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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. Thankyou,you are so sweet! What time are u starting to queue at Hammersmith? I am hopefully starting around 2pm, so hopefully will get a good place in the venue!!!
  2. Take batteries out of a remote control That is what I usually do!!!
  3. Cos everyone waits until you arent there then the exciting thing happens:bleh:
  4. Ok, I will follow the penguin and would u really mind me tagging along after the gig when u talk to him???
  5. I'm not sure yet! I am still thinking about what to make! I am good at writing so I could write something for him but i need to think about it a bit more!!! awww....the scarf sounds like a really cool pressie, dont worry I wont copy!!!
  6. Well, if there is ever anything i can do to help then I would be more than happy to!!!
  7. Sorry yeah,I have quite a few different tickets for different people so get mixed up but yes I meant for 28th
  8. I would love to wait for him after the gig, especially on 25th, does anyone else want to wait with me?
  9. cool, I am looking forward to meeting you (which of course has to happen anyway as I have ur ticket for 26th) in fact I cannot wait to meet as many mfcers as I can as u all sound like really nice ppl, plus i need ppl around me in case we do meet the main man! I will hopefully have a pressie for him but I am worried I will suddenly come on all shy and nervous about giving it to him so I need ppl who will encourage me to go and give him pressie and maybe be with me when I do!!!
  10. Sorry,i was jus wondering! yeah i just felt he has been such an inspiration to me that i wanted to make hime something to show him my appreciation, not sure what yet i am still thinking!!!
  11. I thought I remembered seeing you posting about wearing a penguin costume, so where did u get the outfit from?
  12. Oh my god Yop!!! You have had the best meetings and I am so so jealous! cannot wait to meet u in Feb, are u going to all three gigs???
  13. Thanks *goes off to read them!*
  14. Ok, I didnt make a fool of myself or I dont have a good memory???
  15. Boring, still stuck indoors so have been on mfc and planning gift for Mika! Clare, why dont u come down for one of the Mika gigs???
  16. Ok I may be about to make a fool of myself, or I am jus about to sound like I have a good memory.....are u the one going in the penguin outfit???
  17. awwww.......thats nice!!! Hi celesteee How was ur day?
  18. Not much,the same sort of things i have been doing for the last few days, stayed in went on mfc, had a bath and have been thinking about possible gift ideas for Mika as I want to give him something at the London gigs but not sure what yet? jus want to show my appreciation for him and his music!!!
  19. Definitely! We need to put our heads together and think of something. I think the badges and mfc flashy hearts are a good idea. Maybe we should also have badges or something with our mfc name on it???
  20. How come? Did he jus come up and kiss you or something? or is there something u dont want to tell us?
  21. We will hold you to that, you do realise? No going back on your word!!! drinks and kisses??? is there anywhere I can read about these stories or will you jus tell us now, yoppy???
  22. I will be wearing my flashing mfc heart, but dont think I will be wearing anything crazy! No worries, anytime!
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