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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. I twisted it whilst ice skating today, I sprained it quite badly and it is still swollen and painful! the hospital said I have to keep it elevated and rested for 24-48 hours!!!
  2. Thanks, I will let u guys know how I get on with the keyboard! So what is everyone up to tomoz?
  3. Definitely, I really need one!! It wont cure my ankle but one of your smoothies would make me feel better!
  4. Thanks, I will do that! And as I have to rest at home for the next few days may as well start tomoz!!!
  5. Ooooh I like the idea of going to a bar after the Hammersmith gig, I am in London 25th-29th and would love to meet up with ppl! We cld even ask Mika, the band and support act if they wanna come (it is always worth asking, even if they say no)
  6. Do u mean mfc? Yeah I did too and u all came through for me which I love!!!
  7. yeah u can buy a book with the sheet music to Mika's music, have a look in music shops that sell instruments and u may find it!
  8. Thanks, I am now enjoying the chocolate and not feeling so guilty as there is a reason for the chocolate! Now I know why I came on mfc. Thankyou guys i am feeling happier thanks to all your lovely messages! You are all really fab, so thanks!!
  9. Yeah I hate being alone when I am ill or in pain, unfortunately I usually end up being on my own like that as my mum works and my dad works quite a lot as well as lives in a different town to me!!!
  10. Thanks Shari, I am jus taking it easy and hoping the swelling will go down so and the pain eases more I hope!!
  11. It isnt heaven when u dont feel good, I would prefer to have someone around then!
  12. Cool, I will have to get a music book for keyboard, I really wanna buy the Mika music book as well!
  13. Yeah I am the youngest which has its advantages but I hate it when I am ill as my mum works in the day so am usually on my own!
  14. Now that is one thing I hav no idea about, how did u learn the chords did u have a book or anything to help?
  15. Yeah but my brother who lives closest to me is married with kids so not a chance of getting him round!
  16. So how did u guys learn to read music? Did u jus keep looking at lots of sheets of music until u got it firmly in your head?
  17. Thanks, I do feel better now! thats why i came on mfc? u guys are so nice thankyou, all of u!
  18. I would do but the only person at home is my mum and she gives noone any sympathy and would not take to me ordering her about! But may get my dad over tomoz and get him to bring lunch round!
  19. That makes me feel better thanks, am jus very down as I cannot do much at the mo! and yeah tomoz no chocolate, back to healthy eating tomoz but for tonight I need some comfort food, I shouldnt give in but needed it badly!
  20. Thanks! Hope all is going well on the fitness and healthy eating front, mine was before now!
  21. Lol..this is the time I definitely need chocolate! I am still in pain especially when I walk on it and I was going to go for a run tomoz but I cant! plus I havent eaten any junk food for quite a whilse so this is also my treat I suppose!
  22. I suppose that is kind of good if u jus need to rest and take it easy! It is so painful to walk on still so will probably jus stay on the sofa and not move for a bit!!!
  23. I have been bad and am currently eating some chocolate but hopefully u guys will tell me I am allowed to after the day I have had! I went ice skating and I fell, twisted my ankle and sprained it and was at hospital for 2 hours to make sure it wasnt anything worse! So, now I have to rest it for the next 24-48 hours and it is still swollen! Please tell me it is ok for me to eat chocolate, even jus to ease the pain in my ankle and that I shouldnt feel guilty about eating it!
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