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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. Cool, yeah I am into aromatherapy jus never known where to start, but would love to find out more about that sort of thing! My auntie does Reiki (if thats the correct spelling) which sounds really interesting and if u believe in that kind of thing my cousin can see people's auras! That is probably one of the reasons I would like to find out more!
  2. Cool, yeah I always thought it looked interesting, so are u into that sort of thing, r u quite a spiritual person?
  3. yeah I am pretty sure I saw an ad for it on tv once, Is it the magazine which u collect things like crystals and spiritual things each week???
  4. I have just bought quite a few mfc badges, I jus loved too many of them but have also bought one for an mfc friend who i will be meeting in London in Feb!!! I am definitely obsessed with Mika!!! Oh well, there could be many more things I could be addicted to which would be bad for my health!
  5. Night Sarah, good luck at the opticians tom What u reading Clare?
  6. not really, jus drawing and going on mfc! u?
  7. That has got to be so hard to resist especially if u have lots of free time in the middle of the day! I would think to myself ok what should I do work or shop?.......shop
  8. Lol, I am lucky there arent any shopping centres in the same town as my uni, but in Guildford there are so when I go back to uni I will be soarly tempted to take a trip to Guildford on the train!
  9. they didnt know who Queen were, omg I cannot believe that!! You would have to be even deaf or quite oblivious to life to not know who Queen are!!!
  10. Great shopping centres, that is always very good! I am a bit of a shopaholic! which when u r living on student loans isnt the best thing!
  11. Yeah I agree with that, I live about 50 miles away from uni so wouldnt really want to commute but living in halls is expensive!!! So whats manchester like in general? I have never been there.
  12. Cool, any good??? You living in halls of residence? if so,Where do u live out of term time?
  13. cool, thats not much!! sorry my mind has gone completely blank, which uni are u at again?
  14. Yeah I think I may need to go to M.A also for mfc as well! what was the highest score u could have got in French?
  15. Hey Revica, glad to hear u had a good day! I guess u r still hyper?
  16. Cool, except not about the essay, have u got much more to do on it?
  17. Hi Sarah, yeah I am too! might carry on with my drawing as well as talk to u guys of course!!!
  18. Ah ok then! what else u up to tomoz as well as the opticians?
  19. Don't act the innocent with me, you were searching for me and found me in Clare's chill out!!!
  20. Are you stalking me??? Thats not good, u could always wear contact lenses though at least!!!
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