here for a while yet!!! If anyone wants to ask me anything, ask away!!!
  7. sorry I would do but I am already seeing Kate Nash at the Hammersmith Apollo on 10th March and at the Isle of Wight festival!!!
  8. I love the siggie! So funny and so sweet!!! I mean it!
  9. OMG...I have just finished talking to Ian which means we were talking for jus over 3 hours and I loved it!! I even copy and pasted our convo into a word document and it took up 38 pages!!! well, we talked about films i had and hadnt seen, then we teased each other a bit which was sweet, we talked about films a lot actually. and I did actually end up saying 'so what happened to u tonight? thought you were posibly coming over?' and his reply was: i ran out of cred had to take dog out and was helpin julie wid the computer and while i did all dat i forgot lol sos Which i accept cos we have a great chat and at the end I asked him some random questions, and one of them was r u single? which he instantly replied ye. and I asked him if he wanted to go out for lunch tomoz my treat but he said he couldnt but could prob do thurs if I am free! and he said we would arrange it tomoz night on msn!!! so is it looking hopeful again now!! I will give u a more indepth explanation if u guys want one tomoz when I have time but it is now 3am and am going to bed! night all Liz xxxx
  10. oK, i kind of chickened out cos we jus got chatting about other things but i did slyly put it in there by saying by the way what is fps? u mentioned it in the text about u possibly coming round tonight and what ps2 games u had? He didnt say anything about that but it made me feel better jus to put it in there!
  11. I know I am jus so confused and messed up. he hasnt mentioned anything about meeting up or the fact he never turned up it seems he has jus been playing a new game he bought today, I feel really s**t now, cos this kind of thing makes me think he is def not interested!
  12. I dont know what to do he is online and I am talking to him but not once has he mentioned the fact he never came round tonight, and all he said is he hasnt got any credit so hasnt been texting much! What should I do? should I ask him why he didnt turn up and if i do how would I do it?
  13. By the sounds of things it was suicide by a drug overdose but they are doing an autopsy tomoz so we will know more then!
  14. Omg that is my fave film and one of my fave clips from the film and now when I see it I am just sad!!! :tears: I still cant believe it, he had such a promising future and a young daughter why would he take his own life when he had so much going for him???
  15. OMG, Heath Ledger??? Dead??? That is horrible,he was such a talented actor, I loved him in 10 things I hate about you and a knights tale!!! He will be deeply missed!!! RIP Heath!!
  16. Thanks and no he hasnt replied yet but it has only been 20 minutes (and over three hours since i last text him) That will be my last text to him until he texts me back, if he does!
  17. Ok so I jus gave in and text him but I restrained myself from mentioning us meeting up and made it more of a general text! I jus said; " wondering if everything is ok, u feeling better after ur trip to town? did u get the game u wanted? Liz x" Does that sound ok to u guys?cos I didnt mention him coming round but hoping he will reply to this and mention coming over or not being able to!!!
  18. ok, would it be acceptable and not seen as desperate if i just text him saying that i jus thought I wld let him know that mym mum gets home at around ten if he was thinking of coming round. what do u think??? Maybe it sounds a bit too desperate and pushy but i jus want a reply!!
  19. I am not that good, it was jus a bit of research and timings!!!
  20. That is the one question I would love to be able to answer with 'here' but i cant and nor can I say he has texted me cos he hasnt done that either, so i dont know what is going on, I jus hope he comes round even if it is jus for 5 mins, it would make my day/evening!!!
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