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Everything posted by kittie88

  1. Ok, thanks but I think the painkillers are starting to kick in now as pain has eased a bit and am actually a bit more alert!!! I wonder if they have got caffeine in them? I would look but dont want to walk into kitchen to look at the packet so will jus guess that they do as I am feeling more awake!
  2. Nope, I couldnt afford lessons, I am trying to teach myself (especially Mika songs) but I also need to learn to read music as I cannot do that! Dont worry I read it again and I wasnt clear at all so I dont blame i for thinking I meant to other type of keyboard
  3. Ouch that sounds nasty, yeah I wanna keep trying (although I may leave it for a bit!) It has been 2 years since I went ice skating last which was in the Rockafellar centre in New York! But this is definitely the worse injury I hae had! so can u buy those pills over the counter? Yeah you would have thought I would have learnt by now, ice skating three times and hurting myself all three times!!! Ice skating = Pain!!!!
  4. Thanks' date=' I am sure I wil see u on here quite a bit then No sorry I meant learning the musical instument, keyboard! I know I didnt make myself very clear, sorry I may write a lot of things that dont make much sense, the painkillers are starting to kick in and they are strong so may end up talking gibberish
  5. I am currently on Ibuprofen AND paracetamol, so I dont think so at least not that u can buy from a shop! and yeah I am exactly the same, this is the 3rd time and I STILL cant skate, I really wanna be able to though!
  6. Thanks, the annoying thing is this is my 3rd time ice skating and the rest of the times I jus fell over and got a few bruises, and I was starting to get better but I stil havent got the hang of it! It would be great to have your own rink where u could learn without anyone round to see u constantly falling over! I fell over 3 times today and the 3rd time was when I twisted my ankle! I wish I could get the hang of it as I would love to be able to skate but maybe I am jus too big or jus never gonna get the hang of skating!!
  7. Yeah, thats true! I will probably be on here a lot more over the next few days! Also, I suppose it is an excuse to start learning the keyboard!!!
  8. Not really! I went ice skating this afternoon which was great until I fell and twisted and sprained my ankle and had to spend 2 hours in hospital to make sure I hadnt damaged my ankle badly. Luckily it was only a sprain but it is stil swollen and I have to rest it for the next 24-48 hours which means I have to stay at home for 2 days!! It is also still painful although I have taken painkillers!!! But, currently eating chocolate which I shoouldnt cos I am on a healthy eating diet but I REALLY needed it! So that is why I am down so I thought I would come on here so I could talk to ppl!!!
  9. I have had a really bad afternoon, I went ice skating and I was having a great time until I fell over, twisted my ankle and sprained it which means I have to rest it for 24-48 hours now! So now I have a swollen ankle, which is very painful and I cant go out for bout 2 days! I thought I would come on here to try and cheer up!!!
  10. Please say someone is around, I have had a really bad afternoon and need ppl to talk to!!!
  11. Ok, so here is what I have eaten today: 2 bananas 1 fruit salad few handful of nuts 2 lamb chops, a few roast potatoes, vegetables(tea) and that is about it for today!
  12. He did look extra beautiful, I thought exactly that as well when I watched it online!!! and his voice was its usual gorgeous self!!! By the way, Hi everyone!
  13. Hey, don't give up these things take time and u just need to give it a chance, it has only been 8 days and some ppl jus take longer to lose weight then others, I dont lose weight easily either!!! Just keep up the good work I am sure you are doing everything right just continue doing it and if u dont notice any differences after a few weeks then I would reccomend going to your doctor and get their advice! But, keep on going, we are all behind you Liz xxx
  14. As far as I am aware, eggs in moderation is fine! Just not too many!
  15. Thanks Yeah jus imagine they wld be an instant celeb among mfcers!!!
  16. Awww...I can see that too!!! Especially as I jus posted my 1000th post, it would make this evening doubly amazing!!!
  17. Does 999 posts count as a newbie?
  18. What is the time over there then?
  19. neither (dont like gum, i know I am weird) carousel or ferris wheel?
  20. Bold,colourful and getting odd stares for definite (I hate being the same as everyone else) outgoing or confident?
  21. Yeah we are jus following the front page posts but not sure how mods will know who the millionth post was?
  22. Lol yeah! Poor mod! (and poor us for having posts deleted) :roftl:
  23. How big is it Mika? Mika: "tragedy, when the feelings gone and you can't go on it's tragedy" Hopefully some of you will understand the second picture caption!!!
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