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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. Holly, need your advice!!! what do u reckon I should do if he doesnt text or i dont hear from him by say lunchtime tomoz or tomoz night??? do u think I should jus wait until he contacts me now?
  2. Ok as it looks like Holly has gone I better catch u up! The reason I didnt want to bring u up to date is cos the main conversation of the night has been to do with me and this guy I met (read the quote for the full story) and basically I have texted him a few hours ago asking if wants to go for a drink or something in the week(trying to find out if he is interested in me!) so this thread has turned into a bit of a soap opera! So yeah that is the main thing, so u didnt miss much! (sorry i have been finishing each post with the love smily all night and has now become a habit!)
  3. Would need to have a think cos it is 146am and although I am not going to sleep yet my brain is thinking about other things at mo and kinda hard to stop thinking about it (about him!) But will think about it tomoz! u have any ideas?
  4. Cool,and its mainly cos of me and the guy at the station!!! lol, I love MFC!!!
  5. i know this has gotta be one of the most active and busiest nights wouldnt u say???
  6. Very true, you can all feel the bliss I will feel if it is true!!! (which I severely hope it is) I love the soap opera idea, the stories of the rambling thread!
  7. I hope you are right, I will be a very very happy mfcer then!!!
  8. Yeah imagine when I go to uni!! which is in about 5 days, that may be an interesting cliff hanger!!!
  9. Yeah, lets jus hope it turns out to be all right!
  10. and that would make it about 26 pages worth of soap opera in one night!
  11. ok, have a good evening! and I will let u guys know if anything happens tonight or in the morning!! I will probably be on tomoz night!!! Night Holly xxx
  12. That is so cool! where on the internet did u meet her? So at least you have a goal and a possible target date to aim towards so that should be good motivation, as for me, well if all goes as I hope it will..i will DEFINITELY have some motivation
  13. Yeah I know there is so much I want to achieve! You are sounding so much more positive now!! yay!!! That's what I wanna hear from you, optimism!!!
  14. Yeah that means no fad diets, jus healthy eating and exercise We can do it Holly!!!
  15. Yeah, but luckily I think I have started to become comfortable with my body, which doesnt mean I wont lose the weight it jus means that I wont be so desperate I would try something dangerous, it means I can lose weight at a proper pace so it stays off!!!
  16. I am so glad you arent leaving yet cos I am still wide awake!!! I love having famous good looking ppl in my dreams cos to me it makes me in a better mood when I wake up in the morning!
  17. Cool, you are very lucky to have Mika filled dreams!!1 It is jus going to be us two now? You arent leaving yet are u???
  18. Ok night Nicole!!! U will hopefully find out more tomoz! as long as something happens!! xxxxxx
  19. Cool! Is Nicole still online, she hasnt spoken for a while? Nicole??? Edit: I was writing this as you (Nicole) must have been posting, lol!!!
  20. Thats sweet, I have never heard BFF every being used, is it an American abbreviation?
  21. I have dreamt of Mika twice and both were good dreams but wish I could dream of him more
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