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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. Hey Jus thought I would say I am a fan of panic at the disco, I first got into them when I heard I write sins not tragedies and then I searched for more of their songs and really liked them!!!
  2. Thats horrible but at least it is only until your mid terms are over then u can come back and join us!! See you on here soon Liz x
  3. Hi I am Takiz or Kutakizkatukuchiri Lol, I jus realised the post I was looking at for the letters (Lizsmith) was doing the same name, but I only realised after finishing mine and thinking it looked very similar!!!
  4. Also u should feel special cos I named u first, as u were the person I really wanted to talk to but I was/ am so excited that I jus wanted someone to be online but am VERY happy it was you!!! Speak soon
  5. Ok, sorry I only just noticed new posts as I have been tidying my bedroom (my mum kept having a go at me so I thought I would do a bit of it!) Yeah I think I win on the excitedness by jus a bit Come back soon, so we can chat more!!!
  6. Ok, I don't know if anyone is online at the mo but OMG BIG UPDATE!!! he has just sent me text saying he might come over for a bit tonight if I want!!!! OMG OMG OMG!!! I cant believe this, we have been texting this morning and he is still ill but he has jus texted me thaT and I am so so happy! Holly I need you to come online to share my happiness!!! Or for that matter anyone!!!
  7. also, no idea he has probably jus got a cold or flu! u know men and their colds!!!
  8. He's gone offline now! but one of the last things I said was 'sorry for asking so many questions and texting you loads, hope u dont mind too much' and he replied 'nah its cool' which is good! and of course at the end he put 'bye x' God I am looking into everything way too much! I hope he is feeling better soon so we can meet up! I am going to get some sleep,I am really tired! Night guys xxx
  9. In his words he is dying, so i get to give him lots of sympathy and yeah i thought that too!!!
  10. ok, well we have mainly been texting about the films I bought today (the alien quadrilogy) i got them cos I realised i liked that sort of film after watching alien vs predator 2 at the cinema the other day! plus I know he likes that sort of film so I know I can get a conversation going, and the nicest thing is now he is signing his texts 'Me x' which is so sweet! Now the conversation has gone off films and talking about things like how his day was! then I can show some sympathy towards him, earlier I did say that I hope he gets better soon! omg Holly i hope I get to meet up with him again soon, I just want to get to know him more, find out what we have in common and whether there is something there!
  11. Yep on msn!!! Jus talking about films at the mo!!!
  12. Good luck with your finals, I am sure u will be fine
  13. OMG HOLLY! You will never guess who I am talking to right now???
  14. I am really sorry to hear that Aimee, I hope they DO forget!!! How has your day been?
  15. oh no Aimee that is awful, mfc is possibly one of the safest forums to be on! I hope u can come back on! I'm gonna miss u Please come and sneak back in and say hi from time to time!!! do u have to get off the forum now then or havent they properly decided if u are banned or not???
  16. Is nobody online tonight??? Awww...thankyou Holly! there has been a bit more texting since I spoke with u last! COME ONLINE!!! please
  17. Hello, I am back online, Holly? Jess? Aimee? anyone?
  18. I hope so, I reckon I wil be able tell if it is jus me and him, hopefully! Fingers crossed!
  19. Lol, yeah he said later on he was still feeling s**t, he text me back about an hour ago saying "Soz my phone was on silent, still feel like s**t it(the blank texts) was Joshua, my mate's kid" I hope you are right and I hope I will be able to tell before I go back to uni!!! Well,when we meet up this week we shall see!
  20. Thanks Nicole! What does everyone think? do u reckon that what he said in his text is another possible sign he is interested?
  21. Hello Here is an update for all u guys!!! I texted him again this afternoon jus seeing if he got my text as my phone 'wasnt working' he texted back within 25mins and said he wasnt sure about going out for a drink yet as didnt have mch money and not feeling well! So, I texteed him back saying i would buy him a drink as I owe him money anyway, then I also texted him asking for advice on whether I should buy the alien films or predator films and told him that I am going back to uni next weekend and it would be great to meet up again before then and this is what he texted back: Alien films good u can get all 7 films in a pack. We will meet up b4 u go back dont worry. How sweet is that?, so that has got to be another sign of interest, and about half an hour ago he sent me 2 blank txt messages so jus trying to find out what they were about! and the first text he finished with Ian x and the second one he wrote 'me' so sweet! So yeah that is what has happened today! Stay tuned!
  22. Don't tell us what to do! if it is better to be doing something else than mfc then why are u here then? We come on here cos we enjoy chatting to friends and people who have similar interests, so either get used to it or just dont bother coming onto mfc if all u can do is tell us to do something else with our time!!!! and if u dont wanna read family threads, DONT EVEN BOTHER GOING ON THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!
  23. I llllllluuuuuurrrrrrvvvvveeeee you too!!! I am going to try and sleep now! Night Holly xxx Night Aimee xxx
  24. ok, thanks for the advice! I jus hope I dont have to send another text, hopefully he will message me before tomoz lunch but if he doesnt I will use that excuse! Thankyou for everything tonight especially being so supportive and staying up for a bit longer with me! I might try to sleep soon!!! cos last time I messaged him he sent me a message quite late at night and I got it in the morning which was fine!!! Thanks again Holly, I really appreciate all your help, support and advice!
  25. But what should I say tomoz, cos I dont want to repeat myself as I may sound desperate! would the line, jus wondering if u got my txt cos my phone keeps playing up be a bad excuse???
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