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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. definitely..but I am definitely not complaining
  2. Yeah, I am one of these ppl who believe that things happen for a reason so the other night may have been fate, us meeting at the station both at the same place, same time and both wanting to go to the same area and needing transport there! What are the chances of that happening?
  3. I know plus we went to the same schools and colleges(in different years though) and we have both lived in the same place for most of our lives!!! How freaky is that? plus he knows one of my friends and her family!
  4. Yeah definitely, I have his mobile number and msn address so plenty of ways to get in contact plus when I am home I live 2 minute walk away from him!!!
  5. Thanks Jess, I am jus keepin my hopes up (slightly). It is jus annoying i am going back up to uni in about a week but I really hope I can meet up with him again before then!
  6. He is average height, quite skinny but not stick thin! short dark brown hair, some facial hair and very cute!
  7. Thanks Jess, yeah it does seem unreal, I jus hope it isnt unreal and that he is genuinely interested!
  8. I am very good thanks, how was your day?
  9. i am great thanks, if u wanna know why look at my long post on the previous page Also, hi Sarah how are u?
  10. Lol,yeah am I that obvious? Glad to hear your day has gotten better! Hi Jess, Hows u?
  11. Awwww...there havent been many men to ever show interest so for him to it is great (if he is interested) it is annoying that I am going up to uni next weekend but hopefully i will meet up with him before i go back! It jus feels so good the thought that there is a chance this guy could like me cos it has been a while since I had the excitement of a new relationship and it would be so great! Anyway, sorry for constantly going on about him I am jus so very happy! Anyway, how is your day going? Liz xxx
  12. Yeah I kept thinking that! He is cute. He is average height, short hair, bit of a beard and average build! He doesnt look like Mika at all but he is good looking! I jus cant believe my luck, I jus hope it is true cos I really want to get to know him better!
  13. Do u really think so? I really hope he is interested! We saw Alien vs Predator 2 which isn't usually my sort of film but it was good! It was me, him and 2 of his guy mates! I am so happy, he seems so nice and I really wanna get to know him more! He works at a pet shop and loves animals (very good thing) and he jus seems so lovely! I really hope he is interested! xx
  14. Lol, of course i forgot! I am so happy, I met this guy last night and I went to the cinema with him and his mates today (he invited me) and I swear he is showing interest in me? well you guys can judge... I was on my way back from shopping last night and I had to catch another train, but all the trains I needed were cancelled, so I was very screwed (no money on me, no phone as I left it at my mates) and no way of getting home so I walk off the platform thinking 'Oh s**t what am I going to do? Then I get chatting to this guy who jus so happens to be wanting to go to the same road as me so he books a taxi and he pays for the fare home! We introduce each other and talk loads whilst waiting for the taxi, and when the taxi finally arrives, we get in and after a bit more talking he gives me his mobile number (he read it out to me so I could write it down and then shows me the number to make sure I wrote it down right, 1st sign of interest???) Then we talk loads more and get to the road we need and get out of the taxi and talk loads there, then he asks if I am free tomoz, and if so would I like to go with him and his mates to the cinema! I said that sounds good and he told me to text him which is when I pointed out would have to use an online texting site and he then gave me his msn messenger address so that we could chat online and so I could email him instead about tomoz! Then jus as we are about to go our seperate ways,he hugs me Then we got texting this morning and I went to the cinema with him and each time we had to sit down he would make sure he was either sitting next to me or opposite me! Then weget back and he says he will hopefully speak to me on msn tonight and will see me soon! Is it just me or is he possibly slightly interested? He is so sweet, very cute! He is 22 (only 3 years difference) He is currently living about 2 mins from my house (although I am back to uni soon ) and he went to the same school as me! I also believe that things happen for a reason and that it was so freaky that we were both there at the same time, wanting to go to the same place and the trains were cancelled so we got chatting! What are the chances? Sorry for rambling on but I am jus so happy and I really hope he is intereste cos he seems like such a nice guy! What do u think?
  15. Hey guys, How is everyone this evening? Did everyone have a good day??? Liz xxx
  16. Just had a good day! I went shopping and got new phone and some make up and a nice hat! plus I got to spend time with a friend I havent seen for a bout four months! Yeah I have had a look at the thearpy thread, but am not going back there, especially as they are dissing the mfc!!!
  17. Hi I am very good thanks! how is everyone this evening?
  18. Hello....I am back! sorry I went for a bath then had tea and jus been doing lots of stuff since!! How is everyone???
  19. Hey is anyone on? I have had such a good evening!!!
  20. I'm going to go get some sleep! Night guys x
  21. ok, once again ppl are ignoring my questions and posts...that's fine! I will jus go and find another random thread
  22. That is true! Yeah I knew the answers to 3,4 and 5! and I thought the same as u for number 1 but I dont think that we will truly know the answer to number 2 ever, or at least not for a while, but that really doesnt bother me in the slightest, there are much more important aspects to a person than their sexuality!!!
  23. I have had an idea. It would be a challenge but I could re-write some of his songs into poems which would be the character's point of view!! What do u think?
  24. Do u not think he would think that a bit soppy and pathetic??? and Jess it is fine to call me Kit, sounds pretty cool actually! How is everyone??
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