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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. OMG would be so jealous if u went!!! I wish i had that sort of money...maybe when I graduate from uni and start full time work ( in 3 years time:shocked: )
  2. Yep...definitely not student prices or that affordable to most! Oh well, it will be live on tv, will have to make do with that unless I go to London and watch the stars walk into the venue...or I win some tickets (I wish....)
  3. Thing is, everyone I know in person I couldn't tell, because my friends and family I trust but they dont know what I have been through and I could never tell them so that's why it is so difficult! I jus need to talk to anyone but not necessarily spill it all on a public forum! Jus someone that doesnt know me that well but would be understanding and non-judgemental!
  4. Yeah I know I jus dont know where to start, there isnt really a beginning and everything is jus building up inside! I do want to tell ppl and I feel that mfc or at least one or some mfcers would be ppl to tell as everyone seems so supportive, and I kinda knew u guys wouldnt judge me, even after finding out the worst of it (hopefully)!
  5. It isn't my ankle though, that jus adds to my problems, it isn't the thing that made me down but jus didnt help to make things better! It is things that happened in the past which have either popped up again or I have been reminded of and things that will never go away! I jus wanna get everything off my chest but I can't talk to my friends or family as they dont know half of the stuff that has been going on, it has just been building up inside, and I havent had a chance to let it out! I guess I am jus scared of people's reactions to it all! Some of it is stuff which I will NEVER tell my parents! But once I start getting it all out I am scared ppl will judge me for the things I have done!
  6. It is jus I have been at home for the last two days with a sprained ankle which means I havent been able to do much thus I have been thinking about lots of bad things that have happened these past few years to me and I havent been able to do much to get my mind to stop thinking about them! I usually go for a walk when I start thinking too much but couldn't due to my ankle! Sorry I don't want to be an annoyance I jus didnt know what else to do than talk to mfcers! I hope I am not being annoyin or bothering u too much! I dont want to make anyone feel down by talking about my problems!!!
  7. Hi sorry jus need someone to talk to, hopefully try and get my mind off things, been thinking about stuff and feel quite low!! How u?
  8. Hey is anyone online who wants to talk? This is the most recent random thread i could find and was hoping someone was online to chat to!
  9. He did mention in an interview somewhere that he will be doing some festivals in the summer but has not mentioned which ones yet! That is all I know, sorry!!!
  10. Yeah I was kind of kidding myself thinking I could even afford a ticket to the Brits, I am a uni student and I am going to all the London gigs so I have to pay for the accomodation so I will have to apply for all the comps I can but if I do win a pair of tickets or even more the other ticket will go to an mfcer no matter what! But the question of who it wld be would be a difficut one but dont need to think about that unless I actually win!!!
  11. ok thanks, I was wondering cos I would have thought if it was true then there would have been more press coverage of it!!! stupid Sun...one newspaper I don't want to work for when I graduate, there is more gossip in their paper than news!!!
  12. Ok,I feel reall bad,I still havent been eating as healthily as I should be, I am still not able to exercise due to my ankle, at least I havent had any more chocolate since....sunday I know I am really awful, but I jus felt real down cos I was on my own, drugged up on paracetamol and ibuprofen and not able to go out of the house due to having to rest my ankle! But it is slowly getting better so I am hoping to be able to get back to running soon! I really need to get exercising, I want to and need to lose weight!!! I jus needed to come on here and say that cos I need to get serious about losing weight so the least I can do at the moment is eat healthily I suppose even if I cant exercise jus yet! Anyone have any advice or words of moral support?
  13. Also, did u know that Mika will be doing a duet with either Rufus Wainwright or Brian May at this year's Brit awards. Accordin to the sun anyway. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/article326316.ece Youh have probably already seen it but jus thought I would post it on here again!!!
  14. It was the same length roughly as the pics of the last concert the cirque de something (sorry cant remember the name of it) But u gotta admit he still looks darn good! If I find pics of the interview I will post them here for u! So,random question but when are u going to start queuing on 25th and where are u staying in London?
  15. Actually that is a good idea and u might be lucky enough to get a few autographs so is anyone up for a trip to London to watch the stars coming down the red carpet? and I will definitely go in for all the competitions!!!
  16. I am not a rich girl and you are very right about that! It's jus the thought of going to an awards ceremony!!! Maybe I should leave it til next year! Still wanna know who else is performing though???
  17. Has anyone got a list of the other singers/bands performing cos I watched it but as soon as I was thinking Mika might be performing my mind wandered and then my dream came true when they said he was performing so I cant remember who else was going to be performing!!!
  18. Now I'm stuck.....£70 is a lot of money but then again u see quite a few performances as well as spotting A LOT of celebs, including Mika who u could see quite a lot! I need everyone's advice...to buy or not to buy? Do u think it is worth it??? Also, would it be all standing or I suppose if u spent £90 u wld get seats???
  19. Seriously, where did u get that price from? Edit: Just noticed it was on the ticket sites!
  20. Ok,I am willing to buy 2 tickets (one for myself and one for another mfcer) they would have to pay me back asap but at least they wld get one, especially handy for those who do not have a debit card. The reason for this is I would LOVE to go, not only for Mika but it would be great to go to (also it wouldnt be jus one song as we are likely to see him receiving several awards ) BUt I do not want to go alone and also I need to know tonight as I will go on the site in the morning and buy them, but I dont know how much they will be and I will not buy them if they are too much! But if anyone is interested in this offer then please pm me!
  21. He wore a white shirt but dont know what trousers as only saw the top half of him but he was looking very well... and very sexy!
  22. Yeah I may have to get extra hard drive space cos of all these photos and videos I find!! :wub2:
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