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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. Sounds good count me in!!! I will pm you my address now!!!
  2. Thanks Clare and likewise thanks for your message earlier! made me feel loved
  3. He kissed you???? ok very jealous now! how come he kissed u? Ok, first I am jealous u have met him and secondly jealous for the kiss!!!
  4. Yay, where u gonna post that 600th post??? *drum roll*
  5. To be honest if u wanted to hang around outside the venue after I reckon u would be safe cos firstly u wld be in a group and also there will probably be a load more ppl around as well! So I reckon u wld be safe but jus if u do that jus make sure u stick together and dont let anyone walk off on their own!!! Thats my advice!
  6. Don't worry, you are with other ppl so it will be fine, and also the main worry is travelling through Brixton and hanging around the area but as long as everyone travels in groups it will be fine!!!
  7. Yeah I agree with u there, and maybe all us mfcers should group together at the end of the gigs outside the venues so if any screamers decide to annoy Mika or try anything we can approach them straight away and stop them hassling him the mfc mafia!!!
  8. You are right, meeting Mika is jus a bonus but the main thing is his amazing concert so i am jus going to go to the London gigs, watch the show and if i meet him afterwards, then hey thats great but it wont ruin my night if i dont as i will be so overly happy/hyper from the gig!!!
  9. You know what? That is actually a good idea cos the more ppl with the screaming ppl see leaving the more likely they will be to leave thus leaving space for mfcers to come back and wait patiently and quietly for our fave guy I am not getting my hopes up too much but I wld love to meet him jus to tell him how much of inspiratio he has been and how much I love his songs!!!
  10. wow i am jealous, only 20 ppl, bet that was nice did he stay and talk for long?
  11. that's nice, I would also love to talk to Luke about his music!!! have u heard any of his? i love it!!! it is so good!
  12. Awwww...that is so sweet of him!!! Did he leave it a while before he came out in Brighton? I suppose the longer he leaves til going out of the venue the more of a chance u will be left with more dedicated fans then screaming teenys who jus wanna see a glimpse of him or touch him Am I right?
  13. Lol, but u would be so annoyed if u found you werent speechless, and imagine if he started talking to u and u couldnt talk back You arent allowed to lose ur voice, u r gonna talk to Mika if he comes out after the gig
  14. Sorry to hear that you are leaving, you will be severely missed by us all but jus take your time and I hope you get better soon! But in the meantime, best wishes and hugs to u! Luv Liz xxx
  15. I wonder if they were young teeny boppers!!! There are some girls (and guys) out there who deserve to be shot for bothering Mika and scaring him away from the ppl who genuinely jus want to meet him and say hi rather than grab him and faint!!!
  16. Lol, yeah it may be wise I remember I went to New York in Feb a few years back and it was freezing! about 41 days for me until I see Mika!!! I am very tempted to dress up but not sure yet! But yeah last time I nearly lost my voice due to screaming so much, jus dont scream too loudly u wana be able to talk to Mika afterwards
  17. That is mine main fear as well that I will jus freeze up but hopefully if he comes out after Hammersmith and Brixton I will get another chance to NOT freeze up and talk to him!!!
  18. Lol yeah I know what u mean I love his voice, it is so addictive. 17 days wow!!! U will have a great time, Mika's gigs are amazing and something which leaves u on such a high, I didnt sleep the night I saw mika until 5am that is how hyped up I was! Are u planning on dressing up???
  19. See u later, and I do like swimming jus not at school!
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