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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. DONT EVER SAY THAT THE REASON IT DIDNT TURN OUT RIGHT IS BECAUSE U R NOT ATTRACTIVE ENOUGH!!! That is simply never true, if it didnt work out maybe it jus wasnt meant to be but please never say that it was cos u werent attractive enough! cos that means that the other person was shallow so he wouldnt be worth it anyway but Never say that!!!
  2. You want to live through me? ok, but I warn u it is a weird and wonderful world!!! and Holly i think u should get out there and start looking, what is the worse that can happen, ppl say no, which in that case u move on!!! (I have been rejected quite a few times) Hope I didnt sound too bossy!
  3. I texted him a few hours ago asking him if he fancied going for a drink or something in the week as I owe him money from the train fare, but I know that his mate was going to be round his tonight so he might not reply til he has gone or wait til he catches me on msn!!! That took so much courage to send that text but I sent it and dont regret it cos the answer to that question may well show whether he is interested cos if he says yes he wants to then that may be a sign!!! Let's wait and see (although the wait is killing me!)
  4. Yeah that is what I think, it will happen to everyone! I may be a soppy romantic but I do believe in 'the one' and that there is one for everyone out there it is jus a case of finding him/her!!!
  5. lol, great minds think alike hey? that is the ONLY way to describe it! But only time will reveal the answer I am now REALLY craving!!!
  6. Dont worry I am the one who is most on the edge of their seat! Everytime someone comes online on msn or texts me my heart skips a beat!
  7. Yep, except Revica, havent heard from her yet!!!
  8. Yay, the Liz/Kittie Soap opera! lol, you can all share my happiness and upset (if i find out he isnt interested) or at least slight dissapointment! and I will definitely be updating whenever something happens and I will post it in this thread!!!
  9. Yeah I know it never happens to me so the fact it happened means I am very happy at the mo and cannot help but smile! Just waiting for him to reply but at the same time I am not constantly looking at my mobile every minute (more like every 5 mins ) I believe it will happen to everyone one day, as I believe there is someone out there for everyone, but anyway we dont know if meeting him meant anything yet (as in we do not know if he is interested) but i will wait!!!
  10. Nobody thinks like the norm, otherwise we would all be boring! and I am misunderstood quite a lot too, it is easily done u jus have to be patient, i find it is worse if u hardly know the person! So, dont worry too much about it! I am sure many ppl understand u more than u think but jus dont know it yet!!
  11. You will do sometime, you will!! then u will understand my young friend
  12. Those days can happen anytime in someone's life so do not give up hope! They may only be a memory now but who knows what the future holds for all of us!!
  13. Yeah I know what that is like, I am very happy but at the back of my mind is still the question 'yeah but is he actually interested?'
  14. Why cant u say that? doesnt everyone like to be happy and rather than jus being happy?
  15. I am sure everything will be fine, Be positive, this is Mika we are on about! and if u r worried be prepared, take a jacket, umbrella etc! that way nothing can spoil the gig!
  16. Luke is so sweet! That is so kind of him to say that! i cant wait til Feb to meet them all!
  17. I bet that isnt true!! For a start u r going to see Mika soon! That isnt bad luck!!
  18. Yeah, my mood for a start! (skyrocketed and become very very happy) but let's see if things get even better!
  19. Hi Nicole, Come and chat you are very welcome here! and dont worry, i u wanna know what we are talking about then go back a few pages and read my VERY long post!
  20. Yeah, I am but not 100% on it jus hovering at the moment as I am not sure if he is interested but of course things are looking good so I am jus hovering above it not actually on it!
  21. Yep Lets hope a good thing comes out of the meetings!!!
  22. Yeah I know that feeling! By the way I am back now! Hello everyone!!!
  23. Let's hope so! I will keep u guys updated with what happens and if he replies to a txt i sent him asking if he wanted to go for a drink or something in the week! but i am jus going for a bath so i will speak to u guys later!!! xxx
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